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Monday, June 28, 2010

[] Controlling The Minds Of The Masses: How It Is Done And Why

"Mind Control" is a loaded term, often associated with science fiction and the fantastical by people who are not aware of its very real history.  Images of Orwell's "1984" or Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" are conjured; dystopic nightmare landscapes assumed only possible in pulp literature.  What many people do not know or realize is that these books were based on actual ideas and theories that had been put forward by social and scientific elites for decades, and in some cases, centuries.  The desire of the "ruling class" to understand the mechanics of the human mind has left a trail of misery dating back to earliest recorded history.  It was not enough for them to subjugate the masses through force; the Elites wanted the people to accept their slavery, to integrate it into their psyches.  They wanted us to be "thankful" for our servitude, for only then, would they truly be in control of the world.

To understand where this obsession with mind control comes from and how it works, we must first start at the beginning…

The Genius And The Horror Of Babylon

Babylon was the first of what we would now call "urban centers" or city states.  Until Babylon, most of the human world lived in closely knit tribal societies composed of several families or "clans."  The Sumerians had set the first foundation stones in the formation of a new political and social architecture–the empire–but this architecture was not fully realized until Babylon.

Babylonian society achieved several things in the process of mass mind control, but its greatest accomplishment was taking the first step towards "centralization."

With the construction of Babylon, the sovereignty and relative independence of the tribal system ended.  Before this, many tribes were nomadic, laying claim to no specific plot of land, and surviving by hunting, foraging, and some animal domestication.  This method of life is considered by most of us today to be highly primitive and ineffective (perhaps because most people know nothing about it), but it also had many merits.  With Babylon came the centralization of tribes into the faceless and careless recesses of urban life.  Agriculture on a large scale was introduced, not necessarily because it increased food production, but because it tied the people to the land indefinitely through an early form of feudalism (some scientists and historians question whether forced agriculture actually helped or harmed human society).

Instead of the tribal council of elders; a system of leadership based on experience and trust, Babylon gave rise to the first vestiges of "Royalty"– leadership based on nothing but heraldry and bloodlines.  Ever since the Babylonian model was established, societies have deferred authority to centralized governments composed of men that have little if any legitimate respect or connection to the people they govern (with only a few exceptions in history).  The rulers became almost faceless deities that cast laws and lightning bolts down on the masses from some unreachable Olympus, floating high above the toil and worry of the serfs and slaves.  This mentality in regards to our government continues today.

Babylon also introduced the centralization of religion.  Instead of a rich tapestry of many different tribal belief systems, all people absorbed into Babylon were indoctrinated into a single religious system.  This religion was built on a "pyramid structure" in which the priests held incredible social sway.  The secrets of their religion (often termed "mysteries") were reserved for only those priests at the top of the pyramid.  All others in the priesthood were carefully chosen and inducted through a series of "tests," mostly psychological in nature.

This system of compartmentalization was the key to the priesthood's control over the minds of the masses.  Knowledge in fields such as mathematics, navigation, astronomy, and other early sciences, were kept from the commoners and slaves, giving the priesthood and the royalty incredible power over their subjects.

These methods were carried on by elites in various empires to come, and perfected by the ancient Egyptians, who found a way to combine the centralization of Royalty and Religion into the creation of "God Kings"; human leaders who were also treated by the masses as living gods.

The startling allure of early Christianity was probably in part due to the priesthoods of these empires and their abuses of the people.  Christianity (at first) destroyed the paradigm of the pyramid structure in religion.  It claimed no "mysteries," and said that there should be no hidden and exalted order of priests, that all the beliefs and knowledge of religion should be open to everyone.  Of course, this changed centuries later when Christianity was co-opted by the same elites they were trying to fight, but we will cover this in a later article.

