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Monday, November 26, 2007

[] Trrorist attack byMosad and RAW in Bangladesh ! a report in Amar Desh, pls read n pray for Bangladesh

dear all,
                     very important  report published in todays  Amar Desh says that bangladesh is in fear of terrorist attack by Raw nMOsad. pls read and pray for bangladesh
পöäথম পাতা
÷েমাসাদ÷' ও ÷র÷' ত÷Lপর : বড় ধরেনর নাশকতার আশöñা
  িবেশষ পöäিতিনিধ - ২০০৭-১১-২৭

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ংলােদশেক দিöìণ এিশয়ার ÷িফিলি÷‚÷Iন÷' বানােনা ও চরম öÛনরােজöåর িদেক েঠেল েদয়ার লেöìöå ইসরাইিল গু÷^চর সং÷হা েমাসাদ এবং ভারতীয় গু÷^চর সং÷হা ÷র÷' উেঠপেড় েলেগেছ÷‰ রাজৈনিতক দলগুেলােক িছ÷Xিভ÷X কের িদেয় ও নাশকতামূলক কমöæকা÷V পিরচালনা কের এই দুিট সং÷হা চাইেছ তােদর পছ÷Zদনীয় পেöìর অনুকূেল আবহ öÛতির করেত÷‰
এ বöåাপাের সূ÷E জািনেয়েছ, সা÷mপöãিতককােল বাংলােদেশ ইসরাইিল গু÷^চর সং÷হা েমাসােদর ত÷Lপরতা েবেড় েগেছ÷‰ ইসরাইিল লিবিট পিলিসেমিকং
ঝেড়বক িবö÷াপন
ং পযöæােয় তােদর আö÷াবহ িবিভ÷X শিöëশালী গöäুেপর মাধöåেম পöäভাব িব÷‚÷Iার করেছ÷‰ অিত স÷mপöãিত ঘূিণöæঝেড় ইসরাইেলর পöì েথেক ÷Eাণ পöäদােনর খবরিটও েকৗশেল এরা পöäচার কের÷‰ ইহুিদ েদশিট বাংলােদেশ এমিন শöë অব÷হােন েপঁৗেছেছ েয, িবিভ÷X দূতাবাস, এনিজও এবং দাতা সং÷হায় কমöæরত ইহুিদ স÷mপöãদােয়র কমöæকতöæােদর একিট বড় অংশ কাজ করেছ সরাসির েমাসােদর হেয়÷‰ তারা মািকöæন বা ইউেরাপীয় েকােনা েদেশর পাসেপােটöæ এেদেশ এেলও মূলত ইসরাইিল গু÷^চর সং÷হার সেöò স÷mপöàöë÷‰ এছাড়া েবশ িকছু রাজনীিতিবদ, সাংবািদক, আইনজীবী, সুশীল সমােজর একিট অংশেকও ক÷bা কের েফেলেছ েমাসাদ÷‰ বাংলােদেশর একিট েগােয়÷Zদা সং÷হার এক পöäিতেবদেন এমন আশংকাও পöäকাশ করা হেয়েছ েয, আগামী মাস িতেনেকর মেধöå বাংলােদেশ ভয়ংকর নাশকতামূলক কমöæকা÷V পিরচালনার পিরক÷sপনা কেরেছ েমাসাদ÷‰ েবিশর ভাগ েöìে÷Eই এই গু÷^চর সং÷হািট ভারতীয় ÷র÷'-এর সেöò সমন÷fেয়র মাধöåেম কাজ করেছ বেলও আভাস পাওয়া েগেছ÷‰
