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Thursday, October 18, 2007

[] The Killer Elites of Pakistan By M. SHAHID ALAM

The Killer Elites of Pakistan

The Mercenary State


In Pakistan today we encounter a paradox crying for an explanation; it is a paradox, moreover, whose exploration can bring some clarity to the predicament of the Islamicate today.

In January 2002, when President George Bush defined his near-term agenda for waging wars, he fixed his sights on Iraq, Iran and North Korea: the 'axis of evil,' marked for regime change. These countries were targeted ­ we were told ­ because they were developing 'weapons of mass destruction.' In the case of Iraq and Iran, this was only a cover. More likely, the two countries were targeted because they opposed Israeli hegemony. Perhaps, too, the US wanted their oil.

Oddly, Pakistan was not targeted for regime change. Yes, Pakistan has no oil. But the US-Israel axis could find her culpable on several other counts, each quite damnable. Pakistan is the only Islamicate country to possess nuclear weapons; she was guilty of nuclear proliferation; she was the chief patron of the Taliban regime; she has been accused by India of supporting cross-border terrorism in Kashmir; and, on the first two counts, Israel could tag Pakistan as the most serious threat to her security.

Why was Pakistan not being targeted?

This question has gathered even greater force over the past two years; and for two reasons. After being stalled for a while by the ferocity of the Iraqi resistance, US plans for war against Iran are once again gathering steam. In the past few weeks, Israelis, Neocons, Christian Zionists and assorted hawks have again been baying for Iranian blood. Now, the US Senate too has joined the chorus. On September 26, with an overwhelming vote, it virtually handed President Bush the license to wage war against Iran.

At the same time, there is little doubt now that Pakistan is 'hosting' both al-Qaida and the Taliban. Now rejuvenated, both organizations are operating from 'liberated' territories in Pakistan's Waziristan. More ominously, last July, Pakistani allies of the Taliban dared to challenge the authority of the state in Pakistan's capital. And since their rout there, they have continued to mount deadly attacks on the Pakistan army.

Yet, even today there is no talk of adding Pakistan to the 'axis of evil.' Why is there no clamor in the United States or Israel to invade Waziristan, to attack Pakistan's nuclear facilities, to punish her for nuclear proliferation, or to launch covert operations to seize Pakistan's nuclear assets before they fall into the hands of Pakistani nationalists, the Taliban or al-Qaida? This is the Pakistani paradox.

This paradox has a simple explanation: simple but also indicative of the malaise that afflicts nearly all the Islamicate world. In Pakistan, the US effected regime change without a change of regime. There was no need for an invasion, no need to fire a shot, no need for covert operations. At the first American touch, almost overnight, a terrible beauty was born. Instantly, the US had drafted the Pakistani military, nay the Pakistani state, to wage war against Islamic 'extremists.' The US had gained an army: and Pakistan's military dictators had gained longevity.

The ease with which Pakistan's sovereignty was terminated, the speed of this transaction, and no less the completeness of the foreign take-over, speaks volumes about Pakistan's history, the nature of her ruling elites, the timbre of her 'national' institutions, and the alienation, degradation and dereliction of Pakistan's middle classes. Within a few years of her birth, the state was privatized by landlords, generals and bureaucrats: three factions created, nurtured and guided into positions of leadership by the British.

Instead of mobilizing the people, instead of educating them in the values of citizenship, instead of enriching Islamic traditions, instead of building a national economy, instead of developing indigenous technologies, Pakistan's ruling elites built bridges to the United States, to the US military, to foreign corporations, and to US-dominated multilateral institutions to create a technologically weak, a debt-ridden, and financially dependent economy controlled from outside through local elites.

Pakistan today is the fruit, the logical culmination of the agenda of accommodation launched in the nineteenth century by the two Ahmads of India ­ one founded a college to produce clerks who would be loyal to the British, another fashioned a whole new religion to instill servitude. The glorious hope of the two Ahmads was to serve the Empire. They were Muslims for the Empire. More than a hundred years later, their spiritual progeny serve a different Empire. If they are still around fifty years from now, they will be serving new Empires risen from the east.

