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Friday, May 16, 2014

[] Fw: মোদির ভারত জয় আর বিএনপি-জামাতের উল্লাসধ্বনি !!

On Saturday, May 17, 2014 12:25 AM, Muhammad Ali <> wrote:

ডা : মুহাম্মদ আলী মানিক: যেই বিএনপি-জামাত এতদিন ধর্মপ্রাণ জনগোষ্ঠীকে বিভ্রান্ত করে বলে আসছিলো যে আওয়ামী লীগ ক্ষমতায় থাকলে দেশে ইসলাম থাকবে না , আজানের পরিবর্তে মসজিদে উলুধ্বনি হবে , দেশ ভারতের আশ্রিত রাজ্যে পরিনত হবে , আরো কত কি ! আজ ওদের মুখে একি কথা শুনি ! কট্টর মুসলিম বিদ্বেষী , হিন্দু ধর্মান্ধ 'নরেন্দ্র মোদী' বিপুল ভোটে কংগ্রেসকে পরাজিত করে ক্ষমতায় বসার আগেই তারা মোদির বন্দনায় মশগুল হয়ে গেছে। পারলে উড়াল দিয়ে দিল্লী যেয়ে তাকে কদমকুচি করে দুই গালে চুমু দিয়ে আসে ! হায়রে 'ইসলাম দরদী' বিএনপি-জামাত ! বাংলাদেশের মত সাড়া বিশ্বের মুসলমানদের মনে এখনো দাগ কেটে আছে মোদির হাতে গুজরাটের হাজার হাজার মুসলমানের সেই রক্ত ! রক্তের বন্যায় ভেসে গিয়েছিলো সে দিন গুজরাটের রাস্তা-ঘাট , পবিত্র 'বাবরি মসজিদ' কে মাটির সাথে মিশিয়ে দিয়েছিল সে দিন মোদির দল ! তাই, ধর্ম নিরেপেক্ষতার প্রতিক , ভারতে মুসলমানদের 'মান-সম্মান-অধিকার রক্ষাকারী' কংগ্রেসের ভরাডুবিতে বিএনপি-জামাতের 'আনন্দ-উত্সব' দেখে, ওদের আসল চরিত্র আজ সবার সামনে উন্মুক্ত হয়ে গেছে !
বিজেপি কিন্তু 'বন্দুকের নলে' ক্ষমতায় আসেনি। জালাও-পোড়াও , মানুষ হত্যা , সরকারী সম্পত্তি ধ্বংশ করে সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে আন্দোলন করেনি বা নির্বাচনও বর্জন করেনি। গণতান্ত্রিক ধারায় আন্দোলন করে মানুষের মন জয় করে নরেন্দ্র মদির দল ক্ষমতায় এসেছে। তাই বিএনপি-জামাতকে ভারতের নির্বাচন থেকে অনেক কিছু শিখতে হবে। তা না করে তারা যদি বিদেশী প্রভুদের নীল্ নক্সায় সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে ষড়যন্ত্র করতে থাকে , '৭১ এর স্টাইলে নিজেরা হত্যা-গুম করে 'উদোর পিন্ডি বুদোর ঘাড়ে চাপানোর মত', সরকারকে দোষারোপ করে , তা হলে তারা সেই 'পরাজয়ের বিন্দুতে'ই আটকে থাকবে , ক্ষমতার স্বাদ আর পাবেনা সহসাই। মানুষের সমর্থন না পেলে বাইরের কোনো শক্তি তাদের আর ক্ষমতায় বসাতে পারবেনা। জননেত্রী শেখ হাসিনার 'রাজনৈতিক প্রজ্ঞা' র নিকট বিএনপি-জামাত আজ পরাজিত । গত ৬ টি বছর রাজনীতিতে বার বার মার খেয়েও ওদের শিক্ষা হচ্ছেনা , লাজ-শরমের মাথা খেয়ে 'বেহায়ার' মত বিবৃতি আর সেমিনার-টকশোতে গলাবাজি করেই যাচ্ছে।
বিএনপি-জামাতের কথামত বর্তমান সরকার যদি স্বৈরাচারী হত তা হলেতো ঢালাও ভাবে সরকারের সমালোচনা করার সুযোগ কেউ পেতোনা , এতগুলো মিডিয়া দেশে থাকত না ! তাদের কথামত সরকারই যদি হত্যা- গুম করতো , তা হলেত আওয়ামী লীগের নেতাকর্মীরা গুম হতনা , গুম হত বিএনপি নেতাকর্মী আর তাদের কট্টর সুশীল সমর্থকরা ! জননেত্রী শেখ হাসিনার বর্তমান উদার গণতান্ত্রিক সরকারকে 'স্বৈরাচারী' বলে আক্ষা দেওয়া দেখে , হিটলার-মুসোলিনি-আইউব-সাদ্দাম সহ প্রয়াত নেতারা আজ বেচে থাকলে লজ্জায় মুখ ঢেকে রাখতো !
আজ বঙ্গবন্ধু বেচে থাকলে বিএনপি-জামাত নামে কোনো রাজনৈতিক দল দেশে থাকতোনা। টেকনাফ থেকে তেতুলিয়ায় জনগনের স্বতস্ফুর্ত ভালোবাসায় বার বার আওয়ামী লীগই ক্ষমতায় থাকত। বঙ্গবন্ধুর অবর্তমানে তার সুযোগ্য কন্যার নিপুন পরিচালনায় দেশ আজ সামনের দিকে এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে। ভারত পাকিস্তান থেকে অনেক কিছুতেই বাংলাদেশ আজ এগিয়ে আছে। শুধু ভালো নেই বিএনপি-জামাত সহ স্বাধীনতা বিরোধীরা। আর তাই তারা দেশে-বিদেশে প্রতিনিয়ত ষড়যন্ত্র করে যাচ্ছে বর্তমান সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে। তাই এই অশুভো শক্তির বিরুদ্ধে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের পক্ষের সবাইকে আওয়ামী লীগের নেতৃত্বে ঐক্যবদ্ধ থাকতে হবে। ঐক্যবদ্ধ থাকলে বাইরের কোনো শক্তি আর কিছু করতে পারবেনা , যেমনটা হয়েছিল '৭১ এ আমাদের মহান মুক্তিযুদ্ধের সময়।

