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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

[] Terrible Quotes on Allopathic Cancer Treatment


Terrible  Quotes  on  Allopathic  Cancer  Treatment

If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre. Cancer victims who live far from such centres have a chance.
Professor Georges Mathé, French cancer specialist a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.
Alan C Nixon, PhD, former president of the American Chemical Society

As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you are in a serious accident, YOUR BEST CHANCE OF LIVING TO A RIPE OLD AGE IS TO AVOID DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS AND LEARN NUTRITION, HERBAL MEDICINE AND OTHER FORMS OF NATURAL MEDICINE. Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone. Most surgery is unnecessary. In short, our mainstream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt. THE TREATMENT OF CANCER AND DEGENERATIVE DISEASES IS A NATIONAL SCANDAL. The sooner you learn this, the better off you will be.
Dr. Allan Greenberg on 12/24/2002

Stanford University doctors compared the effects of chemotherapy to doing nothing in patients with slow-growing tumors of the lymph nodes. The patients whose treatment was deferred for years did just as well as patients who immediately received expensive and unpleasant chemotherapy. Nineteen of the 83 (or 23%) experienced spontaneous remission lasting four months to six years. A review of the study in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded, "...deferring treatment ... may allow for spontaneous regression of the disease."
"Cheating Fate," Health, April 6, 1992

Medical study shows: untreated patients live up to 4 times longer than those who received conventional cancer therapy
"My studies have proved conclusively that cancer patients who refuse chemotherapy and radiation actually live up to FOUR TIMES LONGER THAN TREATED CASES...Beyond a shadow of a doubt, radical surgery on cancer does more harm than good...As for radiation treatment -- most of the time it makes not the slightest difference whether the machine is turned on or not. ...unfortunately, it seems to be only a question of time, usually, before the disease pops up again all over the body... Every cancer patient who keeps in excellent physical shape may have many good years left. The alternative is to squander those years as an invalid through radical medical intervention, which has zero chance of extending life. ...It's utter nonsense to claim that catching cancer symptoms early enough will increase the patient's chances of survival... Furthermore, untreated breast cancer cases show a life expectancy four times longer than treated ones. ~ My wife and I have discussed what she would do if breast cancer was diagnosed in her. And we both agreed that she would do nothing as regards to treatment, except to keep as healthy as possible. I guarantee she would live longer!"
Dr. Hardin Jones, prominent cancer researcher & former physiology professor at the University of California Department of Medical Physics, who has been studying cancer for more than 23 years, travelling the world to collect data on the dreaded disease. Published in Transactions, New York Academy of Science, series 2, v.18, n.3, p. 322.
Note: Please don't interpret this and similar statements to mean that someone who has opted to go part or all of the conventional route doesn't have a chance. I believe there always is an excellent chance for health and recovery as long as the person is
really determined (on all levels) to recover (after all, some people even recover on the conventional road!).

Chemotherapy and radiation can increase the risk of developing a second cancer by up to 100 times, according to Dr. Samuel S. Epstein.
Congressional Record, Sept. 9, 1987e

Biopsies of breast/prostate:
"I was contacted by a lady who successfully dealt with her breast cancer from 1994 to present. She refused all conventional medical procedures. Last year her conventional oncologist convinced her that she was a fool not to get a needle biopsy. This lady now has new tumors growing at each puncture site. Of course her oncologist now has detailed information to help decide which chemos to use for this now rapidly metastasizing cancer. I repeatedly make this same observation with prostate cancer. I rarely see distant metastasis until after a biopsy -- and then it rapidly goes everywhere including the bones."
Dr. Vincent Gammill, Center for the Study of Natural Oncology (CSNO) Solana Beach , California (non profit)
More on Biopsies

More powerful quotes on conventional cancer treatment

On Alternative Cancer Treatment

Wer heilt, hat recht. (The one who heals is right.)
German saying

Dr Linus Pauling, often known as the 'Father of Vitamin C' and twice awarded the Nobel Prize, declared that large intakes of up to 10g of the vitamin each day aids anti-cancer activity within the body. Pauling was largely derided for making these declarations, but today, large doses of Vitamin C are used by many practitioners for cancer patients in nutritional therapy, who believe Pauling was right and that the popular nutrient is indispensable to the body in its fight to regain health from cancer (
Vitamin C healing testimony).
Phillip Day, Cancer, Why We're Still Dying to Know The Truth, Credence Publications, 2001