সরকােরর সংিশ÷u÷y িবভােগর কমöæকতöæােদর মেত, েমাসােদর লöìöå হেöôছ দিöìণ এিশয়ায় অেনক ÷িফিলি÷‚÷Iন÷' বানােনা÷‰ ইেতামেধöåই তারা আফগািন÷‚÷Iান ও পািক÷‚÷Iােনর পিরি÷হিতেত তöà÷^÷‰ বাংলােদশেকও আেরকিট ÷িফিলি÷‚÷Iন÷' বানােত পারেল তােদর েষালকলা পূণöæ হয়÷‰ এই লöìöå বা÷‚÷Iবায়েন তারা েকােনা বাধা এমনিক িসআইএ বা মািকöæিনেদর েকােনা িনেষধ মানেতও পöä÷‚÷Iুত নয়÷‰ মুেখ এক কথা বলেলও কােজ তারা করেছ উে÷sটািট÷‰
এিদেক ভারতীয় গু÷^চর সং÷হা ÷র÷' ও েসেদেশর নীিত িনধöæারক মহেলর একিট শিöëশালী অংশ বাংলােদেশর রাজৈনিতক অöòেন িনেজেদর পছ÷Zদনীয় দলেক öìমতাসীন করা এবং জাতীয়তবাদী শিöëেক দুবöæল করার জনöå উেঠপেড় েলেগেছ÷‰ শিöëশালী এ অংশিটর েনতöàেত÷h রেয়েছন ভারেতর পররা÷yöãম÷[÷Kী ও কংেগöäেসর িসিনয়র েনতা পöäণব মুখাজöæী÷‰ সংিশ÷u÷y সূে÷E জানা েগেছ, বতöæমান ত÷G÷fাবধায়ক সরকােরর সেöò তােদর ভােলা স÷mপকöæ রেয়েছ বেল মেন কেরন এই বষöæীয়ান কংেগöäস েনতা÷‰ তার মেত, বাংলােদশ সরকােরর কমöæকাে÷V ভারত স÷[÷Iু÷y÷‰ ভারেতর সেöò স÷mপকöæ উ÷Xয়েন আগöäহী বেলই েসেদেশর িবিভ÷X দািব-দাওয়া-েöìােভর পöäেশ÷\ বাংলােদশ এখন ইিতবাচক সাড়া িদেöôছ÷‰ িক÷[÷Iু তারা েকােনাভােবই চান না বাংলােদেশ গণতে÷[÷Kর পিরবেতöæ সামিরক শাসকরা öìমতাসীন েহাক÷‰ তােদর আশংকা হেöôছ েসনা সমিথöæত ত÷G÷fাবধায়ক সরকােরর েময়াদ মা÷Eািতিরöë বöàি÷P েপেল গণতাি÷[÷Kক বöåব÷হা নসöåা÷L হেব এবং সামিরক শাসেনর পথ সুগম হেব÷‰ এ েপöäিöìেত শগিগর গণতাি÷[÷Kক বöåব÷হায় িফের েযেত বাংলােদেশর ওপর আেরা চাপ সöàি÷yর জনöå ভারতীয় ওই শিöëশালী লিবিট যুöëরাে÷yöãর সেöò কথা বেলেছ÷‰ তারা মািকöæিনেদর েবাঝােনার েচ÷yা কেরেছন েয আপাতদöàি÷yেত েসনাশাসন যুöëরাে÷yöãর জনöå কলöåাণকর িবেবিচত হেলও পিরেশেষ তা জিöòবাদেকই উ÷Lসািহত করেব÷‰
