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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

[] Re: [] Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran

Dr. Manik
-------------- Original message from Syed Aslam <>: --------------

 Times Online

Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran

The head of Mossad, Israel's overseas intelligence service, has assured Benjamin Netanyahu, its prime minister, that Saudi Arabia would turn a blind eye to Israeli jets flying over the kingdom during any future raid on Iran's nuclear sites.

Earlier this year Meir Dagan, Mossad's director since 2002, held secret talks with Saudi officials to discuss the possibility.

The Israeli press has already carried unconfirmed reports that high-ranking officials, including Ehud Olmert, the former prime minister, held meetings with Saudi colleagues. The reports were denied by Saudi officials.

"The Saudis have tacitly agreed to the Israeli air force flying through their airspace on a mission which is supposed to be in the common interests of both Israel and Saudi Arabia," a diplomatic source said last week.

Although the countries have no formal diplomatic relations, an Israeli defence source confirmed that Mossad maintained "working relations" with the Saudis.

John Bolton, the former US ambassador to the United Nations who recently visited the Gulf, said it was "entirely logical" for the Israelis to use Saudi airspace.

Bolton, who has talked to several Arab leaders, added: "None of them would say anything about it publicly but they would certainly acquiesce in an overflight if the Israelis didn't trumpet it as a big success."

Arab states would condemn a raid when they spoke at the UN but would be privately relieved to see the threat of an Iranian bomb removed, he said.

Referring to the Israeli attack on an alleged Syrian nuclear facility in 2007, Bolton added: "To this day, the Israelis haven't admitted the specifics but there's one less nuclear facility in Syria . . ."

Recent developments have underscored concerns among moderate Sunni Arab states about the stability of the repressive Shi'ite regime in Tehran and have increased fears that it may emerge as a belligerent nuclear power.

"The Saudis are very concerned about an Iranian nuclear bomb, even more than the Israelis," said a former head of research in Israeli intelligence.

The Israeli air force has been training for a possible attack on Iran's nuclear site at Natanz in the centre of the country and other locations for four years.

Don't Attack Iran!

Grow up Iran is enemy and so are the Palestinians . There is nothing to talk about. Anybody who is Pro Iran and Palestine is enemy of the West. Iranian election is not important. Musavi is no different. Wake up and remember why people come to the West and live a proper life and stop making it wors

Ann, London, UK

In my opinion Iran is right to have nuclear power and work on nuclear programmes.. Saudi government are wrong to give the israel permission to fly over to attach Iran just because one is Sunni and one is Shia government.. A lot of countries already have nuclear programmes why can't Iran.

Rizwan khan, TW4, ENGLAND

As of yet in my fifty years of life, I have never seen these United States ever use nukes in an aggresive stance, only in a defensive stance, to end a war, we didn't want in the first place. If you don't think Iran is a danger, maybe you ought to read The Bible a little more. End time prophecy is on

Tribwarrior, Grand Junction, U.S.A. baby

It is very interesting that most posted views consider nuclear Iran a bad news for the rest of the world. I am totally against any country possesing nuclear arsenal. Fact is that only nation ever to use nuclear bomb is USA. We should fear them more than Iran. Nuclear Israel is equally bad.

Dr Iftikhar, Derby, UK

Its about time Isreal do something about Iran's nuclear threat,we don't need another worped nation with nuclear bombs,it wouldn't surprise me if N/Korea and Iran have already been in secret talks and its just a waiting game......the world could do without this right now!!

cody walker, Bolton, uk

Israel is more afraid of an American friendly Iran than a nuclear Iran. Bombing of Iran would be to push US and Iran apart and strengthen Ahmadinejad's gang rather than destroying Iran nuclear capabilities. As a non Arab, powerful country, an American friendly Iran would significantly reduces Israel's strategic importance.

Jamshid Mavi, London, UK

What amazes me is that no one in here questions why Israel should do the dirty job alone. If Iran riposts Israel is on the front line. Arab countries, the US and the Europeans (France has a base in Abu Dhabi since May 2009) could act, but they sound like freeriders to me.

David, London, UK

Israel must bomb all the Iranian nuclear facilities.

sark, london, uk

So what's new ? Israel is yet another military base under American control, what a joke Biden claims that Israel is free to do what it wants but Iran is not allowed, Israel is a free country but not Iran. Saudi Arabia is yet another American colony and must abide by the American desires . Kudos Iran

Haifa, Ann Arbor, USA

Yes, there is double standard, Saudia, Egypt, Jordan and Morocco are not democracy and never held a free election as Iran.
There is hatred toward Shia Iran among Sunni so called moderates ( I am a Sunni), remember Al Qaeda is sunni organization.

Abu Ali, Raleigh, USA

Basic problem with Israel and the Islamic states is they can't bear having a non-Islamic state in Dar-al-Islam. The rest is details. What Israel has done to Palestinians is nowhere nearly as bad as what, say, Saddam Hussein did to the citizens of his own country. Where were Islamic protests then?

Richard, Horsham,

To John, Fort Lauderdale, USA
How many elections has Saudi Arabia ever held?! Remember Mohammad Khatami? I absolutely hate the current regime in Iran but the regime in Saudi Arabia has NEVER been elected. Saudis dont have ANY say in the running of their country.Probaby it is you that is naive.

Hassan, Sawbridgeworth, UK

To John, Fort Lauderdale, USA
How many elections has Saudi Arabia ever held?! Remember Mohammad Khatami? I absolutely hate the current regime in Iran but the regime in Saudi Arabia has NEVER been elected. Saudis dont have ANY say in the running of their country.Probaby it is you that is naive.

Hassan, Sawbridgeworth, UK

'Moderate Arab states?'' Would you be referring to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or Jordan? Of course these are well known democracies! Seems to me that the term ''moderate Arab States'' is a pseudonym for the corrupt, spineless, dictatorial states that pander to the whims and dictats of the west .

Ollie, Kingston Upon Thames, UK

The Saudis and Israelis have a lot in common. Both are moderating influences in the region, so it is only logical that they cooperate in this way. The sooner the uppity Iranians are put in their place the better.

Abu Wanas, Riyadh, KSA

Yes Gunner (USA)... The rest of the world is thrilled with all of America's handouts: cluster bombs, torture centres, depleted uranium deformities, death squads... We can't get enough of your benevolence. Please don't turn your back on us now...

Tim, Cambridge,

jayil, london.
When did Israel ever threaten to use nuclear weapons? as far as i know they have never officialy admitted having any. Iran is meddling in arab affairs every day through loyal militias. The saudi who said israel is an enemy forgets there is hardly any tensions between both states

sherif, cairo, Egypt

Llooks like Israel is itching to fall off the map! ....and you know, if it itches, it must be scratched!

Corrupt Saudis supported rioters in recent post-election events in Iran, now they wink to the Israelis! The Shah was right--never trust the Arabs!!

Ali E, Tehran,

Hamad, why is Iran a common enemy of Israel and Saudi Arabia?

Divide and conquer once again. When will we ever learn?

Hazel, Sydney, Australia

Munahid, you are an idiot. When has Israel ever threatened Saudi Arabia. You, like your brothers are living in the past. Wake up to the 21st century please.

Zaani, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Iran has enormous military power, and a nuclear industry scattered over a wide area. On each of its borders Iran has military powers with nuclear weapons, from Iraq, through Russia and Pakistan. The Israelis are the trouble makers. Iran has elections. The Saudis don't. Funny old world.

Richard Crawford, Dudley, UK

Well Mr Burr, it appears the Saudis fear Iran more than they fear Israel, mind you I'm not a BIG supporter of anything Israel does, I won't blame them if they hit Iran now. Israel doesn't threaten Saudi internal stability the way Iran does.

Glenn, Brooklyn, US

The saudi govt shaking hands with the israelis one day may come back to bit them where it hurts most.they don't have a policy of their own,whatever washington dictates becomes the official policy of saudi govt, That's what happening here.

Roger Burr, los angeles, USA

To Hamad, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

I'm also from Saudi Arabia and I would not support Israel to attack Iran. I would prefer the U.S. to take the initiative. And while Iran is indeed our common enemy, so is Israel. Don't ever forget that.

Munahid, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

With American troops stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq and a super rich and nuclear armed Israeli threat the Iranian leadership would be negligent towards their populace not to strive to attain nuclear weapons. It should be remembered that the US is the only country ever to have used nuclear weapons

Cameron, London, UK

With or without American support, an attack by Israel against Iran would be fruitless and illegal. Iran has some of the largest Uranium mines in the world. Bombing a nuclear plant would not move the mines to another place or make them any less of an asset to Iran.

Vincent, New York, U.S.

Well, if Iran didn't have an excuse to hit the Saudi oil fields, they do now. An Israeli attack on Iran would lead to a new oil shock which would make the 70s embargo look tame.

At least that would mean the end of globalism. Other than that, nothing good will come of it.

bruce rudy, san pedro,

To Shane, Houston, USA,

Sorry boss the strategic oil reserve was created in 75' under Ford due to the oil embargo.