Essiac Is A Cure For Cancer, Period .
C.A. Brusch, M.D., J.F.K's Personal Physician

It is interesting how many establishment doctors start out, in many cases to disprove the efficacy of alternative therapies and become advocates of alternative therapies. I don't hear many stories of the other way round.
Laura Lee radio show, 1994, interviewing Dr. Ralph Moss on Chemotherapy, Laetrile, Coley's Toxins, Burzynski, & Cancer Politics

Numerous, independent clinical studies published in major medical journals world wide confirm Dr. Budwig's findings….Over 40 years ago Dr Budwig presented clear and convincing evidence, which has been confirmed by hundreds of other related scientific research papers since, that the essential fatty acids were at the core of the answer to the cancer problem…You will come to your own conclusions as to why this simple effective prevention and therapy has not only been ignored—it has been suppressed!
Dr Willner, M.D., Ph.D., author of The Cancer Solution

It is illegal for a homeopath, naturopath, herbalist etc to treat cancer in the UK (Cancer Act), or advertise any remedy for cancer. Only a medical doctor, an allopath, is allowed to treat cancer. This effectively makes it illegal to treat cancer with herbs. You can treat yourself but you can't legally use the advice of a herbal doctor. You can go into any hospital or surgery and get virtually free drug medicine, but if you want to treat your cancer with far cheaper herbs or nutrients you have to first find a doctor, assuming you even know about the alternatives (unlikely), and then pay him, along with all the medications. "We KNOW the answer to cancer... Yet the authorities, in the form of the law of the land ( UK ), will not allow this book (The Good News On Cancer) to be promoted to lay is not permitted that they can even be told where to find information that might help them. That has got to be democracy with a very small d......One eminent publisher...backed out as he feared he could be jailed for infringing the Cancer Act by offering the book to the public. Another...was deliberately pressured by an unnamed group after his medical reader (an M.D.), having checked the manuscript, leaked its contents to a confidential authority.
Dr Richards & Frank Hourigan

The War Against Quackery is a carefully orchestrated, heavily endowed campaign sponsored by extremists holding positions of power in the orthodox hierarchy.....The mutimillion-dollar campaign against quackery was never meant to root out incompetent doctors; it was, and is, designed specifically to destroy alternative medicine...The millions were raised and spent because orthodox medicine sees alternative, drugless medicine as a real threat to its economic power. And right they are...the majority of the drug houses will not survive.
Dr Atkins, M.D. (The Healing of Cancer by Barry Lynes)

If you thumb through a Physician's Desk Reference, which is a very thick volume that details all the thousands and thousands of pharmaceuticals sold and prescribed by MD's, you will find that over and over and over again under the heading, "Mechanism of Action" it reads "UNKNOWN." In other words, MD's do NOT KNOW WHY OR HOW a very great percentage of the pharmaceuticals they prescribe work!
One scarcely ever hears of the client of an MD requesting that his or her doctor tell them how a particular drug the doctor is prescribing works. But somehow, when it comes to things alternative, things non-prescription, everyone wants to know how they work and what the mechanism of action is!
Also, the FDA is completely two-faced when it comes to approving pharmaceuticals versus approving non-pharmaceuticals. As I have already mentioned, the Physician's Desk Reference contains tremendous numbers of pharmaceuticals for which there is NO known mechanism of action---NO ONE can say how they work. But when Dr. ________(can't remember his name) tried to get his bovine cartilage approved by the FDA, the FDA turned him down because he could not provide them with the mechanism of action!
Personally, I do not need to know just how an alternative treatment works, provided I can find people I trust who reliably tell me it works, and provided I know that if it does not work for me, it will not hurt or kill me or my savings account.
Elliot Yudenfriend