For sixty years, Pakistan has been managed by different factions of its ruling elites ­ the military, bureaucracy, landlords ­ taking turns to plunder the people, competing against each other to serve foreign masters, at first covertly, but of late more openly, more blatantly, more treasonously. So complete now is the alienation of the domestic elites from their own society that their bidding against each other, the domestic competition to sell the institutions of the 'state' is now conducted in open view.

In order to stifle resistance, this dependent state methodically creates a weak, alienated, demoralized, and corrupt society. By failing to provide education, skills, and jobs, the state forces people to look outward, to turn to foreign shores for education, for jobs, and cultural inspiration. For every person who leaves for foreign shores, there are ten who are forced to stay at home, and whose education, careers, and very lives are organized around the chance of leaving the country. Pakistani society increasingly consists of would-be migrants waiting for their chance to dash out of the country's airports, ports and border-crossings.

It is the middle classes now who ape the elites, who in turn have been aping their foreign masters for more than a century. As English increasingly becomes the passport to success, they are forsaking their native languages. In the colonial era, the elites sent their children to the grammar schools, the missionary schools, and then they were packed off to Cambridge and Oxford. On succeeding their white masters, these 'whitened' natives brandished their command of English as the visible symbol of their new elevation to power. It marked them off from the 'natives' over whom they now ruled. A new caste had emerged, the native 'whites' segregated from their 'backward' cousins by their alien language, their affluence, their Western loyalties and dress, their moral turpitude, and their Western vacations and honeymoons.

The most damaging product of this alienation has been a deepening intellectual sterility. Despite the proliferation of degrees, every new generation of Pakistanis is intellectually more sterile than its predecessor. Each new generation has eagerly surrendered the traditional virtues of its predecessor without acquiring the virtues of its masters, their scholarship, their energy, and the humanity which they practice among their own kind. The aping and mimicking of the diseases of foreign masters is far easier than the cultivation of the virtues that distinguish them, that are the sources of their power over their dark subjects.

Yet, resistance revives in some troubled hearts. At some point, this wholesale degradation of a society, this prostitution of national institutions, this miscegenation of foreign and native elites, produces revulsion in a few sensitive hearts. It gives birth to anger, art, struggle, new theories, and hopes for regenerating society.

But this regeneration is arduous. The mongrel elites have raised many barriers, they have strung barbed-wire fences with watch-towers across the country's landscape. They have trained a mercenary military and perfidious police, led by officers schooled in the arts of repressing dissent. However, it is not these overt forces of repression alone that weaken and deflect the resistance.

The resistance can stand up to repression if it resonates with the people, if it can engage, stir, and mobilize them behind the cause of justice. But the alienation in society is so deep, the demoralization and apathy so complete that the few sensitive souls who choose to resist are left to twist in the wind, unsupported, unshielded, to be singled out and decapitated by the mercenary military and police.

Yet, Pakistan is not without hope. In one corner of Pakistan, that hope comes from the sons and daughters of the mountains, yet uncontaminated by 'civilization,' firm in their faith, clear in their conviction, proud of their heritage, and ready to fight for their dignity. Though unschooled, they are clear-eyed as the eagle of the mountains. Their poverty steels their determination. They stood up against the Soviet marauders: and defeated them. Today, they are standing up again to reclaim their dignity and their lands from foreigners and native mercenaries.

In Pakistan now, as in much of the Islamic world, the alienation of the institutions of the state has reached its climax. In Iraq, the United States could not have restored colonialism without planting her boots on the ground. In Iran too, they dare not dream of capturing the state without boots on the ground. In Pakistan, however, the task of regime change has been truly a cake walk: it was achieved with Pakistani boots on the ground.