জয় বাংলা , জয় বঙ্গবন্ধু ,
ডা : মুহাম্মদ আলী মানিক ,
সহ-সভাপতি , যুক্তরাষ্ট্র আওয়ামী লীগ।


[* Moderator�s Note - CHOTTALA is a non-profit, non-religious, non-political and non-discriminatory organization.

* Disclaimer: Any posting to the CHOTTALA are the opinion of the author. Authors of the messages to the CHOTTALA are responsible for the accuracy of their information and the conformance of their material with applicable copyright and other laws. Many people will read your post, and it will be archived for a very long time. The act of posting to the CHOTTALA indicates the subscriber's agreement to accept the adjudications of the moderator]


[] Rule of Lw

Look, I agree with Mr. Motiur Rehman that these two Ladies have been Mainstay of BD Politics but its part of nature of Bangladeshis to become Personality Cult and they are 100% same as all people of world living between 20 and 30 degrees parallel north or south of Equator.
Look at map of world and you would find that my this statement is a fact. All people living between the above-mentioned degrees are either loyal their Monarchs and have Monarchies, loyal to their Dynasties, Pir (local Political or Religious or Ethnic or Cult leader) or certain Political Party.

BD is in northern Hemisphere so, start reading history of people living between those degrees from Far West, Mexico and keep going East until you find no countries reaching after China and Taiwan ...!
Now remember exact words ...!
If even 90% of a country is located between those degrees but not the land, where most of people of that country live, you have to ignore that country, for example almost all the countries of Northern Africa, where all the population lives north of 30 parallel. Now check ...!
Am I wrong?
Do not all people living in those degrees fall in the same category that I explained?

Now if you want ...
* ... to change nature of Bangladeshis,
* ... real Western Style Democracy,
* ... end of corruption etc ...
then, you have to dig BD out and ship it to 40 degrees north or south of Equator because this is where all that stuff exists on world map and nature of people living there is what you want it to be.

Any volunteers to dig BD out and ship it 40 degrees north or south to change nature of Bangladeshis ... ?