Robert Nixon, redding, USA


You don't appreciate the structure of Iranian government. Remember when Rafsanjani attempted to limit the power of the Council of Guardians and Ayatollah in favor of the electorate?

Saudi Arabia, despite having a facially more-primitive form of government, is far more progressive.

Jared, Oxford, MS, USA

To Hassan, Sawbridgeworth, UK. You are extremely niave if you truly believe that the Iranians have a say. Their elections are a farce and the people are brutalized when they rise up in protest.

John, Fort Lauderdale, USA

Peter, Washington DC, USA

You seem to be struggling with grammar. Nice "rosy" but ignorant life?

jayil, london, uk

The dictatorship that rules Saudi Arabia is no better than that in Iran. In fact it is probably worse. At least Iranians have a say in who runs their country, though many time they dont get their way. In Saudi Arabia people are not even allowed to elect their own government.

Hassan, Sawbridgeworth, UK

KAJ, my life in the US is a bed of roses!!!!

Peter, Washington DC, USA

It's a good thing the Israelies don't have to get permission from President Narcissist.

Wee Madeamistake, Ft. Lauderdale, USA

KAJ...for me, life is a bed of roses in the US! I suspect that is why we have so many, I suspect many Iranians as well, people from every part of the world who wants to move here.

Peter, Washington DC, USA

What the US did under Bush was waited too long, and thus the WMD's was hauled out before the invasion. Now it is a progressive nightmare and the US/UK must fix it, otherwise it will remain an Arab excuse for terrorism. It will be a long time before we see any peace in that whole area.

Douglas Morrissey, South Whitley, United States of America

I say let Europe handle this one since they haven't handled anything on their own since....the Revolutionary War??? We need to stop giving other countries (all of them) handouts and make you twats pay your own way....buncha ungrateful pricks.

Gunner, Everywhere, USA

Isreal will only do this with the support and the backing from the USA just like the did in the west bank ,but what would Isreal do if they hit back.

colin , london,

Israel isn't going to attack Iran, its just a lot of empty noise coming from a bunch of confused people who lack any sense of direction with regards the Iranian nuclear program. Nobody is going to attack.

Gabriel, Dublin, Ireland

Obama supports terrorists by giving Gaza 1 billion in aid.
Israel will attack Obama's terrorist friends in Iran. How much will Obama give Iran to rebuild their nuclear facilities?

John J, Cincinnati, USA

Shane, Houston, USA,
Stock piling of oil was initiated by Carter, Al Gore's ideol. Carter also propsed many longterm engineering projects like high mileage vehicles. Unfortunately Americans have no such patience or far sight. They overhelmingly accept Reagan's service economy for quick gains.

sena, Springfield,

Any conflict anywhere near the Mid East instantly jacks up the price of oil. So a win win for the Saudis. It seems to me that Iran is trying to provoke a preemptive strike by Israel in order to unite most of the region in support of Iran. Also pitting U.S. against Russia.

Brett, Atllanta, Ga., U.S.A.


Most posters don't realize that there is an enmity between Persians and Arabs (despite the fact tht they are both Muslims) that goes back for centuries.

Arabs all over the ME are desperately concerned about Persian nuclear weapons...


sanjosemike, San Jose, USA

Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran??? Sure they will and as soon as the Israeli jets pass over the boarder, the government of Saudia Arabia will be on the "hot Line" to Achmadinajad, with speed and direction. Don't let this BS fool you.

Lars, Mad City, USA

jayil, london, uk: You're referring to the bogus "Global Peace Index", the one which ranks Sudan safer than Israel. Give me a break! Either way. I'm sure Israel won't be "googling" the answers to their national security concerns.

Evan, Cleveland , USA

Forgetting any politics - removing Sadam Hussein who provided the largest regional counter balance to Iran, or exposing his nuclear impotence through inspections, seems to be yet another own goal for the west and for those in the region. Nice one George W.

s, m, UAE

Forgetting any politics - removing Sadam Hussein who provided the largest regional counter balance, or exposing his nuclear impotence through inspections, seems to be yet another own goal for the west and for those in the region. Nice one George W.

s, m, UAE

An Israeli strike is inevitable given Iran's nuclear ambitions so
be prepared. The U.S. would do the same thing; remember the Soviets placing missles in Cuba !! Israel has got to protect itself from the lunatic Clerics and nut job President in Iran.
I say the sooner the better; be done with it.

Clay White, Phoenix, U.S.A.

More moderate sunni regimes?! Saudi Arabia?! Are you insane? At least you can work if you are a woman, and sue for divorce, and vote, and run a newspaper or a business, and be a human rights lawyer. The Iranian government may be a bit nutty but for repression Saudis clearly take the prize.

Lily, London,

Mamoud, BK, Shane

All those wars you mention; Israel has always had superior military and financial backing from the United States. Furthermore, dont forget Israels threat of using nuclear weapons which their neighbours dont have. You guys fail on that one. Without U.S Israel couldnt survive a day.

jayil, london, uk


According to world poll-- "Israel is world's fourth most dangerous country, study says..." Google it!

Iran ranks 99.

jayil, london, uk

Adil Imtiaz, Piscataway, USA: Israel learns quite nicely. Israel learned that by destroying the Iraqi reactor in '81, Saddam didn't have nuclear SCUDs to launch at them during the First Gulf War.

Evan, Cleveland , USA

Radioactive oil may be the best thing for the World.

Carl, San Jose,

Apparently Jayil has forgotten earlier wars when Israel was attacked by Egypt, Syria and Jordan.. It is amazing how Islamofascists invent facts.

Mamoud Abdelkader, Monterey, USA

It's amazing. Iran threatens Israel with utter destruction. Iran daily chants death to the USA and supports Hamas and Hezbollah. Iran supports terrorism all over the world. Iran and N. Korea trade missile and nuke secrets. And somehow you leftist nutcases say it's the US and Israel stirring the pot

Scott Norris, Los angeles,

This is why Israel is a threat to peace and the Region. It never learns... The Saudis are deplorable! First they have Iraq completely destroyed, not to mention having at least half a million people being wiped out....and now Iran...
No one mentions democracy when it comes to Egypt or Saudi Arabia.

Adil Imtiaz, Piscataway, USA

the right wing lunatics who run israel will attack anyone who they see as a threat to them,why should israel be the only one to have nuclear weapons in the middle east ,you cannot keep other nations in the stone age forever,but they never seem to learn,do they.isreal wants peace ,on its terms.

martin english, peterborough, cambs


that has been happening already hence why oil prices are on the increase again without the supply constraints of growing economies.

Michael, Manchester,

jayil, london, uk: Funny you should accuse Israel of only attacking weaker countries and naming Lebanon as an example. Didn't Lebanon participate in the attack on a much weaker and smaller Israel in 1947, and did you forget that Israel destroyed the nuclear reactor of a well-armed Iraq in 1981?

Evan, Cleveland , USA

To jayil in london: When Israel attacked the Osirak reactor at Al Tuwaitha in 1981, was Iraq a country with stoneage weapons and no organized army/navy? How about Syria, when Israel attacked a "nuclear facility" in northern Syria in 2007?

BK, Toronto, Canada

Surely the whole idea of interferring with other countries stems from those lessons we learnt after WWII? Had we stepped in before Adolf Hitler managed to accumilate enough weapons to invade most of Europe etc then literally millions of lives would have been saved!!!

Robert, London, UK

A lot of people would be happy if Israel destroyed the nuclear capabilities of Iran. Iran with nuclear weapons would be a nightmare to many countries, as they believe in jihad and in going to paradise if they die in holy war, what better way to die than be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust.

Gerald Drost, Jacksonville,NB, Canada

KAJ in Bahrain asks, "Isn't it time that [we] let go of that one sentence that Ahmadinejad said about wiping Israel from the map? The problem is that he was simply repeating what Khomeini, Khameni, and Rafsanjani said earlier. The destruction of Israel is a central ideological tenet of Iran.

BK, Toronto, Canada

Fellow Traveler's post reminds me of the things Saddam and his former "minister of information" used to say about a U.S. attack on Iraq. Laughable! And what ever "blowback" may come from hitting Iran now, is worth it to prevent them from gaining nukes. It's better for the Iranian people too.

Shane, Houston, USA

Israel would only attack weaker unarmed people who have stone-age weapons and no organised army/navy; such as Palestinian or Lebanese. Iran is safe and sound.

jayil, london, uk

Hey Evan - good idea on stock piling oil reserves. We used to do that here in the USA, but now thanks to Al Gore and the idiot democrats, it appears the only thing we will be stockpiling is windmills.

Shane, Houston, USA

a WWII style Pearl Harbor attack on Iran's infrastructure will have blow back inconceivable to most of the idiot posters in this forum. Let it happen. SO many issues will be resolved that the now eager advocates for this will have decades to rue their obstreperous words and subsequent deeds

Fellow Traveller, Southampton NY, USA

To KAJ, Bahrain: Ahmadinejad is a Holocaust denier. That, coupled with his statements about wiping Israel off the map (whether he was referring to the "Zionist regime" or not), and his obvious desire to obtain nuclear weapons, makes Israel rightfully nervous.