A US weekly, Newsweek, has written that the Pentagon "wants [Musharraf] to turn much of Pakistan's military into a counterinsurgency force, trained and equipped to combat Al-Qaeda and its extremist supporters along the Afghan border." There, you have it ­ dear Pakistanis ­ in clear, bold print. What is this if not a plan for plunging your country into civil war, into a carnage far worse than what the Algerians have gone through?

How is it that the Pentagon dares to make such outlandish demands on the Pakistani army? The answer is simple. They do it because they know for a certainty that Pakistan's elites are eager to deliver; they know that Pakistan's mercenary-generals compete for American patronage; and Pakistan's scavenger-politicians crawl to Washington begging not to be left out of the deals to sell the Pakistani state. Worse, until recently, Pakistanis have watched from the sidelines, or turned away, and let it happen.

For the first time now, a tiny segment of Pakistan's middle classes, the lawyers ­ though still outfitted in the ridiculous black attire given them by their erstwhile English masters ­ have stuck out their necks against the mercenary-generals, against the mercenary military, against the commodification of their state. It is an auspicious turning point for Pakistan.

It is a sign that the Iqbalian spirit stirs a few Pakistanis. And observe what it has already accomplished. A few hundred Iqbalians have put the mercenary-generals on notice. The mercenary-generals postured, they scowled, they threatened, in desperation they turned to their masters for advice, they called up the scavenger-politicians to provide civilian cover. In short, for a brief moment, there was panic in the top ranks of the mercenary military.

For a brief moment only. The mercenary generals will not surrender so soon, or so easily. Indeed, it does not matter if one batch of mercenary-generals departs the scene: many more wait in the wings to take their place. If Pakistanis wish to avert civil war ­ and a bloody civil war it will be ­ then they must steel their hearts, they must gather courage, they must plan, they must organize, they must mobilize to take back their country, their state, and their military: to take it back definitively and with a clear understanding of how to make this nationalist appropriation irrevocable.

The lawyers alone cannot do it for them; when they become too troublesome, the mercenary state will start disappearing the lawyers. Nevertheless, change will come to Pakistan: for those who can read the signs, the writing is on the wall. Pakistan's mercenary elites have hitched their wagon to the US 'global war on terror.' The United States will direct this war, and it will be a dirty war. As in Iraq, American experts in counterinsurgency will not hesitate to turn Pakistan into a Guatemala or worse.

Will Pakistanis dare to exert to make a stand for the change they want? If they choose to stay unconcerned, unthinking, disengaged, impassive, change will be imposed on them by the mercenary state. They will find themselves being dragged through a dirty war: many will loose their lives. Disappearances, executions, arbitrary arrests, in short, state terror will become common: the order of the day.

If Pakistanis dare to change themselves, they can choose the change they want: to make the state work for them not against them, to reclaim history, to become the historical force that produces change. However, this change demands a price, a price in will, values and sacrifice. Pakistanis must search their hearts to revive the fire they have smothered for too long: the will to struggle, to resist, to live in dignity, connected to their history, drawing on their best traditions to forge a future that they will control. If they fail now, the game is lost. It may be lost forever.

Pakistanis can learn from Latin America, whose oppressed peoples ­ in particular, their indigenous people ­ after five centuries of oppression are raising their heads everywhere. Together, they are throwing off the shackles of the predatory state, the mercenary state that collaborated with a succession of Empires to destroy their lives, their hopes, their struggles. Today, they are reclaiming the state in Venezuela, in Bolivia, in Ecuador, in Nicaragua, and they are getting ever closer to victory across the entire continent.

The United States today is powerless to roll back these revolutions. It is powerless because the struggles of oppressed peoples are interconnected, interwoven. When the dispossessed resist in Palestine, when Iraqis battle behemoths in their country, when underdogs make a stand in Lebanon, when Afghan peasants run circles around armies of occupation: in short, when the wretched of the earth tie down the Empire in West Asia, they raise hopes of liberation in every quarter of the world, even amongst the oppressed classes in the very centers of power.