Moving BD between 30 and 40 degrees north or south would not help because countries between those degrees have Military Rule, Autocratic Dictatorships, etc all around the globe.
If more Pakistanis lived in West Pakistan north of 30 degrees than in East Pakistan, there would be no Bangladesh and you would be under Punjabi Military rule still just like West Pakistanis falsely calling themselves Pakistanis, when actually they Punjab-istanis.


1. In Mexico, when a Political Party losing Elections for 176 years had become a Cult that it had won.

2. In USA, Americans belong to 3 different kind of people with different natures but since majority of them live in its Industrial Region north of 40 degrees north, it has a Western Style Democracy but its facing serious problems right now as population south of 40 is increasing and its becoming a Kleptomaniac Democracy as its Supreme Court has now ruled that giant Business Empires are also People and have a right to over-rule the majority of Americans and Affirmative Action Program to help Minorities is illegal. 

3. In India, Population is also a mixture of 3 kinds of people but since majority lives in same region as BD, Mexican Phenomena exists and BJP has won twice because it has also become a Cult just like Mexican Opposition that had lost Elections for 176 years.

4. In China, Communist Party hierarchy can not be beaten just like in Mexico or India because majority of Chinese live in same region as Bangladeshis and Indians.  

S U Turkman )


[* Moderator�s Note - CHOTTALA is a non-profit, non-religious, non-political and non-discriminatory organization.

* Disclaimer: Any posting to the CHOTTALA are the opinion of the author. Authors of the messages to the CHOTTALA are responsible for the accuracy of their information and the conformance of their material with applicable copyright and other laws. Many people will read your post, and it will be archived for a very long time. The act of posting to the CHOTTALA indicates the subscriber's agreement to accept the adjudications of the moderator]


[] Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw


I always held the view that you are a very enlightened person. I know for sure that Mr. Saber Hassain Chowdhury and a few other politicians have read it. BNP leader Mr. Moudood Ahmed, now NDP. Leader Oli Ahmed, former Minister Rtd. Col. Jafar Imam (my brother-in-law), my cousin Late Nurul Islam of President of Gonotrantic party and many others have read it.  The point I am trying to make is that the article have had no influence on them. Very few BD politici
ans read newspaper articles primarily because they know it is about them. So, why would they read something that deprecates their character.
A very few politicians have shame as you see that even in an advanced democracy like the USA.
Best wishes,
 Abdullah A. Dewan
Ph.D (econ), M.S (nuclr.eng),
M.Sc (phys., Dhaka)
Professor & Econ Dept Head
Eastern Michigan University

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note® I I

-------- Original message --------
From: Taj Hashmi
Date:05/16/2014 6:37 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Abdullah Dewan ,Matiur Rahman
Cc: Politiconomy ,Syed Hamde Ali
Subject: RE: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

Dear Abdullah Bhai:

I can't agree more with you that "Shame" was a very strong and grossly inappropriate expression, as used by Dr Rahman, only because you were discussing/evaluating the Hasina/Khaleda and their ilk's politics.

A belated congratulation is due to your excellent posting on Shame in the Daily Star. I don't know how I missed this very well-written oped by you. It's simply wonderful. I am sure no Bangladeshi politician has read this piece, and those who have read are again mostly shameless opportunists. Most of them are honest not because they are ethical people or ashamed of plundering public and private properties, but they lack opportunities to plunder.

As per your advice, I have stopped writing op-eds for Daily Star or any other Bangladeshi daily. There is no point wasting one's time in educating or enlightening the bunch of corrupt people. Only God can help them, and it seems She/He could not be more indifferent than what we have been experiencing since long.

Take care!

Taj Hashmi

Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 15:11:00 -0400
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

Attached is an article on "Shame" (Wednesday, July 4, 2007: The Daily Star).
Some of our email linked Bangladeshis think that discussing the regimes in Bangladesh is an act of shame.
That inspired me to attach this old article from the my archive.
The word "Shame" should be used only sparingly when appropriate and may not be used lavishly.

Thank you all and best wishes, 

Abdullah A Dewan
Eastern Michigan University

From: "Matiur Rahman" <>
To: "adewan" <>
Cc: "Syed Hamde Ali" <>, "S Turkman" <>, "Politiconomy" <>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 11:09:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

What a shame that people like you are engaged in a discourse for comparing Khaleda and Hasina regimes! These two ladies and their autocratic rule are not at all worthy of any intellectual discussion - it's a complete waste of your valuable time and energy. Rather, you may consider spending your resources for the formation of an alternative political platform - a peoples' platform - with the objective of removing these two ladies and their worthless family members from the power-politics of Bangladesh. There is no hope for any qualitative change in our country as long as these two families dictate our politics.