Evan, Cleveland , USA

There will be a disruption of oil supplies. Meanwhile, all readers here should press their govts. to begin (add to non-stop) stockpiling oil reserves.

Know this: There will not be another Holocaust of the Jewish People. Whether you like it or not , keep in mind that today we are strong.

Yehuda Ben Moshe, Kfar Saba, Israel

Whee in this story, ir inderectly does it state that this is about the US meddling with others. This is about Israel, and Irans neighbors giving the green light to take out a facility they know will only be a matter of graver concern. Some people do not like diplomacy people, and use it as a weapon.

eric, pinellas park,

Israel has every right to defend its self against a sworn enemy as Iran. The real problem is Israel now has an enemy in the White House in the form of Obama's socialist regime

Wes Freeman, Gadsden, USA

How is it that 30 years ago when majority of Iranians flooded the streets and went to fight Shah's regim and over throw him, the new government was not considered a people elected one!Now that a much smaller group went to the streets suddenly they are the ones for democracy?Dual standards I'd say.

KAJ, Bahrain,

Iran, an ethnic and religious minority in the ME, has expanded its influence by sponsoring terror: bombing the US and French military barracks in Lebanon in 1983. Suppling bomb tehnology to militia in Iraq (Ahmedinajd admitted during on his trip to NY). Can the Iranian gov be trusted with Nuc Wpns?

Jimmy, London, United Kingdom

It is about time that SOMEONE stepped in and put an end to the obvious danger of having these weapons in the hand of a nut case! what is wrong with the rest of the world when the after effects will poisen the air that you breath for hundreds of years.

George , Toms River, USA

Hey, "mrmike, pattaya, Thailand," neither Israel nor Saudi are the US. As for "selfish" interests, that's not the same as "self-interest," or have you not heard these Iranian lunatics chanting "Death to America" for 40 years? Selfish? Next time there's a tsunami in your area, we'll stay home. Okay?

Chico, NYC, USA

Dale Hicks, you people are just blood thirsty. Didn't all of us have enough from Bush's stupid wars and policies? Now that you have a president that trying to deal with other countries through respect and mutual understanding you call him weak? Remember in every war its not only our kids who dies.

KAJ, Bahrain,

Is there anywhere, place or time where the USofA hasn't meddled with another country for their own selfish interest? This thinking must change immediately.

mike, pattaya, Thailand

Is there any country that USofA has not meddled with for their own selfish interest? This thinking must stop immediately.

mrmike, pattaya, Thailand

Jim Norris, isn't it time that you and the rest let go of that one sentence that Ahmadinejad said about wiping Israel from the map?You know very well that he was not refering to the country and its people but to Zeonist regim that is opressing another nation and now is defying U.S as well.

KAJ, Bahrain,

The point is Gerald, that the ME and Nth african countries cannot fight the West (& expect to win), much as they would like too. Hence they resort to terrorism, smuggling weapons to groups like Al-Q, not linked to a single country. Can Iran be trusted not to smuggle nclr wpns to terrorists?

Jimmy, London, United Kingdom

MA, Tehran, I am an Iranian living in Bahrain. I don't support the Iran regim and I know what is going on in there as my family is still there and I visit frequently. But I tell you that don't let the media and propaganda fool you about U.S and west. Life is not all roses in U.S either. They all lie

KAJ, Bahrain,

This story looks very suspicious as there is no need to overfly Saudi unless Iraq denies Israel airspace.
Via Saudi much longer & ? need to refuel.

Looks like a propaganda story to destabilise the Middle East further and strain relationships or why would Mossad tell the World? Makes no sense

Damian, Brighton,

Jim Norrise:
I am sure the rest of us is dying to know how managed to get in so many words? any trick to that?

KAJ, Bahrain,

In viewing what the Iranian govmt says re Israel being wiped off the map, the West must realize that the Arabs are big talkers by day but spend most of their time muching on dates. Ignore Iran. They saw first hand what happens to Muslim countries that attack the west (Afganistan).

Gerald, Los Angeles, USA

If i was a betting man, I'd bet that the strike on Iran will not happen until all US troops have left Iraq. The US will not want them vulnerable to Iranian backed militia.

Jimmy, London, United Kingdom

Indy of Bala says " who supplies most of the world with armaments to subdue real democracy!". Whenever you see militias, terrorist or "freedom fighters", they are never brandishing M-16s. Each and every one has a version of a Russian or Chinese AK-47 in their hands.

Jay, Jacksonville, USA

@Indy, Bala,
That's funny considering half of your country works here in the US.......

Felonious31, compton, us

I'm pretty sure that the comments by: habib maas, chennai, india have nothing to do with this article and uses unacceptable language for anyone with half a brain.

Clem, London, UK

Its all very well taking down the little bad guys, who though is going to take on the BIG TERRORIST waving the stars and stripes of worldwide economic oppression?
You know the one who supplies most of the world with armaments to subdue real democracy!

Indy, Bala, Subject state of the "States"

It really doesn't matter how much we debate the issue in this forum. Who's right, who's wrong; it's all subjective. What's going to happen will happen regardless of what the people think or what the people want.

Josh, Heubach, Germany light....hah....dont you get it. What O is really saying to Isreal is...YOURE ON YOUR OWN. Do what you want but dont expect us to bail you out.....he is simply calling their bluff. Saudi blind eye to isreali overflights....get real it wont happen.

Jack Lang, Louisville,

Israel has been bullying palestine till now, they know they can not do the same with a nuclear armed ( allegedly) state. Israel will not do any such thing in a million years all know that. And its time the world treated iran ( the country and not the regime) with respect, they are not a rouge state.

Mel, Chennai, India

Israel has decent relation with a number of Arab states. Of course, these relations are not admitted to publically.

It seems quite clear that some sort of strike will hit Iran this year since the US and UK instigated 'colour revolution' has not worked.

Michael, Manchester,

"The Earth cannot sustain it's present population" I'm sure you learned that in a government school in the US. We churn out useless idiots by the "barrow" :)

David, Jacksonville, United States

This job must be done. It should be a joint venture on behalf of free people world wide. Why do we think we can wait any longer?

Jack Weintraub, Flemington, NJ, U.S.A

Is their a way to solve this problem? YES! support IRANIAN people and their right to be free. IRANS citizens! Here starts the end of your humiliation by a government that has no respect to you (in my opinion). Take this chance! Living under regime which thinks people are stupid is like HELL!

David M., Haifa, Israel

Not sure if you know this or not, but Iranians are Persians, not arab fundamentalists.

Robb32, New York, USA

YAHWEH is about to deliver his true Israelites out of captivity, as he has promised. woe to you edom, who took our land and set up a abomination in the most holy place. AS YAHWEH LIVETH, SURLY its time for your secrets to be uncovered. The whole world will know that the israelis are impostors!!!!!!

yahsedeknu, bmore, usa

This is the best news I,ve heard for a while, I would further add that the Saudi Air Force, in any event, would be well advised not to try to intervene.

Good luck to our Israeli allies, may you strike swiftly and decisively,

Derek McDonald, Saigon, Vietnam

Iran is majority Shi'ite, the rest of the Middle East is majority Sunni. As is Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Never underestimate the cruelty of religious infighting.

Jennifer Hynes, Plymouth, England

Another way of saying: "Please, DO THE DIRTY JOB..."
USA and Saudi Arabia both would like to see the "Iranian Problem" disappear, but have they been courageous enough to support the BRAVE IRANIAN PROTESTERS? The small bird who woke me up today morning twittered harder then BOTH OF THEM TOGETHER.

David M., Haifa, Israel

Bull, Israel hangs by a thread for its existence. Radical Islamists should NEVER be permitted to possess nuclear weapons, because they (along with the nincompoops in North Korea) are the only ones that would actually use on in this day and time for purely political reasons.
Iran has time and again stated its goal of wiping Israel from the face of the earth. Should we expect them to sit by and wait for the fire storm? A nation sitting on a sea of oil wants electric power - DUH!! Build oil fired plants - the oil is free (well if your nationalized – which theirs is). No cost energy – hard to beat.
The ONLY reason these creeps want nuclear technology is to blackmail the western world and most probably carry out their constant threat of annihilating Israel.
Just do one of two things – quit apologizing for radical Islamism that murders innocents and admit that you to are a Jew hater, if you support Iran having this technology. For the outcome of them having it will be the death of millions in Israel.

Jim Norris, Baghdad, Iraq

What would unite 'islamic fundamentalists' quicker than 'martyred' Iranians alongside the Palestinians?

If that does not do it, nothing else will.

Carry on Israel while we watch it unfold and like Sampson bring the house down.