According to scientific criteria, [Dr. Hamer's] New Medicine has to be declared as true according to the present state of science and to the best of our current knowlege. Whereas orthodox (conventional) medicine, scientifically speaking, is an amorphous mush, which cannot even be falsified, let alone verified due to its being based on fundamentally misunderstood (alleged) facts. According to scientific criteria, conventional medicine can only be called a hotchpotch of hypotheses, hence unscientific and to the best of human judgment false.
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz assessing the scientific validity of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's German "New Medicine versus conventional medicine, translated by © Healing Cancer Naturally © 2008

And what do I actually do? I give cancer patients simple, natural foods. That is all. I take sick people out of the hospital, when it is said there that they do not have more than an hour or two left to live, that the scientifically attested diagnosis is at hand and that the patient is completely moribund. In most cases I can help even these patients quickly and conclusively.
Dr. Johanna Budwig, seven-times Nobel prize nominee, in "Flax Oil as a True Aid"

...remember, nothing works all by itself! You must look at healing in a holistic way! Much literature exists on this interesting subject. Again - no therapy is either effective nor valid all by itself without considering a change in diet, life style and emotional outlook on life. You can't eat like food is going out of style, hate and criticize all of Nature's creation and take a couple of herbs and hope to heal in 24 hours or less! Nature takes a long time to break down and takes a long time to heal 100%. Absence of symptoms does not necessarily mean a complete return to health!
Dr. Jürgen Buche, Preventorium Institute

You wouldn't believe how many FDA officials or relatives or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hannover . You wouldn't believe this, or directors of the AMA, or ACA, or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes. That's the fact.
Hans Nieper M.D. (1928-1998)

Holistic methods focus on working with the body and boosting whatever immune system the patient still has. Chemotherapy and radiation by contrast, usually devastate the immune system at the one time in you life that you need it the most. Lorraine Day tells us: "Cancer is a disease of the immune system. It's caused by a depressed immune system. How can it possibly be cured by a therapy that further damages the immune system?" Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Any More

The more expert—or at least the more educated—a person is, the less likely that person is to see a solution when it is not within the framework in which he or she was taught to think. When a possibility comes up that is ruled out by the accepted framework, an expert—or well-educated individual—is often less likely to see it than an amateur without the confining framework. For example, one naturally prefers to consult a trained doctor than an untrained person about matters of health. But if a new cure happens to be developed that is at variance with accepted concepts, the medical profession is often the last to accept it. This problem has always existed in all professions, but it tends to be accentuated under modern conditions.
Herman Kahn

After more than twenty years of ... specialized work, I have found the nontoxic Nitrilosides - that is, Laetrile [also known as amygdalin or Vitamin B17] - far superior to any other known cancer treatment or preventative...
Dr. Hans Nieper, Germany
Laetrile background article, Ernst Krebs lecturing on Vitamin B17 and the book World Without Cancer.

Eminent author Lothar Hirneise who travelled the world in search of effective answers to healing cancer writes that in his research of conventional and alternative cancer treatments, he learned that even among the so-called alternative practitioners, making money and satisfying one's personal ego played the major part, similar to what can be observed in the orthodox oncological fraternity (see On Cancer Business and Alternative cancer treatment caveat and advice: on honesty & deception, money & manipulation, commercialism, theft of copyright, ego & "all that glitters is not gold).
Healing Cancer Naturally

Recommended Reading:
Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer
FlaxOil As A True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer, And Other Diseases
Cancer, The Magnetic/Oxygen Answer
Cancer Prevention and Reversal: The Magnetic Answer

Also see Choosing an alternative cancer treatment & healing protocol, For Anyone Thinking Of Having Mainstream Treatment, Breast Cancer Treatment Advice,
History of Alternative Cancer Treatment, cancer researcher Lothar Hirneise's and Dr. Hamer's thought-provoking insights into the positive role of tumors and other symptoms, Nature Heals and Healing Cancer.

On Drugs

During 1983-1992, between 90,000 to 110,000 Americans died from reactions to prescriptions drugs, 320 from over-the-counter drugs, three from all dietary supplements combined including contaminated L-tryptophan, and ZERO FROM HERBS.
Sources: American Association of Poison Control Centers , FDA, AAPCC, USDA, JAMA, New England J. of Medicine.

