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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

[] Problems of Georgian Moslims

Ethnic Russian Moslims live in Abkhazia and South Ossetia Districts. 2/3rd of Province Ossetia is in Russia but southern 1/3rd in Georgia. Actually both Abkhazia and S Ossetia were part of Russia until Czar of Russia had was told that they were hard to administer because of high mountains between North Ossetia and between Russia and Abkhazia in Winter. It was recommended, they should be made part of State of Georgia. Since those days these 2 Russian Speaking Districts of Russia had become a part of Georgia.
Russians had never been discriminated Georgians. Soviet Leader Marshal Stalin, who had created Structural & Administrative System of USSR was not only born in Georgia but was actually Ethnic Georgian. Then before dis-integration of USSR, the Foreign Minister of USSR, Shevardnadze was Georgia Born Georgian also. Russia forgot that part of Georgia was not Georgian and did not take it back before granting freedom to Georgia. Was that a mistake?
After independence Georgia became cozy with USA and crazy Georgian Government started slaughtering Ethnic Russian Moslims in Abkhazia and S Ossetia. "So much for being nice to us and making us become so educated and advanced Russians ...!"
Russia protested, while ignorant USA issued statements in favor of Georgia without doing any research. Russian Army then, attacked Georgia to free Russian Moslims and USA did not do a thing for Georgia because USA had not wanted to start a 3rd World War with Russia over such a small country Georgia. You see, may USSR have disintegrated but Russia remains the strongest Nuclear Power of the world still. Russia freed those Moslim Russians and declared their region a part of Russia though world has not cared to change map of Georgia so far after.
Then comes another trouble, since neighboring, Chechnya is also Ethnic Russian Speaking Province just northeast of Abkhazia and north of Ossetia, some JehaaDis still terrorizing Russia, reached there and recruited some young Abkhazia Moslims. After some Terrorist Attacks in Russia, when name of their District got repeated again and again, young Russians born and raised after 1990, who had no knowledge of their past History thought people of Abkhazia are not Ethnic Russians and hate against Abkhazia grew in them just because of a few stupid crazy young men of Abkhazia. On the other hand, Russians of Abkhazia and S Ossetia are not even practicing Moslims. Most of them have renounced Islam after reading Qoraan and HaDees in Russian language after 1992 and not even all of their elderly retired men go to Mosque on Friday.
According to Russian Television, now Russian Government wants to create awareness in young Russians that "people of Abkhazia are not Foreigners. They are your Ethnic Brothers with Russian Passports and only their names are Moslim so, you should not be hostile to them, when they arrive in Moscow seeking (better paying) jobs" ... in that fastest growing Economy of Europe that has been granting Immigration to even Foreigners every year at the tune of over 100,000 a year. (2010 Per Capita Income Russia $ 10,460 source World Bank, $ 10,500 source CIA. More than just a few of the Russian Billionaires are Moslims according Forbes Magazine's List of Billionaires, USA. Khan and Jaan are last names of 2 of the Russian Billionaires)
So, this proves, USA was ignorant of the real situation in Georgian Ossetia and Abkhazia and had backed Georgia's slaughter of Moslims wrongfully. On the other hand it proves, Russia has been pro Moslims like she had been in Cold War days. Who else was providing Arms and Ammunition to PLO but USSR?
Who had built world's 2nd largest Dam, Awan for Egypt?
Aid from which country had arrived in Pakistan first after Pakistan was formed?
Who had built South Asia's largest Steel Mill and Machine Tool factory for thankless turn-coat Pakistan?
Who had tried to modernize and built Infrastructure in Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Somalia, Egypt, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia etc?
S U Turkman