I hope you don't feel too offended by my candid comments here.

With regards,

Matiur Rahman, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Austin Community College
Austin, Texas, USA
Phone: 512-809-9370
Fax:     512-906-2708

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 7:59 AM, adewan <> wrote:
I fully agree with your assertions with a "headnote".
Kgaleda regime's legacy vs the present Hasina regime, ceteris paribus, markedly differs  in that two stock market looting, loss of Padma Bridge financing, RAB 's mass murder as in Narayangonj among others,  have dwarfed the mischief and misrule that occurred during the former. 

Although, with lapses of time we all suffer from degree of dimentia, I do not think I postponed my visit to Bangladesh and stopped my writing out of fear of retributions from Khaleda -- Nizami regime for my most critical op-ed. articles in The Daily Star. Today, some of my friends cautioned me about my email comments.

 Abdullah A. Dewan
Eastern Michigan University

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note® I I

-------- Original message --------
From: Syed Hamde Ali
Date:05/16/2014 3:36 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: adewan ,S Turkman ,Politiconomy
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

There are many who would say that the Khaleda/Tareque depredations bring even the Marcoses to shame, and that Sheikh Hasina still has a long way to go before equalling them in corruption. But what is the difference? It reminds me of an afternoon many years ago when I was playing poker with a bunch of friends. My cousin and I were both losing at one point, and he turned to me and asked "How much are you losing?" "One thousand taka," I replied (as I say it was a long time ago). "Ho ho ho!" he laughed gleefully, "I'm only losing 400 taka!" I just stared  at him, and then said "Lucky you." The point is, we are all losing in the end.

From: adewan <>
To: S Turkman <>; Politiconomy <>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

Absolutely not. Where did you get the impression that I implied  Khaleda--Nijami regime was any better? In both instances, democratically elected government  turned into regimes of kleptocracy --
differing only in degree, that is to say  that at the present time Hasina regime's mischief is leading to ad nauseam.

 Abdullah A. Dewan
Eastern Michigan University

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note® I I

-------- Original message --------
From: S Turkman
Date:05/15/2014 7:36 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Abdullah Dewan ,Politiconomy
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

Sure, sure the Non Awami League rule from 1975 to 2005 was the real Democracy, right?
On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 11:04 AM, Abdullah Dewan <> wrote:
The report in the link below gives us some glimpses of the reactions of political courtiers of insignificant parties which are baited with some position and power to form the 14 party grand alliance under Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) leadership. In a country with no rule of law a democratically elected government become a kleptocracy with all its branches: executive, legislative and judiciary get enmeshed in corruption and crimes. There are concerns if Sheikh Hasina is willing (or even has the capacity)  to serve the country's interest ahead of her party's hooliganism.

Abdullah A Dewan
M.Sc(phys), M.S.(nuclr.eng),Ph.D(econ)
Professor and Economics Department Head(i)
Eastern Michigan University
Ph #(734) 487-3395

Politiconomy mailing list

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[* Moderator�s Note - CHOTTALA is a non-profit, non-religious, non-political and non-discriminatory organization.

* Disclaimer: Any posting to the CHOTTALA are the opinion of the author. Authors of the messages to the CHOTTALA are responsible for the accuracy of their information and the conformance of their material with applicable copyright and other laws. Many people will read your post, and it will be archived for a very long time. The act of posting to the CHOTTALA indicates the subscriber's agreement to accept the adjudications of the moderator]


[] Prio Bangla Group is performing on the Fiesta Asia Street Fair, Saturday, May 17 at 11:30 AM at Pennsylvania Ave NW (front of the National Capital) [3 Attachments]

Prio Bangla group is performing on the 9th annual Fiesta Asia Street Fair on May 17, Saturday, on Pennsylvania Ave NW (front of the National Capital) presented by Asia Heritage Foundation. Our group is scheduled to performing for the cultural east stage at 11:30 am. Please join us and encourage the group to promote our true Bengali traditional dance and music in the American main stream.