Ancient Greek, Borough, London, England

forget the uk and us China is the key to this woking, and at the moment she is happily waiting in the wings, not for too much longer i hope as the iranian threat is a danger to the whole world not just to the west, but to china also

kyle smith, cardiff, uk

soon the whole world will see the israeli's as they truly are, impostors. The true israelites are on their way home. THus saith YAHWEH!

yahsedeknu, bmore, usa

Any such attack would, more than anything else, undermine the democratic movements in Iran, closing down the field even further. I wouldn't be surprised to hear some within the Iranian government implicitly 'wish' for the attack to feed into their apocalyptic discourse. and Iran is no Syria.

Delreesh, Tehran, Iran

this will certainly endear Saudi regime to Al Quaida and its followers - another black eye for democracy in the region

Carlos Kleiber, London,

Still cannot understand Obama's statement 'Israel our greatest ally'? I can see America acting as more than an ally,partner more like,financing all its weapons used on Gaza. And now this, green light for a raid on Iran. America should spend more time with Katrina victims still left homeless.

Bill Nicholson, Radom , Poland

Every nation has the right to nuclear power and every nation has the right to complain about other nations having nuclear power.
If the Isreali attack backfires and causes genocidal destruction in Iran. Not one nation will stand with Isreal.Armageddon has just gotten the stage set.

david, surrey, UK

Chris Horner, London, UK.

The Arabs started a war that Israel won. Israel took the land from them That has happened in thousands of wars through history. The difference is that the Arabs are willing to kill their own in the name of God and the Koran and in perpetuity to get it back.

David Smith, Stourbridge, UK

Dear KAJ from BAHRAIN,you dont know anything about IRAN,then please dont say anything.Iran is not based on religion,It is on money and power.religion is only a cover for their violence and murder.please open your eyes,please wake up.Iran's government kills Iranians!IS IT WHAT OUR RELIGION SAYS?

MA, tehran,

Re: Barry Thomas

i think I speak for all readers when i say we've seen an A-10 strafe an enemy with it's 30mm nose cannon.

I believe it's part of the national curriculum in the UK

Trevor Bob, Edinburgh, UK

No one is telling the truth. What is done, will the truth.

city2005, ipoh, malaysia

No one is telling the truth, only what is done will be the real truth.

city2005, ipoh, malaysia

no wonder the Saudies are cursed by Allah SWT, as supposed custodians of Makkah Al Mukarrama and Al Madinah, the two most holy shrines in Islam colluding with the Zionists. Do Saudis know how hyprocrite they are? Zionist and its agents are all Satan.

habib maas, chennai, india

Where ever happended to inteligent rational minds? If Israel attacks Iran they will damge /destroy some buildings that can be built again. But they will have Ahmadi's gov. re-enforced & he will survive the current tied against him & his gov.. Israel will then have the anger of 70 mil ppl of Iran.

Javeed Iran, London, UK

I will sleep better if Iran did not have nuclear capability.

Bob Miller, Harrow,

All of the 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia - none from Iraq or Iran. Who would you trust least out of these three??

Lionel Hurst, Brisbane, Australia

M Hatchison, And we are tired of people on the other end of the world trying to tell us how to live our lives.Who says you are a democratic country?Does your governement really listens to what you say? The whole election is based on money.Iran's is based on religion.Which one is better?

KAJ, Bahrain,

Never was a truer word spoken. K.Sharp

kay sharp, greenhithe, kent

Just typical - another hand dealt under the table frm the West - former US ambassadors pleading tht actions are 'entirely logical' whilst encouraging Israel 2 execute inhumane policies apparently based in the 'common interests' of the states? TOTAL BULL S, another form of oppression 4 Muslim power.

Not Afraid, Of You, Israel

I really don't understand why Iran helping Hizbullah is a terorist act but U.S attacking Iraq,over throwing Shah (oh yes we all know that Mullahs would not have got anywhere without U.S),starting war in Afghanistan,Pakistan and India is not terorist? Major case of HYPOCRACY I say.

KAJ, Bahrain,

When US supports Taliban then its OK.. When Pakistan supports LeT then it gets billions of aid.. Israel bombs gaja and still gets the aid..What hypocracy.. Is Obama to Iran what Bush was to Iraq? A new target for US to Bomb to stone age?

Aman, Mumbai,

Farshid, Im really disappointed at your remark. If Iranians are dissatisfied with their government, THEY should find a way to get rid of it.When was the last time an outsider was a real help to Iran?And Israel of them all?I have always been proud of Iranians common front against outsiders.

KAJ, Bahrain,

"The Jewish people were given the promised land of Israel thousands of years ago according to the Bible. Woe be it to any country that ignores this.
Judy Greene, Brandon, USA"

You ARE aware that this sort of lunatic thinking is described as "fundamentalism", surely? But you just can't see it.

Richard Faith, Bath, England

Barry D, with all due respect you and the rest of the world ARE calling all Arabs/Iranians terorist. And what if Iran is funding Hisbullah in Lebanon? Why don't you talk about all the billions that U.S pays to support Israel?What did Palastine had to do with Holocaust that now they are paying for it

KAJ, Bahrain,

some comments show naivity.saudis would allow this because they are happy for israel to do the dirty work + take the flak, while they publically condemn the actions, but privately encourage it- same for many arab states. Iran has been sponsoring terrorism for years- is this not a form of aggression?

JJ, Glasgow, Scotland

some comments show naivity.saudis would allow this because they are happy for israel to do the dirty work + take the flak, while they publically condemn the actions, but privately encourage it- same for many arab states. Iran has been sponsoring terrorism for years- is this not a form of aggression?

JJ, Glasgow, Scotland

so the iranian g'ment has not attacked anyone?completely inaccurate-they have, just not overtly For years the iranians have sponsored terrorism- either directly or through the pasdaran. you may not like what the israelis are doing, but please wake up to what Iran has been up to-before its too late.

Jen, perth, UK

Iran has an illegitimate dictator.
The world must unite behind Moussavi.
Israel has every right to be afraid of the Ayatollah's dictatorship.If the Ayatollah lies to his own people,he can certainly lie about nuclear weapons.
Iran must be stopped at any cost,from such a possibility

James Currie, Puerto Banus, Spain

The real reason the Saudis are OK with Isreal attacking Iranian weapons facilities is the Saudis practice the most radical form of repressive Sunni islam, and Iran is a predominantly Shi'ite country. According to the Wahabbis, the Shias are all infidels just ike the rest of us, and must die.

Greg, Apex, USA

Don't kid yourselves. An Iranian suicide bomber with a nucluar bomb!!?? It defies logic but its real! The Mullahs are mad enough.

Richard, Epsom/Ewell, GB

This is only saber rattling on the eve of Obama's visit to Russia, aimed at getting Russia to pressure Iran on nukes. It won't work. Russia has heard these threats for years and it hasn't had any effect.

Robert Berke, Oakland, United States

This is only saber rattling on the eve of Obama's visit to Russia, aimed at getting Russia to pressure Iran on nukes. It won't work. Russia has heard these threats for years and it hasn't had any effect.

Robert Berke, Oakland, United States

This article reveals a little of the true Arab - Irsraeli relationship.
At the same time the comments show the stereo-typical views cast in stone by years of negative breifing and propaganda.

Wake up to the real world everybody - its not quite as simple as you'd like to believe.

dan, london, uk

Lucky for the world that the catastrophe that war mongers are hoping for will never take place. Look at history. The Israeli's never announced their attack on Iraqi or Syrian nukes installations. Attackers don't send invites.

Robert Berke, Oakland, United States

Wake up people. There will be no strike unless Obama gives the green light for one. And if the Saudis have given the IAF the right to fly over their airspace, that light is at yellow right now.

Inna, Sacramento, USA

In response to rkerg's comment "Don't you love the way Bolton, like many other of his neo-con buddies, go to work for Israel whenever the repubs are out of power":

The smart ones always do!

Mark Osborne, Vancouver, Canada

The Israel needs to use another country's airspace to attack Iran because Iran is so distant. Iran is so distant it is not a natural enemy of Israel.

Keith S, Winnipeg, Canada

I'd be surprised if the Saudis did not offer to subsdize an attack by Israel on Iran.

The neo-monarchical dictatorship Saudi Arabia and its Islamist population are enemies of somewhat democratic Shia Iran.

Keith S, Winnipeg, Canada

To David in Grand Rapids:
Isreal doesn' need to buy an aircraft carrier, it, like the U.K., is one - or am I mssing something here?

Allan, Haan,

James McCullough, Boston, Massachusetts, USA:

Panama, Honduras, Cuba & the Philipines (US imperialism)

Christian, Carlisle, United Kingdom

in my view, the nuclear arsenal amassed by the terrorist state of Pakistan constitutes a far greater threat to world peace and specifically, to the states of India and Israel. pl. make the world safer by destroying the n-facilities of Pakistan.

Jaisingh Thakur, Mumbai, India

Don't you love the way Bolton, like many other of his neo-con buddies, go to work for Israel whenever the repubs are out of power.

rkerg, oakland, USA

NO ONE has a right to talk about this issue unless they've lived in a country that has been subject to Israel's aggression. I cannot believe that someone would use Israel's biblical right to land to justify millions of homeless, dying Palestinians or to do the same to the Iranian people. Wake up!!!