Medicines are of subordinate importance, because of their very nature they can only work symptomatically.
Hans Kusche, M.D.

Drugs tend to worsen whatever they're supposed to cure, which sets up a vicious circle.
Dr. Dean Black in Health at the Crossroads p. 20

Drug side effects are the fourth leading cause of death in the industrialized world. September 11, 2001, 2,600 innocent people died in this tragedy.The same number of people die from side effects of prescription drugs every ten days.
Quote based on the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA),
April 15, 1998 edition

"The latest FDA-approved drug for fighting colon cancer [Celecoxib] may be sitting in your kitchen. Rosemary, turmeric, grapes, a honey bee product called propolis: These all contain chemicals similar to a drug used to prevent the growth of cancerous cells in the large intestine; they work much in the same way." It is interesting that the FDA approved the drug, but not the natural substances that contained a natural version of the synthetic drug. See the book: Beyond Aspirin: Nature's Answer to Arthritis, Cancer & Alzheimer's Disease (Hohm Press, 2000), by Thomas M. Newmark and Paul Schulick.
Webster Kehr

What hope is there for medical science to ever become a true science when the entire structure of medical knowledge is built around the idea that there is an entity called disease which can be expelled when the right drug is found?
John H. Tilden, M.D.

If you thumb through a Physician's Desk Reference, which is a very thick volume that details all the thousands and thousands of pharmaceuticals sold and prescribed by MD's, you will find that over and over and over again under the heading, "Mechanism of Action" it reads "UNKNOWN." In other words, MD's do NOT KNOW WHY OR HOW a very great percentage of the pharmaceuticals they prescribe work!
One scarcely ever hears of the client of an MD requesting that his or her doctor tell them how a particular drug the doctor is prescribing works. But somehow, when it comes to things alternative, things non-prescription, everyone wants to know how they work and what the mechanism of action is!
Also, the FDA is completely two-faced when it comes to approving pharmaceuticals versus approving non-pharmaceuticals. As I have already mentioned, the Physician's Desk Reference contains tremendous numbers of pharmaceuticals for which there is NO known mechanism of action---NO ONE can say how they work. But when Dr. ________(can't remember his name) tried to get his bovine cartilage approved by the FDA, the FDA turned him down because he could not provide them with the mechanism of action!
Personally, I do not need to know just how an alternative treatment works, provided I can find people I trust who reliably tell me it works, and provided I know that if it does not work for me, it will not hurt or kill me or my savings account.
Elliot Yudenfriend

The natural purpose and driving force of the pharmaceutical industry is to increase sales of pharmaceutical drugs for ongoing diseases and to find new diseases to market existing drugs. By this very nature, the pharmaceutical industry has no interest in curing diseases. The eradication of any disease inevitably destroys a multi-billion dollar market of prescription drugs as a source of revenues. Therefore, pharmaceutical drugs are primarily developed to relieve symptoms, but not to cure.
Dr. Matthias Rath

Drugs NEVER cure diseases. Drugs, such as antibiotics, kill bacteria but they kill bacteria indiscriminately which leads to serious bowel problems. In addition, ALL antibiotics have side effects, many that are very severe and can sometimes cause death. But in most cases drugs cover up the symptoms of the disease allowing the disease to get worse. If a patient recovers, it is the immune system that has done the job. If you nourish the immune system by diet, by decreasing stress and by the use of other natural methods, it can keep you free from ALL disease.
Loraine Day, M.D., one of those who cured themselves of breast cancer naturally

Insurance companies are cost plus providers which, have no incentive to reduce costs. They act as "gatekeeper" and for their role in the monopoly will not pay for any treatment which comes from outside the cartel. This nation is coming to understand this horror is a result of complacency as well as collusion between government agency, pharmaceutical interests and institutional medicine and its powerful financial influence over nearly every facet of the worldwide bureaucracy and mass media.