The struggles of the past six years in West Asia have quickened the pace of history: they have opened a window for the liberation of the oppressed peoples everywhere. Just when the Empire was hatching its Project for the New American Century, history decided otherwise. It will be a new century alright, but there is scarce a doubt six years later that it will not be an American century, a reality that Americans should have the courage to accept graciously. Instead, it will be multipolar century, with many centers of power, scattered across all the continents of the world. Once again, power is being decentralized, and we can hope that this new round of decentralization will produce more enduring results than the last one. The men and women leading the new decentralization are a new breed: they have not been chosen by their erstwhile masters.

It is for Pakistanis now to seize this historical moment, to join the forward march of history. The historic changes underway in Latin America, and the new forms of resistance being forged in Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Palestine are delivering new hope, new ideas, and new inspiration to oppressed peoples everywhere. Global empires are too costly to be sustained anymore: that is the singular message that Iraqis and Afghans are delivering to the world.

Will Pakistanis dare to join this universal struggle, harness its power, and seize the scales of justice? Will they follow the lead of the brave lawyers so that the streets of every city, every town, every village in Pakistan reverberate with their cries for honor and justice? Or will they choose to lengthen their vegetative séance, embrace ignominious death, and become the litter in the graveyard of history, their epitaph written by the foreign masters they have served for so long and so well?

These questions are historical: they are also urgent. The choices before Pakistanis are clear: it is life or death. If they fail to act now, they will concede the stage to the Taliban and the mercenary elites. May the Pakistanis ponder deeply for an answer: may they choose to walk in the paths of justice: and may their difficult journey be victorious.

Shahid Alam is professor of economics at Northeastern University, and author of Challenging the New Orientalism: Dissenting Essays on America's 'War Against Islam' (IPI Publications: 2007). He may be reached at
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Re: [] Long distance calling plan from canada

Its cheaper for your relatives to call from Bangladesh than the other way around. It cost Taka 8 per minute if they use 0121 before the Canada area code and #. The call is routed via the BTTB. 

Make sure your relatives calls your 'land phone' #....calling you on your cell phone will cost them 5 times higher :)


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[] That's Life

God created the donkey

and said to him.
'You will be a donkey. You will work un-tiringly from sunrise to sunset
carrying burdens on your back. You will eat grass,
you will have no intelligence and you will live
50 years.'
The donkey answered:

'I will be a donkey, but to live
50 years is much. Give me only 20 years'
God granted his wish.

............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .....

!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

God created the dog


and said to him:
'You will guard the house of man. You will be his best Friend.
You will eat the scraps that he gives you and you will live
30 years.
You will be a dog. '

The dog answered:

'Sir, to live
30 years is too much,give me only 15 years.
' God granted his wish.

............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .....

!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

God created the monkey

and said to him:
'You will be a monkey. You will swing from branch to branch doing tricks.
You will be amusing and you will live

years. '
The monkey answered:

'To live
20 years is too much, give me only 10 years.'
God granted his wish.

............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .....

!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

Finally God created man

and said to him:
'You will be man, the only rational creature on the face of the earth.
You will use your intelligence to become master over all the animals.
You will dominate the world and you will live
20 years.'

Man responded:

'Sir, I will be a man but to live only

years is very little,
give me the
30 years that the donkey refused,
15 years that the dog did not want and
10 years the monkey refused.
' God granted man's wish

............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .....

And since then, man lives

years as a man ,

marries and spends

years like a donkey,
working and carrying all the burdens on his back.

Then when his children are grown,
he lives
15 years like a dog taking care of the house
and eating whatever is given to him,

so that when he is old,
he can retire and live
10 years like a monkey,
going from house to house and from one son or
daughter to another doing tricks to amuse his grandchildren.

That's Life.

Is'nt it ??????????

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Re: [] Long distance calling plan from canada

u will love it.

"md. muminul islam chy." <> wrote:
I am looking for a long distace calling plan from canada. Which one will be better to call to chittagong? Specially which one will be cheaper?
If you guys have any idea, I eill appriciate that.