Layla, Dubai, UAE

Why doesn't Israel just buy an aircraft carrier?

David, Grand Rapids, USA

This puts a fly in Barry O's ointment. It's likely that any military act against Iran will galvanize conservative elements within what? O wants this to go away, but his ineptness at foreign policy is exaserbating matters. Bebe will do what needs to be done,this just makes it easier.

Dale Hicks, Barwick, Ga, United States

MikeB, please go and tell Neda's family that Iran goverment is not acting as a bully.

Illary, Lima, Peru

it don't matter what any of you think!
just go to work & shut up. none of you have any say in this. the men who run the world have been carrying out there plans
for a hundred years
you are dust to them
sit back and enjoy the show

god, brockton, usa

I can't imagine living in constant fear. Life should not be like this.

Eric, Littleton, USA

The Iranian people are the ones suffering here. It is their POS government that is stirring the pot. I side with the Iranian people for their courage to stand up to the false election recently. I also can see it from the Israeli side after hearing the rhetoric from the Iranian govt.

Jeff, Livermore, USA



Iran HAS started its war against Israel and remains committed to the country's destruction. In this regard it certainly IS acting like a bully, MikeB...

&#1052;&#1110;&#1096;&#1072;, Newton, Massachusetts

Iran is hardly acting like a bully, Bob. They have not started a war with anyone in living memory, including Iraq. They have acted within the limits of international law and gotten slapped down for it. IAEA has verified they have no weapons program since 2003. Israel and US are bullies here.

MikeB, Clovis, USA/ New Mexico

What if ISRAEL IS Blown out?Maybe Old Europe will be ne
xt and US will follow thanks to the wait and see yellow bellies who will cry for help ASAP

tomas, Ocean City, USA

@ Dennis

You're the reason why wars start "RELIGION"!

So, you pray that GODS grants Israel the authority to Bomb their nuke sites? What about praying to GOD to get rid of all nukes and war?

I have never heard of someone praying for one nation to attack another. It has always been the opp

David Jordan, Los Angeles, USA

Why do the Israelis have to go over Saudi. Seems they need to get over Jordan and Iraq, both in the US pocket. A Saudi route seem a waste of avgas.

Alan, Irvington, USA

Iran are bullies. Nothing more, nothing less Iraq wer bullies also. Where is Sadam now. The same place Iransleadership and North Korea's leadership will be in the next couple of years

Bob, Cap Cod, USA

The Jewish people were given the promised land of Israel thousands of years ago according to the Bible. Woe be it to any country that ignores this. The United States, a nation founded on Judeo/Christian principals, should support any plans made by Israel to protect their borders.

Judy Greene, Brandon, USA

J, Croydon, England

Really? This coming from a country who perfected imperialism and killed more people than us.

James McCullough, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The Saudis fear a nuclear Iran at least as much as Israel does, but for very different reasons. If they turn a blind eye to Israeli action, it's merely a case of "the enemy of my enemy is a convenient tool and a handy scapegoat."

McGehee, Newnan, GA, USA

being native american, you would think that i would have a different opinion. but on the contrary, we are extremely patriotic.the u.s. needs to kick some ass, we are being pushed around way to some muscle,show a big stick,it worked before,if it doe'sent ,than show that big stick.!

mike wilson, ponca city, usa

"Why blame Iran and its leadership? Are they fighting wars around the world? Are they murdering millions around the world?"

Only as far as they are now able to project. I take them at their words that they would include the US if in their power to do so. Little tin-pot dictators can reek havoc.

Iben Hadd, Vienna, VA, USA

The Kingdon of Saudi Arabia recognizes that the Government of Iran is evil and must be stopped at all costs. I will pray for the safety of all Isralie participants in the mission. Mr.Obamah will be "Concerned" & "Watching" as Israel takes care of Iran's atomic weapons plants. Now that's Chutzpa.

Dennis FitzGerald, Roswell, USA

What if North Korea has "loaned" a few nuclear warheads to Iran ? Care to think about that ? By attacking Iran, can the Israeli government risk losing Tel Aviv ? And if they retaliate in kind, where does this end ? And keep in mind, that Iran is not the same as Iraq was in 1982 or Syria...

John Taylor, London,

you people are all sick.i'm native american.we"ve gone through it all.the leaders of your people need to step up and quit blambing other people for hardships.we've had plenty,but dont wait to blame whites,even though we dont belong in the white world.!

mike wilson, ponca city, usa

Iran is very predictable. they have issued threat but NEVER attacked any country FIRST. NEVER!!!!
So all u guys using their words against them, why don't u look at their actions too

Jim Kanan, Kirkland, USA

One thing I admire about Israel: it will go and eliminate a threat to its national security. So, the nuclear facilities in Iraq and in Syria, when they became a clear danger, were wiped out.

And nobody did much about it.

It will be the same when and if Israel pulverizes the Natanz facility.

Parker, North America,

Iran has every right to have nuclear weapons since the US does and that the US is the ONLY country to have used nuclear weapons on another country(Japan).If the world's tyrant,USA,goes around invading,threathenning other countries,not respecting their sovereignity,I think Iran should have the right

J, Croydon, England

Vejar - you hit the nail on the head. Everything is coming together from all directions. Only the blind are blessed not to see it but are probably more aware than the rest of us.

Brian, Pensacola, USA

I'm from Saudi Arabia and I support Israel to attack Iran. because Iran is out common enemy. believe me we will be happy to say the Iranian threat to be gone!

Hamad, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Look around you everyone. The perfect storm is on the
horizon and we're starting to feel the roof shake.
Time to take a real look at what is important and start
preparing for the next phase. We are on the cusp
of World War III. What is really important is to know your
resources and have a network

vejar, Poulsbo, USA

What would the Kingdom gain by allowing these overflighr rights.? I forsee further arab relations with the Kingdom falling as defenders of the faith. We know IRAN is a despotic nation under it's current rule. It would be good to prevent an arms race.

Philip B Kirschner, Brooklyn, NY, USA

you have got to b kidding,you wishing for a loving and predicting world , need to remember that your sheltered life is also at stake here.

mike wilson, ponca city, usa

I'm an Iranian myself and I love my country & its people to death, but if Israel attacks the fanatic mullas' nuclear plants I will NOT fight with them. However, I believe if Israel govt is concerned about the nuclear power of mullas, they should help us overthrow the regime - a better alternative.

farshid vafaei, Qom, Iran

Do all these people railing against Israel/ The USA/ Europe here actually think the world would be a better place if Iran had nuclear weapons? I'm sick of people turning a blind eye to the belligerence and cruelty of undemocratic nations and blaming the West and Israel for everything.

M Hutchinson, Lincoln, UK

Answer to Clement's question: Iran's leader has stated his intentions to use the weapons against Israel, as soon as he has them.

Chateau de Shamrock, Raleigh, usa

It maybe too late to stop Iran, maybe delay it some at best. This attack was needed about 4 years ago, Iran has for the most part what it needs to build maybe 20 nuclear weapons. They still need 4 or 5 years to make them work and small enough to put on war heads, unless they get help from N. korea.

Bloodyscot, Dallas, USA

Clement, yes, the French are more moral. In a similar circumstance--if the French, say, were working on a nuclear weapon while simultaneously blustering about how they would wipe the Brits off the map, I would have no problem with the Brits going after the French. What exactly are you saying?

ANB, chicago, IL,

This is not a 'all cases are equal issue'. Iran having nuclear weapons is not in our interest. Don't play games with nukes. We got em, we don't want anyone else to have them. Geddit?

Joe, North Andover , USA

The USA, Russia, UK, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea have nukes. Are the French more moral? Are the Chinese are better at math? Maybe because Russians are better at ballet? Kindly explain what qualities the Persians are lacking that forbids them the posession of nukes

Clement R Knorr, Tucson, Arizona,

Ant, we are not ignorant, but want is your motive and country of origin?

Good article and the sooner the better. Maybe taking down the Iranian plants and military will allow thier people to take control from the fanatics that run the country, rig elections & kill thier own people.

Steve, Nashville, USA

Iran is not Palestine. Israel is not USA. Go figure. I think Iran will smash Israel if it is not careful. It might get smashed in the process but I hope you get my drift. I think Israel should court the other superpower China (Iran's buddy) before getting into this.

Cai, Toronto, Canada

Depleted uranium is used to make ammunition because of it's DENSITY - not RADIOACTIVITY. The key word here is "depleted". If you've ever seen an A-10 strafe an enemy with it's 30mm nose cannon armed with "depleted uranium" shells, you know that the targets did NOT die from radiation poisoning.

Barry Thomas, Griffin,Ga., U.S.A.

Being a repressive state is not enough reason to go after and destroy a country's weapons of mass destruction. It's one thing to be repressive and it's another to be a a psychopath ruler bent on world domination and hurling threats of destruction for no good reason.