One in 15 hospital patients in the United States can expect to suffer from a prescription or over-the-counter medicine, and about 5 percent of these will die as a result!
The Washington Post, April 15, 1998, quoting the Journal of the American Medical Association

Doctors and Drug Industry have jointly killed thousand times more persons in peace time than all the war-time casualties put together in the last 500 years. There is a graphic book titled Doctors, Drugs and Devils, which traces the grotesque history of modern medicine. There is another equally damning evidence titled America the Poisoned, which records the evil effects of deadly chemicals destroying our environment, our wildlife and ourselves. And then there is that all-time famous treatise by Dr. Ivan Illich called The Medical Nemesis (or Limits to Medicine), which the drug companies bulk-purchased and burnt.
Dr. Leo Rebello

More quotes & facts on drugs

Compare On Chemotherapy, On Cancer Business, The TRUE Cost Of Your Prescription Drugs! and As Doctors Write Prescriptions, Drug Company Writes a Check.

Also see Nature Heals and Healing Cancer.

On Modern Medicine

"What you must understand, Mr. Gearin-Tosh, is that we know so little about how the body works."
Sir David Weatherall, Regius professor of medicine at Oxford University and head of the Institute of Molecular Medicine , to a Stanford University professor who healed himself of one of the most lethal cancers known using natural means.

More Powerful Statements On Modern Orthodox Medicine,
Its Dangers, "Scientific" Nature, Doctors & A Larger Truth

On Causes of Cancer

In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state…Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease…Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease.
Dr. Steven Levine, renowned Molecular Biologist and Author,
in Antioxidant Adaptations: Its Role In Free Radical Pathology, 1985

Since you are all energy, the problem and the solution healing to your illness begin and end in your energy field.
Ellen A Mogensen, Past & Now Forward Holistic Counseling

The growth of cancer cells is initiated by a relative lack of oxygen. Cancer cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.
Dr. Otto Warburg, twice Nobel Laureate, Nobel prize in 1931 for discovering the cause of cancer

Cancer is a disease of stasis, i.e. lack of proper life energy flow.
Tenet of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), endorsed by eminent cancer researcher Lothar Hirneise, Healing Cancer Naturally and others

Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body's cells by an anaerobic (i.e., oxygen deficient) cell respiration.
Dr. Otto Warburg, twice Nobel Laureate

...the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.
     Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes.
Dr. Otto Warburg in The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer

When I've asked each cancer patient who's come to consult me so far whether there was a part of him or her which wanted to die, the answer was invariably "yes". They then proceeded to tell me a number of reasons why dying would indeed be an easy way out. In such cases it's worth asking under what conditions the patient could wholeheartedly start embracing their life again. The therapist's task is to show the patient ways to arrange their life in such a fashion as to make living worthwhile again.
Dr. Hans-Peter Zimmermann translated by © Healing Cancer Naturally 2007

Numerous, independent clinical studies published in major medical journals world wide confirm Dr. Budwig's findings….Over 40 years ago Dr Budwig presented clear and convincing evidence, which has been confirmed by hundreds of other related scientific research papers since, that the essential fatty acids were at the core of the answer to the cancer problem…You will come to your own conclusions as to why this simple effective prevention and therapy has not only been ignored—it has been suppressed!
Dr Willner, M.D., Ph.D., author of The Cancer Solution

Our current estimate is that about 75% of the current annual incidence of breast cancer in the U.S. is being caused by earlier ionizing radiation, primarily from medical sources.
John W. Goffman, M.D., Ph.D., Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, in Preventing Breast Cancer: The Story of a Major, Proven, Preventable Cause of This Disease, 1995

The severe deficiency or lack of over 60 crucially vital trace elements in our daily food is by far the largest cause of most diseases - at my guess about 80%. Next are the agricultural poisons which our agricultural and horticultural industries have foisted upon us.
Quoted from article by Peter H. Weis

Our immune system, which is vital for destroying cancer cells, requires EFAs, vitamins C, B6, and A, and zinc to function, and requires an exceptionally rich nutrient supply of ALL essential nutrients for its high level of complex cellular activities. Deficiencies of EFAs and toxic, man-made synthetic drugs that interfere with essential fatty acid functions can create the conditions of fatty degeneration collectively known as cancer.
Udo Erasmus, author of Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill

Cancer is a disease of location triggered off by geopathic stress. We all produce cancerous cells on a regular basis, but they are continuously destroyed by our body's immune system. Geopathic stress does not cause cancer, but weakens our immune system.
Dr Ernst Hartmann, MD

...(cancer) patients do not want to die or suffer but they have no compelling purpose for LIVING. They submit passively to regimes and procedures to please their families or their physician but they spiral uncomplainingly downward. The litmus question to a cancer or AIDS patient "What real reason do you have for living?" is often unanswerable. The will to live must come from the patient and no amount of anguish, encouragement or threats from any family or friends will help if this will to live is not present. Often, such a situation is intimately linked to a lack of LOVE.
Search for a universal cancer or AIDS cure has obscured recognition of the fact that these diseases will recur (come back) when their predisposing conditions (mostly mental, environmental or habitual) remain. We can aim for reasonable control with multiple therapies, much as we can control a headache with Aspirin, but the surest therapy is prevention. By improving our environment, our life styles and our deeper motivations, we can help to resist the stresses that we impose, or allow to be imposed, on our bodies and minds. The result is perfect health!
Dr. Jürgen Buche, Preventorium Institute

Everything that happens in your life, and everything that happens in your body, begins with something happening in your consciousness. ... the causes of symptoms are within. While it's true that germs cause disease and accidents cause injuries, it is also true that this happens in accord with what is happening in the consciousness of the person involved. Germs are everywhere. Why are some people affected and not others? Something different is happening in their consciousness. ... If our consciousness is directing how we develop symptoms, it can also direct how we release these same symptoms. If our consciousness can make our body ill, our consciousness can make our body well.
...You have the ability to love wherever there was a perception of a lack of love, or a call for love. Love heals. You have in your consciousness the potential and ability to heal anything, on any level, in yourself as well as in any other Being, since it's all just love and energy. What remains is for you to realize this fully and actualize that potential. ... Anything can be healed.
Martin Brofman, Ph.D. who healed his terminal cancer through a consciousness shift

The more advanced your case of cancer, the more obstinate the constipation.
Eli Jones, M.D. 1910

Diseases are but symptoms of nutritional deficiencies combined with retained toxins. These are caused by poor soil resulting in nutritionally deficient plants and fruit and other foodstuff...We must change our nutritional habits to consume at least 75% LIVING and UNPROCESSED foods - those that grow in the ground or fall from a tree. Everything else is hardly worth eating. If we do this we can stop using drugs and even supplements because our food has become our medicine.
Dr. Juergen Buche , ND .

All suffering is caused by the illusion of separateness, which generates fear and self-hatred, which eventually causes illness. You are the master of your life. You can do much more than you thought you could, including cure yourself of a "terminal illness".
Barbara Brennan, former NASA scientist and atmospheric physicist in "Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field"

CANCER... Failing to Take Action to Solve Long-Standing Life Conflicts
In the inner worlds, cancer is known as the "butterfly disease". Like a butterfly, the cancer patient has to struggle to break out of the "cocoon" of their disease or die in the attempt. More often than not, the cancer "victim" has a pattern of long standing life problems that have been "eating them up inside".
Their inability or unwillingness to effectively deal with these problems is what created the cancerous cocoon to begin with. Often, cancer is the manifestation of the person's conflicting desires to escape the situation and to "keep things as they are" because change would be too painful.
Spiritual Reasons for the Top 10 Causes of Death
Ellen A Mogensen, Past & Now Forward Holistic Counseling

 X-rays are a proven cause of human cancer. It is doubtful that you can find any cancer biologists who would deny that statement. Much of the proof comes from the study of people who accumulated their x-ray exposure from multiple exposures, with each exposure received at extremely low doses... Why are x-rays - an undisputed cause of cancer - rarely mentioned? Why is there no agency or organization dedicated to reducing exposure to x-rays, to the lowest levels at which it is technically possible to acquire good images? It is demonstrably feasible to reduce x-ray dose per x-ray procedure, probably to half on the average, without any loss of image-quality and without the purchase of major new equipment.
John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D. The X-rays and Health Project. An educational project of the Committee for Nuclear Responsibility.