The root methods of mind control were born in the ancient mystery sects of Babylon and Egypt.  This is where symbolic structures in the unconscious, now called "Archetypes," were first studied and utilized.  This is where tactics such as "Pageantry" and early forms of the Hegelian Dialectic were first practiced.  These same techniques designed thousands of years ago are still used today, but with new and frightening technological efficiency.

Archetypes: A Map To The Mind, Or Perhaps Even The Soul

Archetypes are structures of knowledge inherent in the human mind from the moment we are born into the world.  They were first fully explored in a scientific manner by the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.  Jung found during his decades of study into the unconscious mind that there within existed a series of symbols with built in psychological implications.  These symbols were adapted by various archetypal structures that exist in our psyches from birth, and they are common to every human being regardless of environmental conditions, historical background, or cultural background, meaning they are universal.   They make their home in our unconscious minds and are most visible in our dreams, art, and religions.  In fact, all successful religions are built upon Archetypal Symbolism.

No one knows yet where archetypes come from, and how they are present in our psyches at birth, but the fact is, they are there.  Here are some interesting articles explaining more on specific Archetypes and what they represent:

Jung found that these symbols are deeply effecting when a person experiences them in their daily life.  They tend to evoke intense emotions and personal connection.  Those who are not aware of how archetypes affect them can be easily swayed or manipulated by archetypal events or imagery.  Jung's form of psychology was based around the idea that these inborn structures of information could be used to cure mental illness if patients were forced to examine themselves and their unconscious more closely.  To this day, Jungian psychology remains far more effective in treating imbalances such as schizophrenia than any pharmaceutical ever marketed by mainstream psychiatry.  However, Jung was startled early in his work to find that he was not the first to utilize archetypes as keys to opening doors in the mind.  There had been others long before him…

A Scientific Basis For The Occult?

Jung continued to return to two ancient belief systems when looking for clues on how archetypes operate; Hermetics, and Alchemy.  These systems existed in pre-biblical times, yet shockingly, seemed to employ the same methods of examining unconscious symbolism that Jung would stumble upon thousands of years later.

When the ancient and exclusive priest sects of Babylon and Egypt were practicing their rituals and symbolism to influence the masses, were they actually using an early form of Jungian Psychology?  Was it possible that occult groups and their "magical" qualities were not really magical at all, but the expert use of archetypal symbols to manipulate the minds of their followers?  Was this the great secret that they were trying to hide from the commoners?

A close examination of occult belief systems is very revealing.  Occult symbolism matches and catalogs many of Jung's archetypes perfectly.  In fact, looking through the Arcana of a tarot card deck (and their meanings) is like looking through a list of symbols and themes Jung found to be common in the dreams of every human being:

Imagine having the knowledge of archetypes and how they effect people emotionally 3000 years ago.  Your ability to influence the minds of others would certainly appear to be nothing short of "wizardry!"  Of course, just because the elites of old used archetypal symbols doesn't necessarily mean they knew exactly what they were doing or why it worked, so let us jump ahead to the middle ages and the renaissance for more evidence…

Freemasons And The Use Of Archetypes

The occult practices of ancient Babylon, Egypt, and Greece, did not disappear after the deaths of those empires, but were carried on by secret societies throughout the Middle Ages, including the Rosicrucians, and the Freemasons.  It is hard to say whether or not these societies are directly descended from the mystery schools of old, or if they simply adapted the same beliefs centuries later.  However, the Freemasons themselves declare that they and their practices are directly descended from the religious orders of Babylon and Egypt:

"Masonry stands in this tradition; and if we may not say that it is historically related to the great ancient orders, it is their spiritual descendant, and renders much the same ministry to our age which the Mysteries rendered to the olden world."
–Joseph Fort Newton, 33″ Mason, from his book "The Builders"
"Study of spiritual realities found in Masonry reveals that we have perpetuated and increasingly activated the essential principals of the ancient Mystery Schools which have existed from the very earliest times."
–Foster Bailey, from his book "The Spirit of Masonry"