এিদেক বাংলােদেশ েয রাজৈনিতক দল বা রাজনীিতেক ভারেতর উে÷rিখত নীিত-িনধöæারকগণ ÷মöòলকর÷' বেল মেন করেছন তা বা÷‚÷Iবায়েনর জনöå ইেতামেধöåই তােদর গু÷^চর সং÷হােক মােঠ নািমেয় িদেয়েছন÷‰ বাংলােদেশর একিট শীষöæ েগােয়÷Zদা সং÷হা এমন িকছু তথöå পöäমাণ েপেয়েছ যােত ÷প÷y হেয় েগেছ েয স÷mপöãিত ধমöæিভি÷Gক রাজনীিত িনিষ÷P ও যু÷Pাপরাধীেদর িবচােরর পöäেশ÷\ েয পিরেবেশর সöàি÷y হেয়েছ তার েপছেন মূল ই÷Wনদাতা হেöôছ ভারেতর ওই গু÷^চর সং÷হা ও তােদর এেদশীয় এেজ÷Zটরা÷‰ সূ÷E জািনেয়েছ পöäণব মুখাজöæী মেন কেরন পািক÷‚÷Iান ও বাংলােদশ মুসিলম েদশ হেলও দু÷'েদেশর রাজনীিত স÷mপূণöæ িভ÷X÷‰ বাংলােদেশ আওয়ামী লীগ েনতöàত÷hাধীন ধমöæ িনরেপöì বাঙািল জাতীয়তাবাদী শিöë যেথ÷y শিöëশালী÷‰ অপরিদেক পািক÷‚÷Iােনর রাজৈনিতক সং÷}öàিত অেনকটাই ধমöæিভি÷Gক÷‰ এ অব÷হায় বাংলােদেশ িনবöæাচন হেল আওয়ামী লীেগর öìমতাসীন হওয়ার স÷kাবনা উöõ÷fল এবং এ কারেণই তাড়াতািড় িনবöæাচেনর বöåব÷হা করা উিচত÷‰
অনöåিদেক সা÷mপöãিতক রাজৈনিতক পিরি÷হিত স÷mপেকöæ সূ÷E জানায়, ধমöæিভি÷Gক রাজনীিত িনিষ÷P করা ও যু÷Pাপর
লােদশ মুসিলম েদশ হেলও দু÷'েদেশর রাজনীিত স÷mপূণöæ িভ÷X÷‰ বাংলােদেশ আওয়ামী লীগ েনতöàত÷hাধীন ধমöæ িনরেপöì বাঙািল জাতীয়তাবাদী শিöë যেথ÷y শিöëশালী÷‰ অপরিদেক পািক÷‚÷Iােনর রাজৈনিতক সং÷}öàিত অেনকটাই ধমöæিভি÷Gক÷‰ এ অব÷হায় বাংলােদেশ িনবöæাচন হেল আওয়ামী লীেগর öìমতাসীন হওয়ার স÷kাবনা উöõ÷fল এবং এ কারেণই তাড়াতািড় িনবöæাচেনর বöåব÷হা করা উিচত÷‰
অনöåিদেক সা÷mপöãিতক রাজৈনিতক পিরি÷হিত স÷mপেকöæ সূ÷E জানায়, ধমöæিভি÷Gক রাজনীিত িনিষ÷P করা ও যু÷Pাপরাধীেদর িবচােরর পöäেশ÷\ েয পিরেবশ সöàি÷y হেয়েছ তােক আেরা শিöëশালী করেত ভারতীয় কতöæöàপöì সাহাযöå সহেযািগতা কের যােöôছ÷‰ ÷€াধীনতাযুে÷Pর েসöêর কমা÷Vারেদর অিধকাংেশর সেöò ভারেতর নীিতিনধöæারকেদর সুস÷mপকöæেক কােজ লািগেয় পিরি÷হিত অনুকূেল িনেয় যাওয়ার উেদöåাগ েনয়া হেয়েছ÷‰ একিট েগােয়÷Zদা সূে÷E জানা যায়, একসময় ÷র÷' এর কােছ েগাপন দিললপ÷E হ÷‚÷Iা÷[÷Iেরর অিভেযােগ সাজাপöäা÷^ েমজর (অব.) শামছুল আেরিফন স÷mপöãিত িচিক÷Lসার নাম কের কলকাতায় যান ও রুিব েজনােরল হাসপাতােল ভিতöæ হন÷‰ েসখােন ভারেতর গু÷^চর সং÷হার কেয়কজন িসিনয়র কমöæকতöæা কেয়কবার তার সেöò öÛবঠক কেরন÷‰