The greatest part of all chronic disease is created by the suppression of acute disease by drug poisoning.
Henry Lindlahr, M.D.




Cancer is, basically, a nutritional/environmental disease - it has never been incurable, nor is it anything to do with bad luck. The medical orthodoxy resisted vitamin C as a cure for scurvy for over 200 years; the British Navy, alone, lost over a million men before the academic blockheads could be persuaded to give up their search for mystery "germs" and wonder cures from the chemical industry and turn towards the "witch-doctor cures of ignorant savages." All over the world countless people have been restored to health using naturopathic and other therapies, yet they have been ruthlessly suppressed in order to protect the vested interests of the cancer industry.
British Anti-Vivisection Association

Cancer patients suffer from a faulty metabolism caused by a malfunction in the lipid defense system. By repairing the lipid defense system the cancer cannot survive. Of course common chemo and radiation causes further harm to the lipid defense system -- the very system that protects you from cancer! The folks who will READILY ADMIT that they don't understand the cancer mechanism will tell you with their next breath that cancer can be killed with poisons. So can you. Would you trust your car to a so-called mechanic who didn't understand what makes a car work properly? If not, why would you let someone who doesn't understand cancer "fix" your body? The average cancer docs don't know -- they admit it. That doesn't make them bad people, it just makes them unqualified to treat your condition if you have cancer. Don't let unqualified people poison you just because they don't know what else to do.
William Kelley Eidem, author of "The Doctor Who Cures Cancer (Dr Revici)

More people have died in the last 30 years from cancer connected with fluoridation than all the military deaths in the entire history of the United States .
Dean Burk, PhD National Cancer Institute--Fluoridation: A Burning Controversy

Cell Phones
In 1993, when the cell phone industry's chief lobbyist hired epidemiologist and pathologist Carlo to refute claims that cell phones, which had never been subjected to premarket testing, cause cancer, no-one thought he would discover otherwise. But after six years of exhaustive analysis and scrupulous peer review, the results proved, according to this report, that radiation from a cell phone's antenna can cause the formation of micronuclei red flags for cancer in the brain. Children in particular are more susceptible to the radiation than adults. Carlo reported his findings to the industry and the FDA and advocated for continued research, but both parties still maintain that cell phones are safe. ... detailed scientific explanations ...Journalists, policymakers and consumer advocacy groups...will find this no-holds-barred book extraordinarily informative as they continue investigations of the industry.
Ronald L. Goldfarb (Cahners Business Information) in Publishers Weekly

Compare Proposed Cancer Causes (XV): Mobile Phones, Electro Magnetic Radiation [EMR] and Children's Brain Tumors.

...the condition is still a healthy attempt on the part of the body to maintain balance
Seth commenting on disease in The Nature of Personal Reality

... from my experience I am a practical thinker and water makes sense. I can personally claim that your information works and it is amazing that so many other friends of mine think it is just too simple of a solution. It is particularly distressing to encounter the ignorance shown by traditional medical people who seem to be blinded by their training and professional arrogance when it comes to acceptance of your information. Thank you very much Doctor Batmanghelidj and I pray that "WE" are successful in getting your practical information heard by people who can benefit from it.
Wells Jackson, cured of prostate cancer by water drinking and diet improvements (cutting out alcohol, coffee & sodas and eating lots of vegetables, particul. greens)

Firstly Bob, I want to thank you for your web site and for your unselfish dedication to Dr. Batmanghelidj and the water cure. About five years ago, I was told by Doctors, one at Sloan Kettering Memorial Cancer Center that I had lymphoma (of the stomach lining). I went on a short water fast and after 4 days vomited large amounts of bile. I continued for several more days and increased my water drinking to about 80 - 100 oz. a day. I did not listen to the doctors and took no other treatment. Today I am in great health, all thanks to water. I only wish that I had learned the secret earlier in my life. Lymph is just about 90%+ water and no one should get lymphoma - it is all due to dehydration...I must wonder why it is so difficult to get people to listen and understand about the benefits of water.


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