Abdul Mannan <> wrote:
I tried to open the site but only the banner of the paper is available. Could you please download the article and share with us.


Abdul Mannan

At 08:08 AM 10/3/2007, you wrote:

Interesting article in Pak Tribune......seems like the newer generation in Pakistan is finally realizing the truth behind 1971. See link below

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[] Long distance calling plan from canada

I am looking for a long distace calling plan from canada. Which one will be better to call to chittagong? Specially which one will be cheaper?
If you guys have any idea, I eill appriciate that.

Abdul Mannan <> wrote:
I tried to open the site but only the banner of the paper is available. Could you please download the article and share with us.


Abdul Mannan

At 08:08 AM 10/3/2007, you wrote:

Interesting article in Pak Tribune......seems like the newer generation in Pakistan is finally realizing the truth behind 1971. See link below

Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, photos more.

Now you can chat without downloading messenger. Click here to know how. __._,_.___

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[] Re: VOIP infromation

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Re: [] Fwd: For Mr Helal

Hi All:
Salaam/Aadab. I would like to invite you one last time to our post Eid show in Toronto on the Saturday Oct 20th.
The show will begin at 8 pm sharp.... however, get together and dinner will be starting at 6 pm.
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For Chottalla member across the globe, pls wish us good luck with our show and accept my apology if i'm causing any inconvenience with this mail.
Thanks in advance for your understanding and support.
Fi Amanillah.

Montu Murshed <> wrote:

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Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 18:13:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Montu Murshed <>
Subject: For Mr Helal

Hi Mr Helal,
I live in toronto.I want to know about Eid Reunnion in  toronto.
Let me know Please.
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[] Putin calls U.S. campaign in Iraq 'pointless'


Putin criticizes US campaign in Iraq

By MIKE ECKEL, Associated Press Writer 49 minutes ago

MOSCOW - President Vladimir Putin, in his latest jab at Washington, suggested Thursday that the U.S. military campaign in Iraq was a "pointless" battle against the Iraqi people, aimed in part at seizing the country's oil reserves.

Putin has increasingly confronted U.S. foreign policy in recent months, deepening the chill between Washington and Moscow. Among other things, he has questioned U.S. plans for a missile defense system in Europe and the U.S. push for sanctions against Iran for its nuclear programs.

Putin spoke during an annual question-and-answer session with the public. Broadcast live on state-controlled TV channels and radio stations, the event consisted of people from around the country quizzing Putin on issues such as pensions, public workers' salaries and school funding.

In one question, a mechanic from the Siberian city of Novosibirsk asked the president about comments he said were made some years ago by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who suggested that Siberia had too many natural resources to belong to one country.

"I know that some politicians play with such ideas in their heads," he said, dismissing the notion as wishful thinking, or "political erotica that ... hardly leads to a positive result."

"The best example of that are the events in Iraq — a small country that can hardly defend itself and which possesses huge oil reserves. And we see what's going on there. They've learned to shoot there, but they are not managing to bring order," he said.

"One can wipe off a political map some tyrannical regime ... but it's absolutely pointless to fight with a people," he said. " Russia, thank God, isn't Iraq. It has enough strength and power to defend itself and its interests, both on its territory and in other parts of the world."

Putin suggested the U.S. campaign was aimed at seizing control of Iraq's vast oil wealth, and said a concrete date must be set for the withdrawal of U.S. troops.

"I believe one of the goals is to establish control of the country's oil reserves," he said.

Unless a date for pulling out is set, Putin said, "the Iraqi leadership, feeling (safe) under the reliable American umbrella, will not hurry to develop its own armed and law enforcement forces."

Putin also reiterated his warning against U.S. efforts to put elements of a missile defense system in eastern Europe.

He said U.S. officials were genuinely considering Russian proposals to resolve the dispute. He added, however, "If a decision is made without taking Russia's opinion into account, then we will certainly take steps in response, to ensure the security of Russian citizens."

He did not elaborate on what steps Russia would take.