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Re: [] Politically conscious !!!!! what a joke - does this gent think we all are fool???????

Dear Mr.Morshed Mamun
Pls take my salam.
At last,someone coming forward to explain the situation of our beloved country in this forum.Your below mail impressed me a lot & thus I am writing something here.
Every citizen should respect the law & orders of the country despite speaking ill of past people/leaders who are our glorious memories
Every citizen should be conscious like :
1. While spitting on road, he/she should knows that this is his/her own mother land and stop spitting
2. While scolding any poor people on the road, he/she should realize that this is his/her own mother land's people
3. While disobeying traffic laws on the road, he/she should realize that this is his/her own mother land's discipline
4. While snatching any people on the street, he/she should realize that this may happen with his/her own brothers/sisters
5. While taking unfairmeans in exam , he/she should realize that this will impact badly on the backbone of the nation
6. While taking bribe , he/she should realize that whether he/she can digest it.
 & so on..............
Best Regards

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 26 November, 2007 5:49 PM
Subject: [] Politically conscious !!!!! what a joke - does this gent think we all are fool???????

Dear All,

Apologise to all of you if I sound like am politically UNCONSCIOUS.

For many days am observing this politically conscious ( so conscious that he misunderstood the word "rap" to "rape" when there was a news regarding rift between Khaleda Zia and Mannan Bhuiyan) gentleman named Engr Anu coming up with some funny theories citing authentic documents ( he claims).

Today I could not resist to ask him few questions ( to raise me from my slumber, make me conscious) and also few more question to Mr.Biplob and other conscious blogger of this blog. Request to bear with me for a while.


Why research only on Zia? why not other leaders who governed our country starting from 1972. As a prudent researcher you should start from the birth of our country and identify the root causes for all our predicaments. Should not make any judgment taking things out of context only.

bb) How Amardesh newspaper became suddenly authentic? you yourself stated its an anti AL newspaper which infact means the paper is politically biased. Biased newspaper cannot be authentic, or you are trying to imply as this is an anti AL and so must be a pro BNP paper therefore as they are publishing something against Zia so it is authentic.

cc) Could you clarify what you meant by damages to Bangladesh and Bangalee? I understand the part damages to Bangladesh but a bit confused on Bangalee part. I believe in Bangladesh besides Bangalee there are millions of indigenous ( tribal) habitants so as per your research they are not affected Zia or you are trying to ignore their existence or alarmingly forcing them to become Bangalee ( believe this is the root cause of the Shanti Bahini movement).

Also there is many million Bangalee living in a large independent country ( incidentally we are dwarfed by this country)  United States Of India(named based on their structure of states and union). Are these Bangalees affected by Zia? For your research please remember beside Bangalee we have an independent identity - Bangladeshi - please don't shy away from using this identity on political perspective ( won't make you a jatiotabadee shoktee), check your passport ( if you still carry Bangladeshi one). Most of the middle eastern countries citizens are Arabs but they don't identify themselves as Arabs but Saudi, Jordanian or even Palestinian. An Irish American definitely will say am as American with Irish origin. Our national problem is not only Bangalees prob ( we cannot speak for bangalees of other part - we can only relate to). Think about it.

dd) During your research would also request you to find out why on 15th August ( also the independence day of India) 1975 Indian High Commission did not scheduled any Independence Day celebration programme? Usually cards and scheduled are distributed beforehand for this sort of programme.


AA) In one of your posting Dada you have appealed to save bangalee culture by citing alleged persecution of Taslima Nasreen. Could you please enlighten me on this. So far my knowledge goes Taslima became controversial or famous / infamous for her Islam bashing. What Islam bashing got to do with Bangalee culture?

bb) In your very recent compiled publication you have asked some question from readers of Quran and Muslim to answer some question but the answer has to be without Allah ( allahbihin). My my my you have the audacity dada. I don't wanna go on details as my knowledge on Islam itself is shallow but please do remember the word "ISLAM" means "complete submission". It is the unquestionable submission without any doubt. Islam is believing in unseen. No true muslim can think the unthinkable "ALLAHBIHIN"


AA) In this blog I always see many posting against Islam / Pakistan but why nothing on the atrocities like killing of innocent Bangladeshi citizens by BSF in border area? Why nothing on land port closure disrupting essential supply from Nepal?