When entering Freemasonry, initiates must take the "Oath of Nimrod."  Nimrod is purported to be the first king of Babylon.  This is admitted in their own literature, which you can see here:

Oath of Nimrod
Apprentice Degree (1st).
I, _______, do in the presence of El Shaddai and of this Worshipful Assembly of Free Masons, Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers, promise and declare that I will not at any time hereafter, by any act or circumstance whatsoever, directly or indirectly, write, print, cut, mark, publish, discover, reveal, or make known, any part or parts of the Trade secrets, privileges, or counsells of the Worshipful Fraternity or Fellowship of Free Masonry, which I may have known at any time, or at any time hereafter shall be made known unto me.
The penalty for breaking this great oath shall be the loss of my life.
That I shall be branded with the mark of the Traitor and slain according to ancient custom by being throtalled, that my body shall be buried in the rough sands of the sea a cable's length from the shore where the tide regularly ebbs and flows twice in the twenty-four hours, so that my soul shall have no rest by night or by day–
(Candidate Signs the O.B.)
Given under my hand and sealed with my lips, this day of 1913.
So help me El Shaddai and the holy contents of this book.
There are indeed many reasons why the present volume should be generously circulated among all classes of students of the Occult and Mystic, especially the members of the Masonic bodies.
The vast majority of Masons smile with derision when the term "Occult Science" is used in connection with the Mysteries but, despite this, if it had not been for the Occult Fraternities, Masonry could not have existed.
"All Masonry of the past dealt largely with the ethics and symbolism of the Ancient Mysteries. If the Masons of the present age will but seek for the spirit of the symbolism upon which the degrees are based, the grandest achievements in the knowledge and reconstruction will be possible and the mysteries concealed in the Greater Mysteries of Antiquity will be recovered to them."
–Mason R. Swinburne Clymer, M. D., from his book "The Mysticism of Masonry"
"The universal sentiment of the Freemasons of the present day is to confer upon Solomon, the King of Israel, the honor of being their first Grand Master. But the legend of the Craft had long before, though there was a tradition of the Temple in existence, given, at least by suggestion, that title to Nimrod, the King of Babylonia and Assyria. It had credited the first organization of the fraternity of craftsmen to him, in saying that he gave a charge to the workmen whom he sent to assist the King of Nineveh in building his cities.
That is to say, he framed for them a Constitution, and, in the words of the legend, this was the first time that ever Masons had any charge of his science. It was the first time that the Craft was organized into a fraternity working under a Constitution of body of laws. As Nimrod was the autocratic maker of these laws, it necessarily resulted that their first legislator, creating laws with his unlimited and absolute governing power, was also their first Grand Master."

The point here is, the Freemasons follow the teachings of the ancient mystery sects, and these sects dealt deeply in the use of archetypes.  Therefore, the elites of today, many of whom are heavily involved in Freemasonry, would also be steeped in archetypes and their influence on the human mind.  Here is an interesting article written by a Freemason on Masonry's relationship to the symbols of the Tarot, which we discussed earlier:

The best example of Elites using an archetypal image to manipulate the masses is also the most recent.  The 9/11 false flag attacks present a highly organized and deliberate use of symbolism to force a particular emotional response from the majority of Americans.

I have often heard the question; "Why didn't the elites just allow the planes to hit the towers?  Why also use nanothermite (military grade thermite) to cause a near uniform demolition?"*

There is a very good reason for the use of demolitions on 9/11, but it is primarily psychological, and not strategic.

The Tower is itself a very powerful archetypal symbol.  In dreams it represents a striving for knowledge and wisdom, or an accomplishment or progress in one's own psychological development.  The collapse of a Tower in a dream can represent a severe psychological break, a feeling of failure and disappointment, or even herald the formation of a mental illness such as depression or schizophrenia.  In dreams, the archetype takes shape and then affects our mental state in our waking life.  But what happens when an archetypal event is created right in front of our very eyes?

