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Monday, July 25, 2011

[] Repeat of Afghanistan - Somalia

A repeat of Economic situation that was caused by Taliban in Afghanistan has taken place in Somalia, a Moslim Black country on Horn of Africa. Southern Somalia is ruled by an Al Qaeda Branch called 'Al Shabab' named on an ISI organization of Punjabi Terrorists in Karachi. This Organization has been trained and armed by Pak Army, which used to be in Somalia as UN Peace Keeping Force. Most of Somalia otherwise is in control of Moderate Moslim Regime that is recognized by UN and helped by majority Christian Ethiopia. US Drone Attacks on Al Shahab, whenever it tries to enter region of legitimate government of Somalia.  For US Drone Intervention in Somalia JehaaDis on Internet have accused USA for trying to take over Somali Oil Well, when the fact is, there is no Oil in Somalia.
Some Al Shahab Somali Gangs near Sea Shore are Multi Millionaires and they drive Mercedes and Jaguar cars because they have been pirating passing-by un-armed ships in Red Sea, collecting hundreds of millions of dollars ransom every year for last few years but rest of Somalis have remained Dirt Poor. No statements of any Moslim Countries have been issued condemning Moslim Somali Pirates but without any evidence, JehaaDi Organizations have declared them at JehaaD against Foreigners, who were polluting Somali Shores.

Al Shahab prompt Looting of Farmers at Harvest Time every year has caused Farmers to stop growing Food in Southern Somalia, the region they had taken over. Southern Somalia faced lack of Food, looting, rape of Females and killings so, a million Southern Somalis have fled to neighboring Christian countries Ethiopia and Kenya and more are arriving everyday. These countries are keeping them  in Refugee Camps being helped by Red Cross and other Western Charitable organizations. UN Chief Mr. Bon Ki Moon has requested the rich countries for $ 600 million Charity of Emergency Aid.
Somali African Blacks are 100% Moslims but no Moslim Country has sent any Volunteers, Nurses, Doctors or Food Charity for last one year to any of those Camps. On request of Kenya and Ethiopia, to stop inflow of Refugees, whenever UNO has tried to enter Southern Somalia to distribute Food, its Trucks have been shot at by Al Shahab, not letting Food reach the starving masses. Allaho Akbar ...!

S U Turkman from Kenya.