bb) I ask all so called Intellect / free thinker / and believer of Bangalee culture why in India no Bangladeshi TV Channels are allowed? but we are flooded with all Indian Channels. Biplob da please take this matter up with Indian Information Ministry or policy maker as you have taken the mantle to save our Bangalee Culture. FYI all our channels are in Bangla

Can anyone cite an example of any Country be it backward / forward / democratic / secular where there is national holiday for all Major religions ( Eid, Puja, Bouddho Purnima, Christmas). We even have holiday to commemorate the birth of Hindu God Ram but India with 2nd highest Muslim population does not have holiday to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad(SW)

I sincerely apologise if I have hurt anybody's conscious.

Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2007 1:56 PM
Subject: [] Some black records - facts about ex President late General Zia (based on some authentic documents)

Dear politically conscious and enthusiastic readers, columnist & journalist.



I mentioning below some of the many black records - facts about ex President late General Zia (based on some authentic documents). I have collected these from different newspapers only.


  1. Zia and then his wife Khaleda Zia have only established Jamat -Shibir politically - economically - Said senior Journalist (anti Awami Legume minded) Mr. Foez Ahmed. For detail please read the news published in anti Awami League newspaper the Amadershomoy on 24.11.07




  1. Up to now in Bangladesh, inflation percentage was highest (18.46 %) during Zia era only .For detail please read the news published in anti Awami League newspaper the Naoyadigonta on 24.11.07



  1. Maximum numbers of people were hanged in Gen Zia era only (morethan70 %) 281 out of 400. For detail please read the news published in anti Awami League newspaper the Amadershomoy on 20.10.07
If any one know any more and any other odd & black records - facts about late President Gen Ziaur Rahman (based on documented proof & authentic documents), then would you please send me.


I am planning to make some research on late President Gen Ziaur Rahman, what damages he had done to Bangladesh and Bangalee.


Any logical comments, arguments will be cordially welcome.

"Sustha thakon, nirapade thakon ebong valo thakon"


Shafiqur Rahman Bhuiyan (ANU)

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[] Duty of CTG.

Dear Moderator,
The suggestion put forward by dina khan for CTG to ask mandate from the people of Bangladesh 'yes or no vote' for their legality, what I think and realize, this CTG came only for the time being to create a suitable atmosphere for running the election smoothly to avoid any vote rigging which was continuously going on for a long time, since after the independence of our country.
They are now busy in making voter I.D. card to make our people to cast their vote without any karchupi or vote rigging. After the liberation of our country Bangladesh, it is for the first time our people are going to have a chance to cast their vote with a clear voter I.D. card like other democratic countries in the world. Their time period is very short and it is only upto the end of 2008.
What dina khan suggests:
1) Reforming works in all sections
2) Trialing works for all kind of corruptions.
3) Investigating works to identify war criminals.
4) Trialing works of the war criminals along with the leaders who were in power not done trials against criminals last 36 years.
5) Function of opening nation wide quality schools for providing quality education to all category people for making them profession wise knowledge politician active skilled planner administrators executers & providing knowledge education nationwide all people to understand right or wrong. 
As per the above suggestions put forward by dina khan for the CTG to do, is it the proper time for CTG to accomplish those duties now, when they are busy at present in election procedure. Why not the future elected democratic govt should do it? Why CTG should do all these things for which they are not assigned to? They are assigned only to conduct a smooth and fair election,  and not more than that.  How CTG will do all of those suggested by dina khan within this short period  which our previous govt could not do for the last 37 years. Let the elected govt come and let them do the work as dina khan is now suggesting for the CTG to do. CTG have less time and they are to do many things to conduct the election within this short time.
Dr. Siraj uddowllah, Windsor, Canada.
----- Original Message ----
From: dina khan
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 11:37:00 PM
Subject: [] Is it results of reform?????????????????????? Present CTG may seek people mandate by Yes & No Vote election system to continue its administration for doing reformation jobs being claimed by Bangladeshi people around the world.
The duty of present CTG are doing reforming works in all sectors by creating neutral administration according to the service guide rules for conducting fair & neutral election.
Accordingly for reformation works it is also most essential duty to the CTG to reform all political party for establishing party democracy & party administration neutrally honestly & democratically according to the party constriction for conducting fair & neutral Election.
1) Reforming works in all sections
2) Trialing works for all kind of corruptions.
3) Investigating works to identify war criminals.
4) Trialing works of the war criminals along with the leaders who were in power not done trials against criminals last 36 years.
5) Function of opening nation wide quality schools for providing quality education to all category people for making them profession wise knowledge politician active skilled planner administrators executers & providing knowledge education nationwide all people to understand right or wrong.
mahathir of bd wrote:
Dear Bangladeshi,
In the previous time , two mouth piece of civil society have played crucial role in  showing us   the cadres used  by differnt political leaders.  their photographers captured these cadres in the circle of  camera with red marks
but  now we are not getting such  photographs from these  photographars and no such report .
is it results of reform that these civil society  have brought by the CTG.
See the link below it will be clear to you
http://www.amadersh news.php? id=212722&sys=1
http://bhorerkagoj. net/online/ news.php? id=12918&sys=1
Then the read the report fromt he mouth piece of civil society
http://www.thedaily story.php? nid=11714
http://www.prothom- news.details. php?nid=MTE4OTQ=
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------
Sobhan Allah-  Only Allah flawless
           Alhamdulillah - All praise to be of Allah
                   Allah hu Akbar - Allah, the Greatest
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------Would Be Mahathir of BD
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Is this CTG is better than Ershad  in case of political party reform?????? ????????? ??
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[] Re: [] Send Taslima Nasreen to a Gulag ! - Attention Mr Azad..The honest professional duty of police is to keep peaceful law & order as good administrator to build secured human society.