Abram, LA, USA

"if a country near yours "avowed" to "wipe it off the map" (sic), and then affirmed that it was making military-grade nuclear material"... But Iran didn't do these things. That "wipe off the map" was a ridiculous mistranslation. And Iran affirmed that they are NOT making military-grade uranium.

Thomas Goodey, Cuxton-upon-Medway, England

Say what you will about the Saudis, they are not stupid. Just like Israel SA understands what Iran having nukes would do to the region and force SA to do. If they can get Israel to do it so much the better.

Gabe, Hayden,

I get more nasty from a radium dotted watch. Obviously you have some motivation for alarming th eignorant public. It won't work on those who understand measurement.

Ant, Brazoria, US

The Saudis have once again proven their duplicity and Israel deserves whatever it gets in return.

Don, Albany, US

Destroy Iran's capability to make Nukes. Anyone who has doubted the world's concerns over Iran should see that they are anything but democratic or concerned with the well-being of their own citizens. Iran's government would not care if using their future nukes would lead to the death of its people.

Joe, Los Angeles, USA

Bill Jerkings

You seem to think you're some kind of political scientist or an intelligence analyst. Let me assure you, you are neither.

Iran is signatory to the NPT, Israel is not.

Israel used Depleted Uranium in Gaza and Lebanon on civilians. The US, UK have done the same in Iraq & Afghanistan

Chase, Haifa, Israel

Bill Jenkins, Chicago, USA:

- A great post. Well said and well done!

Arthur, Melbourne,

those threatened are foolish to wait and see if the threat is real. The iranian people are responsible for their leaders threats.

Bernard Ross, st. anns bay, Jamaica

no one posting here knows if this is true. However, If my family and children were threatened with nuclear annihilation I would feel obligated to eliminate the threat, not only the nuclear facilities, but the entire population so as to guarantee no future retaliation.

Bernard Ross, st. anns bay, Jamaica

It is also worth noting that the Saudi Royal family are Jewish, not Arab and their trek through middle east history has documented that quite well.

Jessie, Portland,

Bleeding hearts should be rounded up and shipped to Iran.

Anyone who thinks nuclear weapons in the hands of the USA, UK, or even France is REMOTELY the same as Iran and North Korea is AN IDIOT.

Bill Jenkins, Chicago, USA

Yeah, but is it possible?

Bill Spear, Juneau, United States

@scalia, New York, USA

El Baradei said in a BBC interview two weeks ago that it is his "gut feeling that Iran would like to have the technology to enable it to have nuclear weapons." Since he has to hedge his words, I think it's clear that he thinks Iran wants and is developing nuclear weapons.

Jarrod, Anaheim, USA

Destroy Irans presumed nuclear capabilities by all means; but be prepared to destroy everyone elses.

Because every state with these weapons is potentilally a rogue state; the biggest of all having already used them, will forever pay the price.
The nuclear cost for mankind is ultimately Earth.

strongangelstar, homeless in hastings,

It is certainly true that the regime in Tehran is a "repressive" one, but the one in Riyadh is no less so and is perhaps the exact opposite of moderate.When is the West going to finally admit that? At least in Iran women are allowed to drive and are not forced to wear the niqab!

Hassan, Sawbridgeworth, UK

It is certainly true that the regime in Tehran is a "repressive" one, but the one in Riyadh is no less so and is perhaps the exact opposite of moderate. At least in Iran women are allowed to drive and are not forced to wear the niqab!

Hassan, Sawbridgeworth, UK

What about Pakistan's unstable government having nukes? If the Israeli government attacks Iran they are as nutty as Ahmadinejad and millions of civilians would be murdered on both sides.

Joe, Dallas,

this is the time for Israel to take out the reactor. there is a division Iran of the latest election and the QOM has even voiced concerns over the elections, deaths and arrests of peaceful protests. Now is the time to strike, which can be seen as a strike against the current regime.

fisher, midlothian,

The Iranian regime which manufactured IED's and shipped them to Iraq to kill troops trying to free Iraq from Hussein cannot be allowed to dominate the middle east through nuclear blackmail.

They will use that leverage at minimum to proliferate such regional domination.

Mach, CapeCod, USA

Hey, Adam, from Amsterdam ... Uhh ... last time I checked Bush was no longer the President of the U.S. So how would Bush (especially your so called "Bush III" ... there were only two Bush presidents) "invade" any country since he hasn't been the President for over 6 months?

Belinda, San Diego , USA

Any attack on those oil fields would see a multi-national force that would make 1991 look like an exercise. It would be ugly fast for Iran- and I feel for them because the recent protest have shown that many in the population see the maddness of the leadership.

mrwilson, Columbia, SC, USA

I have seen the future and so have the Israelis, which is why they took out Iraq's reactor.
Bush senior expressed admonition in public, but he was probably jumping up and down on his bed screaming 'It is off of our plate!'.

richard, milford, mass

WWIII is alive and well, my friends...

Brooklyn, NY

Steve, Brooklyn, US of A

You call the Iranian government "the repressive Shi'ite regime", but you don't say any bad word about the Saudi or Egyptian regime. So when will you say it? When Bush III wants to invade Egypt/Saudi Arabia?

Adam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

With all due respect Zionist, Atlanta, a book of mythology does not form the basis for rational action. There are many other, better reasons for preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear arms.

WJB, Brussels,

I hope the Iraq SOFA expires this month unratified and the US leaves.

Richard, Cowichie,

Is that the real deal, or is Israel just stirring the pot in the Arab world?

Jason, Long Beach, CA, USA

The God of Israel and the Church will raise Zion to the head of the nations, whether now or in the future. The Holy Bible says that God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. Expect the Saudis to be blessed if they help Israel in its mission of self-defense.

Zionist, Atlanta,

The usual perodic leak to increase the pressure. Getting a little old after 7 years of this.

duane lominac, boston, usa

Les River, Indian Shores, USA - barrows of oil - try transporting oil round in barrows and it splashes over the sides, barrels are much better!

Jon, Preston, England

The arguments over whether the Israelis or Arabs own a particular strip of land many miles away from "Persia" is immaterial to the actual matter in hand - a nuclear Iran...

Ian, Swansea, UK

Hiroshima've made such a true and profound statement. Real freedom is never free and will never be attained or maintained by those who are not willing to cherish it more than life. May God bring peace to the world through those who have hearts and minds to act on selfless conviction.

Bob, Tarrytown, USA

Where do we go from here? This planet cannot sustain the present populations or the political & religious factions throughout the globe. The US CANNOT help everyone. There is nothing to do but to wait for someone to set off a nuclear device that will put us back 1000 years & take it from there.,

Rockmelon, Walkersville, MD

Regardless of the history of the region (which, I suspect, most people here are only superficially aware of), if a country near yours "avowed" to "wipe it off the map" (sic), and then affirmed that it was making military-grade nuclear material, how would you like your leaders to react...?

Ian, Swansea, UK

This is all Part of the so called psychological warfare being waged against Iran, does any sensible person think that the Saudis would be that naive to allow the Isaelis access to their airspace, i think not because their oil fields and cities would be set alight for the foreseeable future.

Gabriel, Dublin, Ireland

The Persians have been seeking military and political dominance in the Middle East for the last 2500 years, current Iranian politics is simply an arguement about the means of how to achieve it. We should support states who have the courage to fight for their freedom.

Paul, Yeovil, UK

"These guys are unpredictable and fanatical, and they have to be dealt with." With, North Korea they're perfectly aware of their actions as rational men. They've attempted for years in forming a treaty with the US to assure security. Being unable, they figured Nuke=security. Just as Israel did.

Hosub Hwang, New York, USA

All Iran has to do is hit the Saudi oils fields and it is endgame for the US and the world. Oil would jump to 200 a barrow because Saudi produces about 9 million barrows a day. The world produces about 84 million a day. Take Iran & Saudi oil off the market and you lose about 10 million. Endgame.

Les River, Indian Shores, USA

The Cold War was never as periolous as the threats posed by N. Korea and Iran today. Though armed to the teeth with nukes, the Soviets were RATIONAL beings whose response to crisis was gauged, and usually predictable. These guys are unpredictable and fanatical, and they have to be dealt with.

Jason, Ft Laud, USA

Iranians have a choice of dying in the streets to overthrow their government or dying in the streets at the hands of another country to prevent an attack from their government. Iranians have a responsibility to first shed their own blood to gain freedom as all other free people have done.

Hiroshima Taro, Honolulu, USA

Let's all put our heads in the sand and imagine a world free of nuclear weapon-armed serial killers and religious imperialists.

Roy, Simi Valley, USA

I wonder how the election was such a landslide if that's not the will of the people. the theocracy that governs Iran is so afraid of freedom that they have to fix elections, and wave nuclear sabres at the rest of the world. It's grossly irresponsible and not up to the standards of Iranian culture.