During the phone-in session, Putin also discussed his recent trip to Iran, which is under increasing Western pressure and scrutiny over its nuclear program.

"Russia is taking steps together with other members of the international negotiations to solve the problem through peaceful means in the interests of the international community and the Iranian people," Putin said.

Threats against Iran, he said, are "harmful for international relations because dialogue with states ... is always more promising. It is a shorter route toward success than a policy of threats, sanctions and, even less so, armed pressure."

Putin, who is widely popular among Russians for the stability and relative prosperity of the country during his regime, has sought to use phone-ins along with tightly choreographed, lavish television coverage to project the image of a leader responding directly to voters' concerns.

He said Thursday that Russia will have a different president next year, reaffirming his plans to step aside but leaving unclear what exact role he might have.

With just two months remaining before crucial parliamentary elections — and five before presidential elections — speculation has mounted about Putin's plans once his second, consecutive term ends in March.

"In 2008, in the Kremlin there will be a different person," Putin said. He also said he expected no radical policy changes from his successor, adding that the next president should "keep the stable course of our nation and continuity in realizing the plans that have been devised in recent years."

Full Coverage: Russia



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[] Fw: [OFA (Unofficial eGroup)] List of illegal university and campuses in dhaka

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From: shahina perveen <shahina@dhaka. net>

Bangladesh University Grants Comission (UGC) published a list of University and Campuses as illigal university. They also request to the students not to admit at those universities or campuses. But be careful, World University Bangladesh is not approved but World University of Bangladesh (5/5, Lalmatia, Block-E, Dhanmondi, Dhaka) is an approved university. The list is given below.