Dear Ms Dina Khan
The police by itself is an evil, at it's best, a necessary EVIL.
Whatever may be the meaning of the word POLICE, the things does not
go by books: there is a gulf of difference between the theory and the practice.
In the our sub-continent (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh), the POLICE
forces are the most corrupt group in the bureaucracies. There is no such thing
as a honest Police Officer (or police employee). 
The use of Police Force to  subpress the dissidents is the worst thing
for human civilizations. In matter of opposing views and non-violent protests
or an adverse interpretation of a religion or an ideology the tolerance is an
essential part of  democracy.
Taslima Nasrin is a non-violent dissidents and should have been nullified
by forceful argument (if any) not by declearing a bounty on her head.
Taslima's basic rights have been violated.... the main duty of the Police
and the state is to protect her rights not go by the dictum or blackmailing
of the Islamists.
In Taslima matters the religious fundamentalists are the worst & violent culprits.
Your beloved Police State(s) did not do anything to supress & punish those culprits.
Taslima's protest is against all kinds of patriarchy irrespective of any religion.
Taslima may be put to a Gulag as you suggest, or may be killed by a bounty
hunter as Maulana Habibur Rahman et. el. wanted.! But her ideas will prevail...
You will see many more Taslimas in Bangladesh in the years to come.
I do not personally approve Taslima's Psuedo-Feminist actions because it often
hurts the main stream women's rights movements in Bangledesh. But I think
she got her points which very much plausible. Her voices against the "FatawaBazi"
in Bangladesh must be commended and aplauded. Only the wearer knows where
the shoe pintches. Most Male-Chauvanists patriarchs would never understand the
pains of a subjugated woman in Bangladesh or elsewhere in the world.
More and more I see that you are confused & biased  and MIXED UP.
Are you a retired police man [ or wife of a retired police man] ?
A. Rahim Azad.

On 11/26/07, dina khan <> wrote:

Mr Azad
Can you please try to understand the meaning of the word "POLICE"??
The Police is the forcees whose duty is to maitain lawful administration to protect humanity human right secured peaceful atmosphere in the society.
Democracy is not meaning to do any thing to say any word which create problem create disruption. It needs to lean how to build enlighted human good society by providing honest information which is universal truth.
It is now essential for Bangladesh Govt. to take legal action against of all kind corruptions & to provide nation quality education for creating job basis/ professional  basis skilled honest creative persons who can build the country as good nation. 
The honest professional duty of police is to keep peaceful law & order as good administrator to build secured human society..