Stage Location - Fiesta Asia Street Fair is located on Pennsylvania Avenue between 3rd and 6th St. The EAST Stage is located closest to the 3rd St. NW.  Closest drop off is at Pennsylvania Ave and 3rd St or Constitution Ave and 3rd St.

On Behalf of Prio Bangla Cultural Team

[] Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Abdullah Dewan [chottala] included below]

Attached is an article on "Shame" (Wednesday, July 4, 2007: The Daily Star).
Some of our email linked Bangladeshis think that discussing the regimes in Bangladesh is an act of shame.
That inspired me to attach this old article from the my archive.
The word "Shame" should be used only sparingly when appropriate and may not be used lavishly.

Thank you all and best wishes, 

Abdullah A Dewan
Eastern Michigan University

From: "Matiur Rahman" <>
To: "adewan" <>
Cc: "Syed Hamde Ali" <>, "S Turkman" <>, "Politiconomy" <>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 11:09:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

What a shame that people like you are engaged in a discourse for comparing Khaleda and Hasina regimes! These two ladies and their autocratic rule are not at all worthy of any intellectual discussion - it's a complete waste of your valuable time and energy. Rather, you may consider spending your resources for the formation of an alternative political platform - a peoples' platform - with the objective of removing these two ladies and their worthless family members from the power-politics of Bangladesh. There is no hope for any qualitative change in our country as long as these two families dictate our politics.

I hope you don't feel too offended by my candid comments here.

With regards,

Matiur Rahman, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Austin Community College
Austin, Texas, USA
Phone: 512-809-9370
Fax:     512-906-2708

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 7:59 AM, adewan <> wrote:
I fully agree with your assertions with a "headnote".
Kgaleda regime's legacy vs the present Hasina regime, ceteris paribus, markedly differs  in that two stock market looting, loss of Padma Bridge financing, RAB 's mass murder as in Narayangonj among others,  have dwarfed the mischief and misrule that occurred during the former. 

Although, with lapses of time we all suffer from degree of dimentia, I do not think I postponed my visit to Bangladesh and stopped my writing out of fear of retributions from Khaleda -- Nizami regime for my most critical op-ed. articles in The Daily Star. Today, some of my friends cautioned me about my email comments.

 Abdullah A. Dewan
Eastern Michigan University

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note® I I

-------- Original message --------
From: Syed Hamde Ali
Date:05/16/2014 3:36 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: adewan ,S Turkman ,Politiconomy
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

There are many who would say that the Khaleda/Tareque depredations bring even the Marcoses to shame, and that Sheikh Hasina still has a long way to go before equalling them in corruption. But what is the difference? It reminds me of an afternoon many years ago when I was playing poker with a bunch of friends. My cousin and I were both losing at one point, and he turned to me and asked "How much are you losing?" "One thousand taka," I replied (as I say it was a long time ago). "Ho ho ho!" he laughed gleefully, "I'm only losing 400 taka!" I just stared  at him, and then said "Lucky you." The point is, we are all losing in the end.

From: adewan <>
To: S Turkman <>; Politiconomy <>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

Absolutely not. Where did you get the impression that I implied  Khaleda--Nijami regime was any better? In both instances, democratically elected government  turned into regimes of kleptocracy --
differing only in degree, that is to say  that at the present time Hasina regime's mischief is leading to ad nauseam.

 Abdullah A. Dewan
Eastern Michigan University

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note® I I

-------- Original message --------
From: S Turkman
Date:05/15/2014 7:36 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Abdullah Dewan ,Politiconomy
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

Sure, sure the Non Awami League rule from 1975 to 2005 was the real Democracy, right?
On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 11:04 AM, Abdullah Dewan <> wrote:
The report in the link below gives us some glimpses of the reactions of political courtiers of insignificant parties which are baited with some position and power to form the 14 party grand alliance under Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) leadership. In a country with no rule of law a democratically elected government become a kleptocracy with all its branches: executive, legislative and judiciary get enmeshed in corruption and crimes. There are concerns if Sheikh Hasina is willing (or even has the capacity)  to serve the country's interest ahead of her party's hooliganism.