Asian Center for Management and Information Technology
House # 34 C, Road # 6, Banani, Dhaka-1213
Assumption University (ABAC), Thailand
IT Bangla Ltd. 32, Topkhana Road, Chattagram Bhaban ( 3rd floor ) Dhaka.
Atlantic National University
House # 12/1, Road # 4/A, Zigatola, Dhaka
Australasia Institute of Business Technology
Awal Centre (14th Floor), 34 Kamal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka.
Australian National University
Bangladesh Institute of Art Design and Technology
House # 1, Road # 14, Sector # 13, Uttara, Dhaka
Bhuiya Academy
House No-13, Road No-07, Dhanmondhi R/A, Dhaka –1205
Bhuiyan Institute of Technology
House # 50 (New), Road # 27, (old) Dhanmondhi R/A Dhaka
British School of Law
House CWN (B) Road # 35, Gushan # 2, Dhaka
Cambrian College Canada
Plot # 2, Gulshan Circle # 2, Dhaka
CAT ACCA Preston University
House # 107, Road # 4, Block-B, Banani, Dhaka-1213
Central Institute for International Technology
House No # 12/1, Road No # 4/1 (Old), Dhanmondhi, Dhaka –1209
Centre of Management Development (CMD)
House No-47, Road No-3/A, Dhanmondhi R/A, Dhaka -1209
Daffodil Institute of IT
643 Leke Circus, Kalabagan ( 2nd floor ), Dhaka1205
Dhaka Centre for Law & Economics
Under the University of London, 50, Satmasjid Road, Dhanmondhi, Dhaka
House-07Road- 20, Sector-07, Uttara Dhaka
Environment, Agriculture and Development Service LTD (EADS)
House No-11, Road No-07, Dhanmondhi R/A, Dhaka –1205
Foreign Education Services Bangladesh
187, North Shahjahanpur, Khilgaon, Railgate, Dhaka
GESA Bangladesh
Blaiad Mantion (6th Floor), 16, Dilkusa C/A, Dhaka
Global Institute of Resource Management (GIRM)
House No-# 09, Road No-#9/A, Dhanmondhi R/A, Dhaka.
Green Valley University
57/12, East Rajabazar (Panthapath) , Dhaka-1215
Headway Institute of Bangladesh
House No-67/A, Road No-8/A, Dhanmondhi, Dhaka-1207
House # 44, Road # 13/A, Dhanmondhi R/A, Dhaka –1209
Institute of Business and Information Technology, Sylhet
Al-Hamara ( 5th floor ) Zindabazar, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Institute of Management Technology and Reserch (IMTR)
100, East Nusirabad, Nasirabad, Chittagong.
Under the London Institute of Technology & Reserch U.K and Stamford University, U.S.A
James Cook University
Interface Education Centre, Dhaka
Mantrust Institute of Information Technology
House No-42, Road No-7, Block-H, Banani, Dhaka 1213
Maple leaf International Centre for Higher Studies Institute of Law
House No-95, Road No-11/A, Dhanmondhi R/A, Dhaka -1209
National Institute of Business Administration & Information (NIBAI)
167/C, Green Road, Dhaka-1205
Neural Institute of Management & Information Technology
8/1, Aurengieb Road, Block A, Mohammadpur, Dhaka1207
Neural Systems Limited
House No # 50 (New), Road No # 750 ( Old), Satmasjid Road, Dhaka
Newcastle Law Academy
House No-44, Road No-3/A, Dhanmondhi R/A, Dhaka -1209
North America University
3/3, Block –C, Lalmatia, Dhaka-1207
Panama University
Perdana College of Malaysia
House No-CWS (B) 14,Corner of Road 24&33, Gulshan Dhaka -1209
Pitch blend University of Scince & Technology
House # 11, Road No # 02, Sector # 6,  Uttara, Dhaka
Premier University of Technology
13 Bangabandhu Avenue (4th floor), Gulistan, Dhaka
Royal Roads University
Banani, Dhaka
SAFS International
House # 105, Road # 9/A, Dhanmondhi R/A, Dhaka –1209
House #46, Road # 9/A, Dhanmondhi R/A, Dhaka
SRGB-AEC Center for Business Studies
396 New Easkaton Road, Dhaka
The International University
42, Rabindra Sarani, Sector No-07, Uttara, Dhaka-1230
The Law Tutors
House # 25/B, Road # 9/A, Dhanmondhi, Dhaka
The Prograsive Meritocracy Ltd
House # 11, Road # 07, Sector # 6, Uttara, Dhaka
Unique Computing, Rajshahi
B-499 Greater Road, Luxmipur, Rajshahi 8-6000
University of Ballarat
City heart (12th floor) Suit # 6, VIP Road, 67 Naypalton, Dhaka
University of Honolulu
House # 105, Road # 9A (Near Sankar),  Dhanmondhi, Dhaka
University of Luton
Dhanmondhi ( Opt. Star Kabab),
University of Newcastle
House # 67, Road # 5/A, Dhanmondhi, Dhaka –1209
University of North America
Block-C, Banani, Dhaka (Near AIUB )
University of Wollongong Australia
54, Kamal Attaturk Avenew ( 4th floor) Banani, Dhaka
Victoria University Study Centre
House-55, Road-4A, Dhanmondhi R/A Dhaka-1209
Victoria University, USA, Chittagong
House # 522-90 A, Road # 1, Suganda R/A, Panchanlish, Chittagong.
Victoria University, USA, Dhaka
House # 57, Road # 5/A, Dhanmondhi, Dhaka
West Cost University of Panama
13, K.D.A Avenue (Oposite of Hotel Kader) Khulna
World Institute of Business & Technology (WIBT)
House No-11, Road No-4, Dhanmondhi, Dhaka
* Under –London College of Law and Business, U.K
World University Bangladesh
House No-19, Road No 12, (Old –31), Dhanmondhi, Dhaka -1207
Source:http://www.varsitya dmission. com/Ugc_News/

Naushad UzZaman

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* Disclaimer: Any posting to the CHOTTALA are the opinion of the author. Authors of the messages to the CHOTTALA are responsible for the accuracy of their information and the conformance of their material with applicable copyright and other laws. Many people will read your post, and it will be archived for a very long time. The act of posting to the CHOTTALA indicates the subscriber's agreement to accept the adjudications of the moderator]

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