AbdurRahim Azad <> wrote:
Ms Dina Khan
E X C E L L E N T E !!!!!

So you want to create another GULAG for Taslima Nasrin.  Hopefuly, that will turn


Bangladesh into the latest Gulag  Archipelago of 21st century!
I wonder if stalinism is really dead .....
Ms Dina Khan, Your contribution towads making Bangladesh
into a police state will always be remembered by the Islam-passands !!!
A. Rahim Azad
Dhaka, Bangladesh
On 11/25/07, dina khan < > wrote:
It seems that now the secured & correct place of Taslima Nasreen is the Special Jail House where special facilities should be arranged for her to provide  proper quality education to know & to learn what is the real term & meaning by nature of humanity & human right along with the women's responsibility in the building  of family life & in caring the children  as mom  & about the aim of religious faith according to the nature of the universal creation for rebuildng the enlighted good human society.

AbdurRahim Azad <Arahim.azad@gmail.


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[] collecting New/Used clothing

Dear Friends,


Dhaka Club New York is collecting the New/Used clothing until Dec 14th, 2007. ATN Bangla will take the responsibility for shipment. All collected clothing will ship on Dec 16th as per Mr. Badol from Dhaka Club. I have confirmed with ATN Bangla and Dhaka Club. We will have to collect by 10th of Dec, and hand to Dhaka Club before 14th of Dec. Please come forward and help the Cyclone Victims. For more information please contact with following individuals:


Luna Mahbub 571-331-5363

Wasi Islam (Gorky) 703--886-4568

Reem Choudhury 703-342-6265

Mashrur 703-728-3676

Inam Haque 571-238-9656/703-550-0920




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[] New/Used clothing donation

Dear friends,

As you are aware, the victims of the Cyclone affected areas in
Bangladesh really need our assistance now more than ever. As part of
a new initiative to help these victims, we are collecting new or used
clothing. In a time of crisis, after the fundamental needs of water
and food, clothing is another essential necessity.

The president of ATN Bangla, Mr. Mahfuzur Rahman in NY has promised
that he will pay for all required shipping expenses to send the
collected clothing for the victims to Bangladesh . So, all we need to
do is collect the clothing items from our DC Metro area as much as we
can. Please keep in mind, any help is crucial at this point.

We urge you, please come forward and give a lending hand by
collecting and donating clothes for the Bangladeshi victims. If you
can collect from your work (Winter Clothes) please do so bring it to
your nearest volunteer. We need more volunteers in DC, VA and
Maryland , so if you want to lend a hand of assistance, please
contact one of the following individuals:

Luna Mahbub 571-331-5363
Wasi Islam (Gorky) 703--886-4568
Reem Choudhury 703-342-6265
Mashrur 703-728-3676
Inam Haque 571-238-9656/703-550-0920

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[] Re: [] Article on: BAKSAL

Mr. NetZero M.Anwar
It does not tell us anything about today's Awami League. It tells us more
about our "national character."  It is the land of sea-justice [Motso Nayer Desh
- Big fish will eat the small fishes - this is supposedly "normal and acceptable"].
The People's Republic of Bangladesh declared itself  to have a State-Religion - Islam.
Within a  decade or so after that It became the most corrupt country in the world.
What has happened in our recent past is diplorable, and the blame is due on everyone,
nor just BNP or AL or Hasina and Khaleda. Other institutions including armed forces
and bureaucray are equally responsible.
Did you forget only a year ago, you yourself was one of "the greatest sycophant
imaginable" of Tarek Zia. Just imagine how quickly you have changed your color.
A fair weather friend : Su Somoye Anekei Bondhu Bote Hoi, Asomoye Hai, Hai,
Keho Karo Noi. 
"Alas for Tarek Zia's rarity of the Islamic brotherhood under the sun !
Oh it is pityful, near a whole cityful, for friend he has none......."
It is a Free-Market economy ... and anyone who could, got a free ride....
[More  later ..]
Syed Aslam
On 11/26/07, <> wrote:

Attn: Syed Aslam,

The fact about BKSAL is that, most Awami lovers betrayed Sheikh Mujib''s dream project and abandoned his BKSAL project. I donot know how Sheikh Shaheb could have treated them, if he is alive today.