Dan, cville, usa

The biggest concern is not whether Iran (or N. Korea) have the right to develop Nuclear weapons. Rather who decides to use them.
As in N.K., In Iran only ONE man makes that ultimate decision. That is not acceptable to any rational person.

M. Levy, SF, CA, US

The Iranian people are good people, much as most people in the world are. Their political and religious leaders, are angry little men, much as most political and religious leaders in the world are. The People, ALWAYS pay the price for their leaders.

Karl in AZ, Scottsdale, USA

no one has the right to control iran. no outside forces will be aloud. im not happy with the government like the rest of the 67 million of population living inside but we all agree on one thing. iran is our land and you shall not be welcome nor tolerated. leave us alone. back off.

snowy, tehran, iran

who is provoking war ? Israel

cherry, omaha, USA

@ Mike Young, Maalot, Israel
Yep, Israel has both the will and ability to do this so we'll sit back and let you get on with it.

@ JW, Victoria,
Don't condem Mike for being young. it is the young men of Israel like him that will do the world's dirty work for us.

Barry, woking, surrey, GB

I went to school with Iranians and found they are good friends that one could trust to do the right thing.

micha, Fillmore, USA

A lot of armchair war-mongerers here who would scream to high heaven if a real bullet actually came THEIR way, not alone high-powered missiles.

John, Cologne,

The only way to deter attack from anyone is to have nuclear weapons. It would make sense then for Iran to develop nukes.

However to their detriment they are not developing nukes. Iran has not started a war in 200 years. The memory of the soldiers who died in the Iran/Iraq war is still fresh.

Dexter Montgomery, Brooklyn,

Hi Dave from Colorado

you are 100% correct. The Iranians and North Koreans are just fooling the world with the word 'dialouge'.

Dixon, Mumbai, India

Israel is about the only country that would have the guts to do this sort of thing. A nuclear armed Iran would be a nightmare for all concerned. But, while others want to " dialouge " Israel will take action. Talking to Iran is as useful as talking to North Korea. Wasted effort.

Dave in Colorado, Castle Rock, USA

After the horrendous regime in Iran falls I am looking forward to a holiday there. I hope to meet many Iranian people. I know they are intelligent and their cuisine is excellent. When that day comes Iran will become a tourist mecca, and I do hope to meet many Israelis, Saudis and Europeans, too.

Edwin Rowe, Chicago, USA

What is God's name are people thinking of?
Where did the word secrecy go?
This is not something to be made public.
Israel should keep its mouth shut and act!
Now the Saudis will be embarassed by the publicity and may stop the flights passage.

morgan, pv, haiti

It is time the U.S. and U.K. to stay out of this situation. Whenever the U.S. & U.K. gets involved, it is never in the interest of the country or people at hand; but for our Governments own political motives.

The countries in the region, except for Israel need to have dialogue with Iran!

David Jordan, Los Angeles, USA

our best strategy is to let iran simmer while we dialoge with all the other arab / islamic states.

weak and useless iran has a failing 30 year old revolution and needs western / israeli aggression to feed it.

obama's starategy of let's talk is not what they want at all. so let's keep it going

nil, windsor, uk

Israel shouldn't do a thing. If they do, they will just end up being condemned for it. If the Saudis want this done, let them do it themselves.

Mark, Queens, United States

I agree there is much dissatisfaction in our region and Iran is taking advantage of it by backing extremists and militias. (there is some dissatisfacton inside Iran too - don't you agree?). What would you say if they established a private army inside Bahrain and tried to control ir again?

dvorit, haifa, Israel

Saudi's are shaking in their boots about a nuclear Iran because they KNOW the Persians covet the Saudi's riches and wealth. There is MUCH bad blood between the Persians and Arabs. And Iran will be happy to spill even more Arab blood if possible.


The whole world has seen that the Irainian people are
good people. They are very courageous, it is just a shame
that there Gov't is evil and not representative of the people!!!
Don't start a war with defensless people, its the leadership
that needs to be changed!!

Blue , Hartford, USA

get em they aint nothing but troubling war mongers(iran) anyway

robert, huntington, usa

Since Israel actually has the bomb and has occupied other peopls' territory in contravention of the unanimous will of the UN Security Council, AND imprisions a nation (in Gaza) while butchering thousands of civilians, where do they get the right to attack other countries who seek to emulate them?

Chris Horner, London, UK

Who is funding the greater terrorist state? Iran with Hezbollah or the USA with Israel? The answer must be found in the number of innocent dead and injured in each case.

I don't buy the Saudis cooperating with Israel in yet another terror offensive - Saudi Arabia is too vulnerable to the response

Macilrae, Seattle, USA

The Americans or the Poms,or bastards with dual passports like Blair and his Solar theme park panels on one of his residences,makes me want to look at my umbilical cord remains!? As decisive people whose sensitivity is upset by Iran!?

philip travers, Tyringham.N.S.W., Australia

I say give if iran desires to aquire nuclear weapons give them some...Round end first and lots of them!

radio-active, gainesville, usa

If Israel keeps pushing for a war that it knows full well others will have to finish, It will eventually come up against the law of unintended consequences. What it is doing is just plain cowardly.

Richard, carcassonne,

KAJ, I acknowledge that you are an idiot if you think the government of Iran wants to live in peace and harmony with either Israel or the U.S.

Phil, Illinois, USA

Iran is funding terrorists in Lebanon as Hezbollah and Gaza as Hamas , you can not live in peace and harmony with someone vowing to destroy you . Funny how you group all Americans and Europeans together . Is this respect calling us all the same ?
What if I called all Arabs terrorists ?

Barry D, Arlington Texas, USA

To Jim Goldstein--I got news for you.Close to 82% of all foriegn oil shipped into USA comes from Canada .Hardly none from the middle-east.Oil is sold inYankee dollars--Just paper money made out of thin air.That is the only reason America protects it's turf.By the way,Petro Canada is 100% owned by Am

giggy kidd, Toronto, Canada

I don't support Iran's regim but I have to say that they have been very successful in spreading their idiology, hence head of neighbouring states' fear. They have done so while they were attacked by Iraq and all world was against them. Should tell you something about people's dissatisfaction.

KAJ, Bahrain,

Akram, woking, uk

But the sunnis have slain far more shias in the past six years than the Israelis have killed Muslims. Especially in Iraq but also in Pakistan. It seems that Sunnis celebrate this.

Dave, London, UK

World has to learn that Iranians are not Arabs whith no dignity and are not like Americans/Europeans who care only about themselves. Learn about Iran's culture, respect them and you would be living with them in peace & harmoney. Avg Iranian is far brighter than avg Arab or American. Aknowledeg that.

KAJ, Bahrain,

If Hezbullah wanted to over throw government they would have done it when they won against Israeel.And what is wrong with Iran supporting another country or group? After all U.S is supporting Israel which is the source of disestabality in the region.Its tit for tat.

KAJ, Bahrain,

Can someone explain to me why Saudi is not counted as a terorist country?Osama was from Saudi and back by Saudi money and U.S support..All these anti terorist started since 9/11 which Iran had nothing to do with. Al Qaedeh wants all Shia's dead so Iran is not funding them! who is??

KAJ, Bahrain,

I don't understand why all are afraid of Iran! After all, Iran never initiated a war in the recent history. The only real weapon Iran has used is its media which by far is less in numbers than all those against it.If she is having a success that should tell us all something.No need for nuclear bombs

KAJ, Bahrain,

Oh ! from now am imagining Israel's jets being destroyed even b4 entering Iran's airspace and felling into laps of their lovers.

ISI, asdfasdf , asdfadsf

Hamas in Gaza were enough good to resist agains Izraelian-Tsahal Invaders & Terrorist ...killing children and civilian women & men!
Saudia Arabia, in 1985, in Mecca asked to France military help(urgent to reach Mecca 5000km), as Izrael was near to Mecca, and after 3 hours, 5.000 Iranian got death!

Djamel, Roma, Italy

dear jhon smith - yes
Iran is involved in many of the incicents in Iraq where thousands of innocent people are murderes.
Iran controls the Hizballah in Lebanon who just recently tried ro overtheow the government by force.
The Egyptian president stated they tried ro destabilize his government.

dvorit, haifa, Israel

Now lets see the score between the USA and Iran when it comes to initiating, attacking, occupying, destabalizing other nations and killing millions over the last 200 years and starting wars:

USA........ over 180 wars
Iran......... ZERO

YUP! Iran is definitely a threat to the world.

Romira, Hamilton, canada

Sounds like "Make a Wish" from Mossad/Bolton. Can't imagine any Arab government; no matter how corrupt, helping Israel. Israel has a visceral hatred for ALL its neighbors. Why help Israel - so you can be next?

richard vajs, upper tract, WV, USA

zionist regime is one of the greatest threat for the world stability. the want to divide and rule between shia and sunnis.
unfortunately there is some black sheep in muslim world called them self as moderate muslim. specially egypt and jordan. the great democratic countries where leader never chang

aijaznisar, cork, ireland


Israel has been threat to world peace since its inception. It has created trouble in the region. so who is the greater threat? undoubtedly the Israelis, and what's more they are universally despised in the Muslim world.

the sunni shia conflict is not on the same par.