This was the main purpose of 9/11, and the need for demolitions to cause a total collapse.  If demolitions had not been used, the WTC would have only partially collapsed, as it was designed to do in the event of an airplane strike according to the men who engineered the towers themselves.  If a partial collapse occurred, the psychological effect would be muted.  American's reasoning and psychological defenses would not have been broken down, because the "Archetypal Event" would not have been complete.  The towers had to collapse completely in order for the archetypal symbolism to be successful, allowing for easy manipulation of the masses.  In fact, if the towers had been hit and they remained standing, I do not believe Americans would have been at all susceptible to the idea of war, and we would certainly not be in Iraq today, nor would we have accepted the formation of the Patriot Act, which gives the Executive Branch wide ranging and nearly dictatorial powers.  This is the influence of archetypes when used by skilled practitioners for ill purpose.

But this is only the beginning…..

Freemasons And Sacred Geometry

It has been proven that our minds are hard wired with not only archetypal symbols, but mathematical and geometric understanding as well.  We covered this in the first episode of our film series Sons Of Darkness, Sons Of Light.

Amazonian tribes in Brazil have been shown by recent studies to have inborn knowledge of geometry and mathematics their cultures had never been exposed to before.  Also, in studies of baby's emotional reactions to faces, it has been found that newborns recognize and prefer those faces which are mathematically symmetrical in bone structure.  Meaning, babies who have never been taught mathematical concepts are born with the ability to recognize geometric shapes, and are affected emotionally by them! This inborn sense of geometry can even cause us to view some people as "physically attractive" and others as "physically unattractive":

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but in fact, it would appear that our unconscious is already predisposed to gravitate towards mathematically sound forms.

Enter Freemasonry, and the practice of "Sacred Geometry."

Sacred Geometry is one of the foundations of Masonry, and is the "spiritual" practice of mathematics.  Made prominent in the time of Pythagoras and Euclid in ancient Greece, geometry and other mathematics were practiced as a form of religion, instead of science as we know it today.  The shapes inherent in calculations like Pythagoras' "Golden Rectangle" are used often and deliberately in Masonic buildings and even in art, like that of Leonardo Da Vinci.  Here is an article written by a Mason on the subject:

Freemasons are well aware of the psychological effect that certain geometric structures and images can have on the human mind, and these shapes and forms are present in all their buildings.  Entire cities have even been designed by Masons using sacred geometry.  For example, Washington D.C. was designed by the Freemason, Pierre L'enfant, and the deliberate Masonic symbolism used is obvious:

A good example of a building constructed using sacred geometry for psychological effect is the Christ Church, Spitalfields in London, made famous because it lay exactly in the center of the murders perpetrated by the infamous "Jack the Ripper."  It was designed by Nicholas Hawksmoor, a Freemason.

From an architectural point of view, the church is very imposing and emotionally affecting, even frightening!  It seems to draw the life out of its surroundings.

Imagine now the use of sacred geometry in other visual arts, such as media and film.  Could certain geometric principles be used in media to evoke a specific emotional response from viewers, just like Hawksmoor's churches?

Actually, they already are!  Just read any book on visual marketing:

The use of archetypes and geometric symbols in a subliminal way brings us to another form of mind control, and yet another Freemason…

Mesmer, Hypnosis, And Subliminal Messaging

"…the real origin and essence of the hypnotic condition, is the induction of a habit of abstraction or mental concentration, in which, as in reverie or spontaneous abstraction, the powers of the mind are so much engrossed with a single idea or train of thought, as, for the nonce, to render the individual unconscious of, or indifferently conscious to, all other ideas, impressions, or trains of thought. The hypnotic sleep, therefore, is the very antithesis or opposite mental and physical condition to that which precedes and accompanies common sleep…"
James Braid, Founder of Hypnotism

Hypnotism, as discovered by Scottish physician James Braid, is a not necessarily a drifting of the mind into unconsciousness, but an extreme focusing of consciousness to a single point.  This focusing of consciousness caused all other information gathered by the senses to be "overlooked."  Meaning, a person under hypnosis is so focused on a single point that their consciousness is unable to recognize other stimuli, making them highly suggestible.  Because their entire consciousness is focused on one point, they do not realize that messages are being implanted, or information is being extracted by the hypnotist.