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[] Article on: BAKSAL


This article is being sent as a background material. I personally do not have

any direct knowledge of Baksal per se. Recently, I have seen some posts by

Mr. NetZero Anwar which uses the word Baksal/Bakshalism out of context, as

a slogan, to stymie others who has different perspectives.


This sender does not endorse or oppose the contents of this article. Readers

are requested to present authentic articles about Bakshal, so that we get a

clear overview about the political phenomena seen in Bangladesh during mid to

late seventies. [No slogan mongering please !] 

Article on: BAKSAL
Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League
(BAKSAL) the only legally recognised party of Bangladesh founded on 7 June 1975 following the Fourth Amendment to the constitution of Bangladesh. Under the Fourth Amendment (Article 117A), bangabandhu sheikh mujibur rahman was entrusted with the responsibility of forming a new 'national party' which would try, on the one hand, to tackle the social, political and economicdestabilisation consequent upon the war of liberation , and on the other, reconstruct the nation from the debris of the war. Thus authorised, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman formed a national party which he named Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League. The rules of BAKSAL required all other parties and associations including various services and forces to join the national party and work unitedly in fighting corrosive forces and in rebuilding the nation. Elaborating on the various aspects, scopes and prospects of BAKSAL, Sheikh Mujib characterised it as a 'second revolution'.
In seeking national unity, the Fourth Amendment provided that no person could continue to remain a member of parliament unless he joined the national party before a time fixed by the President. BAKSAL, the new national party, was scheduled to replace officially the nation's other politicalorganisations and associations on 1 September 1975. Many restrictive regulations coming from the BAKSAL included the promulgation of the Newspaper Ordinance (June 1975) under which the declarations of all but four state owned newspapers were annulled.
Organisationally, President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the BAKSAL chairman, appointed for the national party a fifteen-member executive committee, a 115-member central committee, and five frontorganisations, namely, Jatiya Krishak League, Jatiya Sramik League, Jatiya Mahila League, Jatiya Juba League and Jatiya Chhatra League. All members of the executive committee were to enjoy the status of ministers. BAKSAL was also designed to overhaul the administrative system of the country in order to make it people-oriented. Reforming the elitist bureaucracy was one major aim of theparty. The reorganised bureaucracy under the new system was to stand on two pillars, the central committee at the national level and the administrative council at the district level. Every existing sub-division was to be turned into a district headed by an elected governor.
The administrative council would comprise the members of the Parliament of the district, BAKSAL representatives, and district officials belonging to civil, police and security forces. The governor would be the chief executive of the district with deputy commissioner as his secretary. Such a scheme of local government was a complete departure from the colonial and post-colonial systems that Bangladesh had inherited. It was felt that the district governor system would destroy the vestiges of the exploitative colonial bureaucracy and bring the administration closer to the people and make independence politically and economically meaningful to them. BAKSAL also envisaged large scalenationalisation of private concerns with a view to eliminating social and economic inequalities and exploitations.
In short, BAKSAL, as a system, aimed at achieving an exploitation-free and socialist economic and administrative order more or less close in spirit and contents to the systems of government in contemporary socialist countries.
The new system, in fact, created a lot of misgivings and revulsion amongst the bureaucracy, army, and civil society. Many of the people who had supported Bangabandhu for his role as a democratic activist, were unhappy to see him as the champion of an authoritarian single party system. However, before the BAKSAL system was put to full operation, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was brutally killed (15 August 1975) with other members of his family at his residence. BAKSAL was neither abrogated nor operational until April 1979 when it was removed from the Constitution and a multi-party system reintroduced. [Sirajul Islam]




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