Akram, woking, uk

this is just israeli propaganda. The US Air force & the CIA have already said any sustained bombing raid (by the US) would at most delay the iranian program by a year or 2. Only a full land invasion can stop the program. So any theoretical Israeli raid would not make any difference at all.

Akram, woking, uk

@ Mike Young

You are indeed, obviously very young.

JW, Victoria,

There remains the fact that no evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons development has ever been presented. BTW, Israel has nuclear weapons. The US should in all fairness force Israel and I mean use force, if necessary, to give us its nuclear arsenal. If only for the boys killed on the USS Liberty.

Matt, Richmond, USA

Take real action against the Iranian government when even the new head of the IAEA just confirmed as did Muhammad-El-Baradei there are no evidence that Iran is developing a nuclear weapons program - for what purpose simply because Israel, the war hawks and some puppet Arab regimes say so?

scalia, New York, USA

Dear Mohamed Hmed,

There is a strong, secret service, cooperation between several Sunni countries and Israel since a few years now. Since Iran is apparently not only a threat to Israel but also to several other Sunni countries. Question: do you consider Jews to be bigger enemy for a Sunni than the Shiite?

Gurdjieff, Groningen, Netherlands

Damn Saudi Arabia for supporting an agenda that would endanger the lives of innocent civilians. The citizens of Saudi need to rise up. Enough is enough.

faisal, ny,

It will be the end of Saudi regime if they allow Israeli's to use their airspace against Iran.There will be a horrible war with all Saudi oil installations on fire.It seems Mussad provokes such political propoganda to test the region's attitude.Israel should behave and respect others for once .

Alex, London, UK

Not even a 7th years old would believe the Israeli narrative, since we all know the limits of Israeli success in destroying Iran's nuclear program.Any such attempts by Israel would only bring havoc to the region neither the Arab moderates nor Israel would survive its consequences.

walldizo, Buirut, Lebanon

I love how Israeli leaders cheers for the Iranian revolting and wanting freedom and yet for years ignored and crushed Palestinians hopes for freedom..sometimes with ways more brutal than the one employed by the Iranian regime. The only difference is how the media report each.

Hisham Homsay, LA , USA

Unless King Abdullah II of Jordan looks the other way as did his father when in 1981 the Israëlis took out Iraq's Osiraq reactor (not inconceivable), the obvious route for an attack on Iran would be over Lebanon (no airforce), Syria (utterly outclassed airforce) and (U. S. controlled) Iraq.

Laurence Tenney, San Francisco,

I will not be surprised by this story,since the pubbet regime in Saudia Arabia will do anything to satisfy their masters in washinghton and tel-aviv.actualy they started talking about allowing Israel to use Gulf states Air space for civil flights as a cover for Israel attack on Iran.

Mohamed Hmed, Tripoli, Libya

as usual Israel is expected to do the dirty work of the West so when oil prices rise you will have a scapegoat to blame for an unprevoked attack on the peaceloving Islamic state .In the meantime I know the latest protests of the British Govt will have a profound effect on the Iranian Govt.

Mike Young, Maalot, Israel

Dear John

Yes, indeed. The Iranian regime is peaceful, tolerant, treats its own people with kindness and vision - altogether an inspirational model of government for the rest of the world. What is the rest for the world thinking of??!! Another mystery of the universe, I'm afraid....

Mark Gilbert, London,

Non sense. The fact that it was aired, is prove that it is just non sense.
Israel would love to see the Muslim world engulfed in a Sunni/Shia war.
Bolton should come clean and admit that he is an Israeli agent.

Hisham Homsay, LA , USA

Non sense story. Airing it confirm that it is non sense.
Nothing Israel like to see more than a Shia/Sunni conflict.
Bolton should register as an Israeli agent instead of continuing to claim he speaks for US.

Hisham Homsay, LA , USA

A big "NO" from Saudi - guaranteed.

Saudi policy: move onto world stage. responsible, more
moderate voice. Create 21st C "knowledge cities"
Retain best of culture but modernize.

Abominates irael as sadistic bully.
Viz Gaza savagery.

Suspect this is yet more Israel PR
Neocon backed.

Leigh Vernier, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

What is unbelievable, in my view, is that the comments here are so militant and aggressive. Who are you people? It is hard to believe, that after all these criminal acts committed by Israel in Gaza and elsewhere and the US all around the world, people still blame Iran. Why blame Iran and its leadership? Are they fighting wars around the world? Are they murdering millions of people around the world? Are they staging coup and destabilizing other governments? Have they brought the world economy to its knees/ Wake up; and stay away from CNN, etc.

John Smith , Seoul, South Korea

Fake Story.
Israel can't carry out such operation w/o starting a huge war that will never ends. U.S will loose it's main source of oil for a very long time if such evil war started not to mention the big economic turmoil in the u.s so this will make it even worse.

Jim, cansas city, U.S

Israelis not going to do anything, the Saudis know this. Chill out people

Periya Visaran, Moscow, Russia

Only a preemptive military strike will stop Iran. Nothing else will work. Nice to see the Saudis agree.

Terry, Eilat, Israel

why would any free loving democratic newspaper give this information out? I just dont understand...I understand that "the people" need to know everything but stuff as important as this that will help the world from a nuclear Iran, should not have been brought to light...Rediculous.

Rob, Tehran, Iran

The Middle East, the centre of world's oil is very crucial. You control the region you control the oil flow. Believe this was the top strategy from ancient time to the present & it will be into the future. Add this to " Rule the waves, rule the world". A bit misty but we can all see. God is fair.

Lim, JB, Malaysia

Imagine Iran closes Hermez destroying fresh water facilities,attacking US troops in Iraq and Afganistan,destroying small monarchies in the Gulf,awakening the sleeping cells committing suiside attacks,all with 10% of what it planned?
Do not ever underestimate and always think what to do afteraction

Ali Asgarany, Denever, US

it is very bad it was aired out, now the Sudies may step back, and once agian an attack, which is nesesary since sanctions are not being kept, by some European companies, and by Russia, which is being briebed by the Iranians.

Concerened Citizen of the west, Barcelona, Spain

Add to all of what I already said the "Fifth Column" potential created by the Orwellian suppression of all dissent by the Khatami-Ahmadinejad régime, and you have a potential for sudden and radical change for the MUCH better in Iran.

Fundamentalist Islamicism (NOT Islam!)—on its last legs?

Laurence Tenney, San Francisco,

Add to what I already said that the Pahlavi Pretender to the Peacock Throne, Reza Cyrus Pahlavi, resides in Potomac, Maryland, and the previous Qajar dynasty's Pretender to the Peacock Throne, Mohammad Hassan Mirza Qajar II, lives in Dallas, and the plot continues to clot.

Laurence Tenney, San Francisco,

Why not a unified effort from those countries affected, to blast Iran's nuclear facilities, why Israel alone? Does not make sense.

James Garbarzewich, Philadelphia, USA

Take a look at a map and what else is going on in the region:

Troop surge in (Iran-bordering) Helmand Province, Afghanistan;

Troop disengagement from Iraqi cities;

Troop basing and transit agreements with Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan;

Troops already in Turkey;

That's 300 characters; more later.

Laurence Tenney, San Francisco,

Any Israeli attack on Iran cannot be limited to just the nuclear faciilities; it needs to include the political establishment, Revolutionary guards, air force, command & control apparatus and missile sites. Take out the top leadership and generate infighting and confusion.

John F., Jersey, C.I. ,

Mr.Goldstein has just presented a political win-win for attacking Iran. Conservatives advocate using force against Iran's nuclear program and liberals pray for dramatically higher energy prices. The US and Israel have energy efficient economies generally and would survive physically and economically

Reason, Arlington, VA, USA

So Iran can now justify attacking Saudi Arabian oil facilities which will drive the price of oil to new records. This could ultimately destroy the American economy which in turn would destroy Israels economy.

Jim Goldstein, Vancouver, Canada

So Iran can now justify attacking Saudi Arabian oil facilities which will drive the price of oil to new records. This could ultimately destroy the American economy which in turn would destroy Israels economy.

Jim Goldstein, Vancouver, Canada

James Dodd is right on the money, that Obama's bankrupt foreign policy is going nowhere.'s about time that other governments -- not just Israel -- show some spine and take real action rather than just issue "strong condemnations" of iran.

Charles, Cleveland, USA

James Dodd, Ealing, UK
Look at history over the last 100 years and you get almost total justification for every charge of political interference in all middle eastern countries. Political assassinations, coups and wars based on lies could reasonably account for their suspicion of us.

Gandalf, Melbourne, Australia

It is despicable that Iran is using Britain as scapegoat for its political unrest. It is time for Israel to strike iran militarily. The stolen election and its tumultuous aftermath have dramatically highlighted the strategic and tactical flaws in Obama's game plan.

James Dodd, Ealing, UK