Braid's work was directly influenced by the studies of Franz Anton Mesmer, a Freemason.  Mesmer used a form of hypnotism, mainly as a method to make the sick believe they had been healed or cured.  An entire school (some would say cult) of thought built up around Mesmer's practices, and the term "Mesmerism" was born:

The use of hypnotism is directly linked to the study of subliminal messaging.  Creating a state of hyper-focus on a simplistic point in a person's mind allows for numerous messages to be sent into the brain without that person being aware:

Most people have heard of subliminal messaging in advertising, and the "25th Frame" tactic, which hides an image in the 25th frame of a video or film broadcast.  The frame moves by so quickly that the message does not register consciously, but subconsciously, it is imprinted in the brain.  Some people are easily influenced by this method, while others are not.

Television is perhaps the greatest hypnotic tool ever devised, allowing for intensive subliminal manipulation to occur.  Think back to the last time you watched television.  Remember any moments in which you lost all track of the world around you?  Remember a family member trying to get your attention, yet you were "mesmerized?"  Television causes the mind to settle into a narrow focus, much like hypnosis, making the mind open to suggestion.

This suggestion does not even need to come in the form of hidden images or reverse audio messages.  It could be a carefully chosen talking point repeated several times in the same news broadcast.  Even the scrolling "ticker" at the bottom of a FOX or CNN news program could be used to insert manipulative messaging.

Projects, government and commercial (same thing), still exist today which seek to streamline and perfect the use of subliminal messaging to control the human mind.  In September of 2007, Wired Magazine published an article on Semantic Stimuli Response Measurements Technology, or SSRM Tek, being studied at the Psychotechnology Research Institute in Moscow.  The laboratory's stated goal is experimental use of subliminal messaging and suggestion to control the human mind:

The Psychotechnology Research Institute has been linked closely with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the DHS has even announced plans to award a sole-source contract to conduct the first U.S.-government sponsored testing of SSRM Tek.  Their stated reason for wanting mind control technology:  "to defend America against terrorists."


One of the favored methods used by elites to effect people on a mass scale is Pageantry; the ability to create an entire environment that overloads the five senses and the unconscious mind with subliminal and archetypal messaging.  The most successful example of expert pageantry is probably the formation of Nazi Germany, financed by elites from around the globe, including the Rockefeller Family through their company Standard Oil, as proven by the "Von Knieriem Documents" discovered during the Nuremberg Trials:

The entire Nazi ideology was founded on principles supported by the Rockefellers and other elites, along with the archetypal mythologies touted by the Theosophical Society.  Numerous symbolic images like the Swastika (black sun) or the lightning bolt-like symbol for the SS (a rune symbol) were taken directly from occult history and used masterfully to build an environment rich in archetypes.  Jung, who witnessed the transformation of Germany, despaired at the use of archetypes in the destruction of Europe:

"If thirty years ago anyone had dared to predict that our psychological development was tending towards a revival of the medieval persecutions of the Jews, that Europe would again tremble before the Roman fasces and the tramp of legions, that people would once more give the Roman salute, as two thousand years ago, and that instead of the Christian Cross an archaic swastika would lure onward millions of warriors ready for death — why, that man would have been hooted at as a mystical fool."
–Carl Gustav Jung

Another purpose to pageantry and ceremony is to influence people to experience what Jung called the "Collective Unconscious," an intuitive psychological network to which all people are unconsciously connected.  Most of us are only vaguely aware of this connection, but the evidence of its existence can be seen in the identical archetypal symbolism of every culture at any point in history.