Abdullah A Dewan
M.Sc(phys), M.S.(nuclr.eng),Ph.D(econ)
Professor and Economics Department Head(i)
Eastern Michigan University
Ph #(734) 487-3395

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[] Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

Dr. Rahman:

You could have said "It's disappointment" instead of  "it's a shame" in your comments.'
Thank you,

Abdullah A Dewan
M.Sc(phys), M.S.(nuclr.eng),Ph.D(econ)
Professor and Economics Department Head(i)
Eastern Michigan University
Ph #(734) 487-3395

From: "Matiur Rahman" <>
To: "adewan" <>
Cc: "Syed Hamde Ali" <>, "S Turkman" <>, "Politiconomy" <>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 11:09:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

What a shame that people like you are engaged in a discourse for comparing Khaleda and Hasina regimes! These two ladies and their autocratic rule are not at all worthy of any intellectual discussion - it's a complete waste of your valuable time and energy. Rather, you may consider spending your resources for the formation of an alternative political platform - a peoples' platform - with the objective of removing these two ladies and their worthless family members from the power-politics of Bangladesh. There is no hope for any qualitative change in our country as long as these two families dictate our politics.

I hope you don't feel too offended by my candid comments here.

With regards,

Matiur Rahman, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Austin Community College
Austin, Texas, USA
Phone: 512-809-9370
Fax:     512-906-2708

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 7:59 AM, adewan <> wrote:
I fully agree with your assertions with a "headnote".
Kgaleda regime's legacy vs the present Hasina regime, ceteris paribus, markedly differs  in that two stock market looting, loss of Padma Bridge financing, RAB 's mass murder as in Narayangonj among others,  have dwarfed the mischief and misrule that occurred during the former. 

Although, with lapses of time we all suffer from degree of dimentia, I do not think I postponed my visit to Bangladesh and stopped my writing out of fear of retributions from Khaleda -- Nizami regime for my most critical op-ed. articles in The Daily Star. Today, some of my friends cautioned me about my email comments.

 Abdullah A. Dewan
Eastern Michigan University

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note® I I

-------- Original message --------
From: Syed Hamde Ali
Date:05/16/2014 3:36 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: adewan ,S Turkman ,Politiconomy
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

There are many who would say that the Khaleda/Tareque depredations bring even the Marcoses to shame, and that Sheikh Hasina still has a long way to go before equalling them in corruption. But what is the difference? It reminds me of an afternoon many years ago when I was playing poker with a bunch of friends. My cousin and I were both losing at one point, and he turned to me and asked "How much are you losing?" "One thousand taka," I replied (as I say it was a long time ago). "Ho ho ho!" he laughed gleefully, "I'm only losing 400 taka!" I just stared  at him, and then said "Lucky you." The point is, we are all losing in the end.

From: adewan <>
To: S Turkman <>; Politiconomy <>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2014 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

Absolutely not. Where did you get the impression that I implied  Khaleda--Nijami regime was any better? In both instances, democratically elected government  turned into regimes of kleptocracy --
differing only in degree, that is to say  that at the present time Hasina regime's mischief is leading to ad nauseam.

 Abdullah A. Dewan
Eastern Michigan University

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note® I I

-------- Original message --------
From: S Turkman
Date:05/15/2014 7:36 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Abdullah Dewan ,Politiconomy
Subject: Re: [Politiconomy] Rule of Lw

Sure, sure the Non Awami League rule from 1975 to 2005 was the real Democracy, right?
On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 11:04 AM, Abdullah Dewan <> wrote:
The report in the link below gives us some glimpses of the reactions of political courtiers of insignificant parties which are baited with some position and power to form the 14 party grand alliance under Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) leadership. In a country with no rule of law a democratically elected government become a kleptocracy with all its branches: executive, legislative and judiciary get enmeshed in corruption and crimes. There are concerns if Sheikh Hasina is willing (or even has the capacity)  to serve the country's interest ahead of her party's hooliganism.

Abdullah A Dewan
M.Sc(phys), M.S.(nuclr.eng),Ph.D(econ)
Professor and Economics Department Head(i)
Eastern Michigan University
Ph #(734) 487-3395

Politiconomy mailing list

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* Disclaimer: Any posting to the CHOTTALA are the opinion of the author. Authors of the messages to the CHOTTALA are responsible for the accuracy of their information and the conformance of their material with applicable copyright and other laws. Many people will read your post, and it will be archived for a very long time. The act of posting to the CHOTTALA indicates the subscriber's agreement to accept the adjudications of the moderator]

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