Almost every religion uses symbolic ceremony to create a collective experience of the unconscious.  These ceremonies can help people to better understand themselves, and their relationship to humanity as a whole, however, such pageants can also be used to enslave the minds of an entire group through a collective sense of fear, guilt, and rage.  This is why many of the ancient mystery sects of Babylon and Egypt used human sacrifice during ceremony.

It is normally written off by historians as zealotry and lunacy, but there is a very tangible purpose behind sacrificial ceremonies.  The act of collective murder is incredibly invasive and can put an unbreakable stranglehold on the psyches of those who participate.  Often, these ceremonies are meant to create a rift which allows people to ignore conscience; the intuitive and inborn force which helps us to find peace and balance.  The witnesses and perpetrators of such an event are often bound emotionally for years or even decades after.

That is why the Global Elites of today still portray sacrifice in their pageants, like the "Cremation of Care" (cremation of conscience) ceremony at Bohemian Grove in Northern California, which many U.S. presidents have attended, including George W. Bush.  Take note of the numerous references to Babylon in this ceremony, as well as the stone statue of Moloch, the Babylonian god of death and sacrifice.

Another elitist group that still uses sacrifice in effigy (perhaps real as well) is the Skull and Bones Society which holds in its ranks such well known politicians a George H.W. Bush, George W Bush, and John Kerry.

The idea that our world leaders even pretend to commit acts of human sacrifice should be extremely disturbing to anyone who understands the psychological implications of pageantry and mind control.  No leader of men should be separated from his conscience.


Perhaps the pinnacle of all exposed government sponsored mind control programs was MK-ULTRA, a multifaceted project spread across several countries utilizing every method of psychological manipulation mentioned in this article, as well as others not mentioned.

MK-ULTRA was a CIA based program started officially in 1953 and continued at least through the 1960's.  It employed scientists (some human rights criminals and murderers) smuggled from Nazi Germany after the war through Operation Paper Clip.  The experiments of MK-ULTRA, under the supervision of men like Dr. Sidney Gottliebb and Dr. Ewen Cameron,  often used unsuspecting people as guinea pigs, exposing them to forced drugging, subliminal messaging, and even torture.  Some believe these experiments continue today under a different name. 

In the early 70's, victims of these experiments began to come forward, and in response, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK-ULTRA files destroyed. Only a bare skeleton of files remain to help us understand what really happened.  You can view all of those documents here:

Project MK-ULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 as Congress was forced to acknowledge the numerous victims coming forward to tell their story.  The resulting government "investigation" was mostly for show, and was organized by the Rockefeller Commission.  No member of the CIA or any doctor employed by them was ever prosecuted for their crimes.

Defense Against Mind Control Methods

The first step in defending against manipulation is of course to first understand the methods used by manipulators to get what they want.  After careful study, you should be able to easily pick out key phrases, archetypal symbols, subliminal messages, and other devices when you are confronted by them.  It is interesting to examine these methods in depth and then go back out into the world of media and propaganda.  You may be startled by what you see on the T.V. and in the streets that you did not notice before.

The other defense against mind control was actually realized by Carl Jung.  Jung found that those people who used Archetypal Psychology for good, those who used it to understand themselves and their inborn qualities, were actually incredibly resistant to manipulation and subversion.  They could not be caught in the fervor of an archetypal event, because they knew their own unconscious so well.  These men and women were psychological mountains, immovable spires of mental strength that could not be changed and controlled by others.  For those not yet self aware, the mind remains a subtle and mutable form, a delicate instrument that expresses the contents of the spirit, but hard to predict and defend.  Knowing one's self is the key to breaking from the poisonous circle of psychological manipulation, and to expel the habit of apathy that settles human beings into tyranny.  To win liberty back from the clutches of elites, we must first WANT to be free, and the path to freedom begins in the minds and the hearts of men.

"Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise."
–Adolf Hitler



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